
, , , webonline – October 7, 2010 § 0

the response has been a mixture of equanimity and stunned silence. In Sweden, by comparison, thousands of people took to the streets when the first far-right MPs were elected that same month.
Wilders (PVV) has agreed to lend his support in parliament to a minority government of conservative Liberals (PVV) and the smaller Christian Democrats (CDA) + in return: freedom to pursue many of his favorite policy projects, including anti-immigrant measures and several openly anti-Muslim initiatives, including a burqa ban and closer monitoring of Islamic schools.
Even though PVV will not take ministerial responsibility, the coalition does depend on his support for its survival and has signed a formal agreement to that extent.
Denmark has had a similar construction in place since 2001, but its right-wing People’s Party is almost moderate compared with Wilders’ Party for Freedom.
The party’s platform calls Islam “mostly a political ideology” and wishes to deny it any of the considerations afforded a religion in the Netherlands.
Wilders: Prophet Mohammed is a “barbarian and a pedophile.”
“They are trying to hide his role, but it is clear that he is part of this government, whether he has a seat in it or not,” says Mariko Peters (GreenLeft).
Wilders sometimes makes the likes of Fox News host Glenn Beck, anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller, and even the most extreme fringes of the Tea Party crowd look like moderates.
Several Dutch media outlets have delved into ideological and financial ties between Wilders and American archconservatives such as David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes, and Jim DeMint.
Just as opponents of the Park51 project have accused its imam, Faisal Abdul Rauf, of radicalism, Wilders has tried to link the people behind a mosque that he opposes, Rotterdam’s Essalam mosque, to Islamic extremism. He suggested in parliamentary questions this January that the main donor for the mosque’s construction, Dubai’s Crown Prince Hamdan bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, could have ties to Afghanistan’s Taliban.
He has called for a “head rag tax” on women wearing headscarves. He favors banning the Quran, wants to close Muslim schools but not equivalent Christian or Jewish ones, wants to force immigrants to sign “assimilation contracts,” and wants to include the “Judeo-Christian character” of the state in the constitution.
Pijpers says that Wilders has more in common with the Tea Party activists in the United States than with any old-style European right-wing party, because he can’t really be classified as either right-wing or left-wing.
His party has also embraced a left-wing populist defense of the Netherlands’ besieged welfare system, and he scores points with his tough stance against crime, which he often links to immigrants.
His outspokenness has made him a hated figure for some Muslims, and he lives under constant police protection. Recently, an Australian imam called for his beheading, the last in a long line of threats. Wilders himself argued in July on the website muslimsdebate.com that he does not hate Muslims — he just opposes Islam and wants Muslims to liberate themselves from its shackles. Strikingly, he seems to have formed his low opinion of Arab and Muslim societies at a young age when he visited both Israel and Egypt and contracted a stomach bug in the latter.
In July, Wilders announced that he was setting up a Geert Wilders International Freedom Alliance aimed at stopping Muslim immigration to the West. He designated the United States as one of five countries that were “ripe” for his alliance, and he may have had this confirmed at the 9/11 rally in New York. Says Golyardi, “He sees that there are people who agree with him all over the world, and he wants to provide an umbrella for them, to found an anti-Islam international.”
Earlier, Wilders had even appealed to mainstream opinion in the United States and Europe by opposing the planned burning of the Quran in Florida, even though he has compared the Quran to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
assertions by some Dutch politicians and analysts that once Wilders has been co-opted into the system, as he now is, his sharp edges will be blunted.
The mildness detected in his New York speech was at the time taken as a green light for the other parties to proceed with the talks and eventually reach an agreement with him.


, dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

born 29 Reims.fr, father- civil servant, studied German at Sorbonne, phd: “Thèse de troisième cycle: Le Système des objets” (66, under Lefebvre), habilitation: “L’Autre par lui-même” (72)
prof of German in Lycee 58-66, prof of sociology at uni of Nanterre 72-87, prof of phil of culture and media criticism at European Graduate School 01-
scientific director at IRIS at uni de Paris Dauphine 86-90

the mirror of production (75)
simulacres et simulation (81)
the gulf war did not take place (95)
america (86)

Instead of having experiences, people observe spectacles, via real or metaphorical control screens.
Instead of the real, we have simulation and simulacra.

4 logics of objects = 4 categories for value of commodities:
– functional value = Marx’ use value, “a pen writes”, “diamond ring adorning otherwise empty hand”
– exchange value, economic value, “a pen is worth three pencils”, “diamond ring as 3 months’ salary”
– symbolic exchange value, value in relation to another subject, “pen as a graduation present or speaker’s gift”, “diamond ring as love between 2 individuals”
– sign exchange value, value in system of objects, “pen as a part of desk set, or particular pen as a social status”, “biggest diamond ring as a highest social status”

keywords: realtime, end of history, disappearance.
..What’s beyond the end? Well, beyond the end, there is virtual reality, that is to say, the horizon of a programmed reality in which all our physiological and social functions (memory, affect, intelligence, sexuality, work) gradually become useless. Beyond the end, in the era of the transpolitical, the transaesthetic, or the transsexual, all our desiring machines first become tiny mechanisms of spectacle, and finally turn into celibate machines which exhaust all their capabilities in an empty vortex, as in Duchamp’s work. The countdown is the code for the automatic disappearance of the world. What’s left to be done when everything is already calculated, subtracted, realized in advance? Our problem is no longer what to do with real events, with real violence, but what to do with events that did not take place, that never had the time to take place? No longer the question: what are you doing after the orgy, the orgy of history, of freedom, of modernity? But rather: what are you doing when the orgy no longer takes place?..
..History, for example, ends with information and the creation of the instantaneous event..
..The retrospective curving of historical space, which in a sense resembles the recurrence of physical and cosmological space, is perhaps the big discovery of the end of the millennium..
..There is no better allegory for this fatal countdown than Arthur Clarke’s novel Nine Billion Names of God. A community of Tibetan monks is in charge of detailing and copying down all the names given to God. There are nine billion names. According to the prophecy, at the end of the countdown, once the last name is written down, the world comes to an end. But the monks are getting tired and, to go faster, they turn to IBM experts who come to the rescue with a bunch of computers. The work is done in three months. It is as if world history were to end in a few seconds thanks to a virtual intervention. Unfortunately, this also marks the disappearance of the world in real time. The prophecy of the end of the world which corresponds to the exhaustion of all of God’s names becomes true. On their way down from the mountain, the IBM technicians (who previously did not believe a word of the story) can see all the stars in the sky disappear one by one..
.. If history is a movie (which indeed it has become through its immediate retro-projection), the ‘truth’ in the news media is nothing more than the post-synchronizing, the dubbing, and the sub-titling of the film..
..In A Critique of Political Economy, Marx states that “mankind only poses problems that it can solve… We notice that a problem arises when the material conditions of its solution already exist or, at least, when they are about to exist.” But it is not like this anymore. Our jump into the virtual world unsettles all the material conditions that Marx was talking about, and deprives historical conditions of any dialectical solution. In a sense, the virtual is history’s final solution and the end result of real conflicts. Today, this means that humankind (or those who think on its behalf) only comes up with problems when they have already been solved. They have been virtually surpassed, or the system has displaced them by absorbing their occurrence. But wasn’t it already like this in Marx’s time? The emergence of the notions of class and struggle, the birth of a historical conscience: aren’t these indicative of the moment when humankind ceased to be violent and irreducible? This is reminiscent of Foucault and his analysis of power. When he starts to analyze power, isn’t it already the sign that power no longer has any political meaning, that it has lost its object? When ethnology looks at primitive societies, it means that they have already disappeared. Analysis itself is part of the process of disappearance..


dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

11 cauac XI

wrote Lovecraft’s bio 91
94 Extension of the Battlefield
98 Elementary Particles, 300.000 sold
01 Platform

Frederic Beigbeder one evening not long ago popped a Moody Blues ballad into his CD player and saw Houellebecq burst into tears: ‘He started crying, crying. Finally he explained that at all the parties when he was 18, all the boys and girls slow-danced to this song, but he was alone and no one talked to him because he was ugly.. he loves pathetic – all his work is about being pathetic’.

mountain-guide father and an anesthesiologist mother, hippie parents, at 6 shipped off to a communist grandmother SW of Paris, 78 she died, frequently depressed, at 18 rejected for military service because of a morphine addiction, in 80 graduated from college with a degree in agricultural engineering, married sister of a classmate, had a son and 84 divorced, within a few years, he was unemployed, drinking heavily and in and out of mental hospitals, where he was treated for anxiety, poet in 80s, since 91 computer admin in French National Assembly, 98 wife Marie-Pierre, 99 moves to Ireland near Cork from Paris, plan to move to a house on an island off the SW coast of Ireland where there are more sheep than people, doesnt like to speak English, asocial, Jim Beam, 00 has recorded a CD of his poems and tours France with a rock band, is directing an erotic film for the Canal Plus network, maintains an open marriage, frequents swingers’ clubs, estimates that he sleeps with 25 women a year, has no idea where his parents are today – or even if they are alive.

infl: Baudelaire, Brave New World and Island by Aldous Huxley, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, Kant, Auguste Comte, The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, The Book of Kells, and… Pif le Chien (a comic strip)

‘pop star of the single generation’, ‘nihilist’, NY Times: ‘deeply repugnant read’, ‘France’s biggest literary sensation in 20 years’.
To 20-somethings, he’s a hero; to baby boomers, he’s a menace to society. He is also considered by turns a pornographer, a Stalinist, a racist, a sexist, a nihilist, a reactionary, a eugenicist and a homophobe.

Extension of the Battlefield — features a physically repellent software technician whose unrealistic obsession is to find a woman who will have sex with him. Instead of losing his virginity, he ends up losing his life in a car crash.

Elementary Particles — story of Bruno and Michel, a pair of half-brothers who are palmed off to grandparents at a tender age by irresponsible hippie parents. Bruno grows up to become a self-loathing, sex-obsessed psychiatric patient who, though ‘prepared to go to the ends of the earth’ for nubile flesh ‘wrapped in a miniskirt’, is rarely satisfied. He abandons the one woman who loves him, when she becomes a wheelchair-bound invalid. As for Michel, he becomes a chronically depressed molecular biologist who commits suicide off the Irish coast – but not without leaving a blueprint for establishing a new species of perfectly rational human clones, the only hope for saving mankind from self-destruction.

Houellebecq said that having money has changed his life in one crucial respect only: it has allowed him to escape ‘the nightmare’ of being an employee.
‘I don’t like to eat, I only like sex.’
‘We live in a world in which there are no more links. We’re just particles. It’s a simple metaphor.’
Marie-Pierre: ‘Michel’s not depressed. It’s the world that’s depressing.’


, dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

*9th century
1.2mil + 0.3 working nonresidents
13th, charles IV, bridge, st vitus cathedral [gothic], uni, prague 3rd largest in europe
18th, prague = hradcany + mala strana + stare mesto + nove mesto
art noveau / baroque / cubist / gothic / neoclassical / ultramodern
8 uni (uk, cvut..)
aug 02 flooding
tram *05, bus *08, trolleybus *36, metro *74, ruzyne airport
castle said to be the biggest in the world at about 570m length and an average of about 130m wide

-18 austria-hungary, 18-38 csr, 39-45 protektorat cechy a morava, 45-60 csr, 60-90 cssr, 90-92 csfr, 93- cr

18 tomas garrigue masaryk 850.3.7-37 pi 3 lamat IV
35 edvard benes 884.5.28-48 ta 2 ahau IV
38 emil hacha 872.7.12-46 ca 9 chicchan* IX
45 benes // 45 klement gottwald 896.11.23-53 11 cauac XI
48 gottwald
53 antonin zapotocky 884.12.19-57 12 chicchan II // antonin novotny 04.12.10-75 sa 10 cib II
57 novotny
68 ludvik svoboda 895.11.24-79 sa 11 men* VI // 68 alexander dubcek 21.11.27-92 sa 1 lamat XIII
// 69 gustav husak 13.1.10-91 cp 10 manik+ VII
75 husak
// 87 milos jakes 22.8.12 le 12 cimi XIII
89 vaclav havel 36.10.5 li 2 oc* XI



dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

wikipedia “free encyclopedia” = nupedia + wiki, 50+ languages
*01.1 by Larry Sanger (Nupedia) + Ben Kovitz (programmer) + sponsored by Jimbo Wales (Bomis president)
// Nupedia *00.3-03.9 Jimmy Wales + Larry Sanger
// Wales: “We recruited academics to write the articles. We had a peer review board. After nearly two years of work and an enormous amount of money, I think we had 12 articles to show for it.”
“Wikipedia owes its success to the presence of a strong core group of well-educated and articulate contributors from around the world who together maintain community standards of civility, quality and neutrality.”
“three strikes” vandalism policy is fairly easy to enforce. Most vandals get a two-strikes allowance. On the third offense, administrators block the offending poster’s I.P. address, preventing them from accessing the site. Though some find a new way back in, taunting the admins as they do so, most casual vandals get bored and find other places to ply their hatred.
“neutral point of view”, neutral content policy, bez zaujatosti
based on wiki technology, open knowledge, can be improved by anyone, content free of charge, w/o ads
licensed under GNU FDL
operated by nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation Inc
wiktionary *02.12, dictionary+thesaurus, words in all languages, a free dictionary
wikiquote *03.6, a collection of notable quotations
wikibooks *03.7, free textbooks for schools and universities {ucebnice, manualy // recept na vegansku indicku Aloo Masala, ucebnica XML}
wikisource, a collection of public domain or FDL-licensed texts, {the communist manifesto, bible, zdrojak Perlu, text turkmenskej hymny, vysledky regionalnych volieb vo Francuzsku}
mediawiki, sw na ktorom fachci wikipedia, open source wiki engine

music video directors in film

, dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

* Spike Jonze 69 13 eb III: videos– Beastie Boys, Bjork, Fatboy Slim, Weezer; films– Being John Malkovich (99), Adaptation (02); cocreated Jackass; 99-03 married to Sofia Coppola
* Michel Gondry 65 fr: videos– 6x Bjork, White Stripes, Chem Bros, Kylie Minogue; ads– levi’s, smirnoff; invented ‘bullet time’ technique (sequence slowed down, frozen, camera rotates around); films– Human Nature (01), Eternal Sunshine.. (04) both screenpl by Kaufman
* David Fincher 62 ta 10 eb* X co/denver: animator; videos– Madonna, George Michael, Aerosmith, Rolling Stones; ads; films– Alien 3 (92), Se7en (95), The Game (97), Fight Club (99), Panic Room (02)
* Julien Temple 53 sa 6 manik XII uk/london: rockumentaries– Sex Pistols (80) + The Filth and the Fury (00), Mod culture; films– Bullet (96), Pandaemonium (01)
* Russell Mulcahy 53 ca 6 chuen IV au/melbourne: videos– Elton John, Duran Duran, Billy Joel, Spandau Ballet
* Singh Tarsem 61 ge 12 akbal VI in: films– The Cell (00)

Introduction to Social Network Analysis

, , dusan/ntsonline – October 7, 2010 § 0

An Introduction to Social Network Analysis —
* degrees– s kolkatimi ludmi som priamo spojeny, castokrat “the more connections, the better” pristup when one connects only those who are already connected to each other; what really matters is where those connections lead to — and how they connect the otherwise unconnected,
* betweenness– ludia na spojeniach medzi inak nespojenymi skupinami, bez nich by info medzi nimi netieklo,
* closeness– ak mam blizke spojenia s ludmi, som rychlejsie pri info, ale zase nie som s vela ludmi,
* boundary spanners– are well-positioned to be innovators, since they have access to ideas and information flowing in other clusters. They are in a position to combine different ideas and knowledge, found in various places, into new products and services,
* peripheral players– are often connected to networks that are not currently mapped, making them very important resources for fresh information not available inside the group,
* Network Centralization– a very centralized network is dominated by one or a few very central nodes. If these nodes are removed or damaged, the network quickly fragments into unconnected sub-networks,
* Structural Equivalence – determine which nodes play similar roles in the network,
* Cluster Analysis – find cliques and other densely connected clusters,
* Structural Holes – find areas of no connection between nodes that could be used for advantage or opportunity,
* E/I Ratio – find which groups in the network are open or closed to others,
* Small Worlds – find node clustering, and short path lengths, that are common in networks exhibiting highly efficient small-world behavior.

guy (2004): Deaf art/science quotes

, , dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

seven plus or minus two (miller)

“What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead” (norbert wiener)

“To live effectively is to live with adequate information.” (norbert wiener)

Progress imposes not only new possibilities for the future but new restrictions (norbert wiener)

we stand in relation to the world as in a mirror that does not tell us how the world is (varela)

the fact that we can coordinate our own sense data into recurrent structures can never prove that these structures are ontologically real
(Ernst von Glasersfeld)

Break the pattern which connects the items of learning, and you necessarily destroy all quality (Gregory Bateson)

some sort of self-fulfilment, occurs in all organisations and human cultures (Gregory Bateson)

A living system, due to its circular organization, is an inductive system and functions always in a predictive manner; what occurred once will occur again. Its organization (both genetic and otherwise) is conservative and repeats only that which works (Humberto Maturana)

disagreements can only be solved by entering a domain of co-inspiration, in which things are done together because the participants want to do them
(humberto maturana)

the self resides in no place at all, but merely manifests itself in the continuity of our acts of differentiating and relating and in the intuitive certainty we have that our experience is truly ours (Ernst von Glasersfeld)

I would be inclined to argue that all of us would be better off if we set out to be something other than what we are (george kelly)

Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin.
John von Neumann

There’s no sense in being precise when you don’t even know what you’re talking about.
John von Neumann

The lie has long since lost its honest function of misrepresenting reality. adorno

“for machines that deal with people rather than people that deal with machines!” (mxhz.org)

“everything that can be marketed will eventually vanish” (mxhz.org)

Synthetic Pleasures

, , , , , dusan/ntsonline – October 7, 2010 § 0

environment transformation via technology:
– indoor beaches (Seagaia, also known as Ocean Dome)
– ski slopes (SSAWS, acronym for Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter: Snow) of Japan.
– high-tech casinos and artificial nature of Las Vegas, American shopping malls and theme parks
– SimCity (Maxis)
– CAD (Computer Animated Design) Institute in Phoenix (the first educational institution to offer a degree in Virtual Reality)
– Virtual World, a virtual arcade facility
= no seasons, no danger, no discomfort, no travel; world as a package; selfenclosed, manmade worlds; abandoning nature for synthetic version; virtual as ultimate synthetic

human body transformation via genetic engineering, plastic surgery, biotechnology:
– Orlan: “I am attracted to plastic surgery because it is a fight against nature, the idea of God, the programmed, the DNA which is in charge of representation. I believe the body is not sacred as religion taught us, it is just a costume that can be changed.”
– Robert Ettinger, President of the Cryonics Institute, who is attempting to achieve immortality through the freezing of human bodies
– Max More, President of the Extropy Institute (a society of progressive futurists), looks forward to a future where mankind will have transcended the limitations of nature through the advancement of nanotechnology (molecular robotics) and the creation of cyborgs (human-machines): “I don’t think robots are going to replace human beings. I think that what we are going to see is more of a merger of human beings and robots, to become some kind of combined organism…there will be a whole spectrum.”
– transsexual cyberpunks, Limelight Club in New York City.
– body piercing

moods / personality / consciousness transformation by cosmetic pharmacology:
– prozac
– smart drugs, psychedelics
– RU Sirius: “Our culture is starting to view drugs as information. You take a particular combination of chemicals to create a particular response in your brain and in your nervous system, and you find that response useful in getting a different view of reality, a different photo- graph from a different angle, and you use that for whatever you need to create.”
= we are able to change subjective experience to suit our needs and desires

– Steve Roberts (editor of High-Tech Nomadness) proposes the possibility of nomadic (yet connected) lifestyles in the digital age. We see him cruising natural landscapes on his Behemoth, a computerized, 105-speed bicycle which he designed himself. The on-board monitor displays a map, a virtual landscape, pin-pointed with blips representing his virtual friends spread out across the Internet/terrain.

Cramer : software/code

, , dusan/ntsonline – October 7, 2010 § 0

The computer programs for example which calculate the credit line of checking accounts or control medical instruments in an emergency station can’t be meaningfully called “media”.

algorithmic vs digitized
Contrary to conventional data like digitized images, sound and text documents,
the algorithmic instruction code allows a generative process.
It uses computers for computation,
not only as storage and transmission media.
And this precisely distinguishes program code from
non-algorithmic digital code,
describing for example the difference between algorithmic composition on the one hand and
audio CDs/mp3 files on the other,
between algorithmically generated text and
or between a graphical computer “demo” and
a video tape.

A piano score, even a 19th century one, is software when its instruction code can be executed by a human pianist as well as on a player piano.
~ software can be executed by humans, not only by computers

Literature is a conceptual art in that is not bound to objects and sites, but only to language.. Since formal language is a language, software can be seen and read as a literature.


, dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

patterns in the music, arts and sociology (Ward, 2001).
Ward, Mark (2001) Universality: The underlying theory behind life, the universe and everything, Macmillan, London.

seriality ~ physical, synchronicity ~ psychical

Seriality is a concept coined by Paul Kammerer in 1919 with the publication of his book Das Gesetz der Series. Kammerer viewed seriality as a “law”, like gravity or entropy, and the recurrence of same and/or similar events was so regular as to negate the term coincidence.

Synchronicity is a term coined by Carl Jung in his essay Synchronicity: An A-Causal Connecting Principle.

there were three main categories in Kammerer’s classification: typology, morphology and systematisation. Typology refers to similar names, numbers, events and so forth in a series. Morphology refers to the number of consecutive sequences. And systematisation is what Koestler (1971, p. 139) refers to as ‘homologous and analogous series, pure and hybrid series, inverted series’ and so on.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Austrian biologist Paul Kammerer (880-40 le 1 imix* I) advanced his little-known but thought-provoking theory of seriality. Kammerer supposed that events, objects, or occurrences of a like kind assemble together in space and time through unknown and acausal means. Kammerer defined seriality as “a lawful recurrence, or clustering, in time and space whereby individual members of the sequence-as far as can be ascertained by careful analysis-are not connected by the same active source.”(1) Where Jung’s synchronicity deals with the relationship between subjectivity and the external world, Kammerer’s seriality is more concerned with patterns and groupings of objects that occur in the environment. Many of us have had the experience whereby we encounter a new word for the first time and, surprisingly, we encounter it numerous times after its initial introduction into our lives. For instance, someone rolls off a particularly mellifluous sounding word in conversation, “insouciant,” that piques your curiosity but you have no idea of its meaning. Shortly after hearing it the first time, you read it in a book, someone else uses it in conversation-and someone else.

Kammerer suggested that these events revealed a heretofore unrecognized law of nature which tended to bring like and like together

DJ Spooky at Rhythm Science 2004, p13: “Kammerer was looking for the algorithms of everyday life – how patterns appear, and how their structures can affect all aspects of the creative act.. Kammerer’s idea of sequential reality and process-oriented events was one of the first systematic attempts at figuring out a rhythm of everyday life in an industrial context.”

The process of becoming intuitively aware and acting in harmony with the synchronicities is what Jung labelled “individuation” (process by which components of an individual are integrated into a more indivisible whole)

Some think that a scientific basis for the phenomena of synchronicity may be related to the principle of correlation, since a more precise scientific term for Jung’s expression ‘acausal connecting principle’ is ‘correlation’.
It is a well-known scientific principle that ‘correlation does not imply causation’. Yet, correlation may in fact be a physical property shared by events without there being a classical cause-effect relationship. This is most clearly seen in the correlation effects of quantum physics, where widely separated events can be correlated without being linked by a direct physical cause-effect.

suicide bombers

dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

suicide bombers

term “suicide bombing” became commonplace after the attack on a US Marine barracks in Beirut in 83.
arabs: “human bomb”, “shahid” (martyr, “person who died in a Jihad in order to testify his faith in Allah”)
bush, 02: “homicide bombing”

jp samurais, jp ww2 (anti us),
vietnam (anti fr), kurdistan (anti tr),
palestina (anti isr/us), tamils,
iraqi (anti us)

Seppuku, honorable suicide, was part of samurai duty.
During the Crusades, the Knights Templar destroyed one of their own ships, killing 140 Christians in order to kill ten times as many Muslims.
In ww2, japanese kamikaze pilots acted as “human missiles” by flying their planes, heavily laden with explosives, directly into enemy warships. chiefly against United States Navy aircraft carriers.
The Japanese Navy also used both one and two man piloted torpedoes called kaitens (midget submarines) on suicide missions. After aiming a two-person kaiten at their target, the two crew members were to embrace and shoot each other in the head.
After ww2, Viet Minh “death volunteers” were used against the French colonial army.
Kurdistan Workers Party.
During the Al-Aqsa Intifada the Palestinians (groups Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade) have attempted to kill Israelis using suicide bombers nearly every single day. usually crowded civilian targets.
The Tamil Tigers have committed 75 (mostly female) suicide bombings since 80.
9/11 attack used large fully-fueled planes as enormous cruise missiles flown into buildings, killing the planes’ hijackers, and causing over 2,500 casualties in the process — making it the most destructive suicide bombing in history.
After the US occupied Iraq in 03, a wave of suicide bombings occurred. The suicide bombers target mainly US military targets although civilian targets such as Shiite mosques and intl offices of the UN and the Red Cross were also attacked.

Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri expresses the point clearly: “the method of martyrdom operation [is] the most successful way of inflicting damage against the opponent and the least costly to the mujahidin in terms of casualties.”

Soldiers who lay down their lives to protect their comrades are commonly awarded the highest recognition for courage in battle.

anthropologist Scott Atran in 03: Most bombers are educated, many with college or university experience, and come from middle class homes. Many do show signs of psychological imbalance, and often had trouble relating socially as children.

saddam platil rodinam suicide bomberov $10-25k,
palestinci platia tiez, izraelci im nicia domy

while a man can be checked to see if he’s carrying an explosive belt by simply lifting his shirt, ordering a woman to do so contradicts Jewish norms of modesty.

+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxim_restaurant_suicide_bombing
+ http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/prem/200206/brooks

Cage (1989)

, dusan/ntsonline – October 7, 2010 § 0

Father told me that if someone says “can’t” that shows you what to do.
Mother: “..you know perfectly well I’ve never enjoyed having a good time.”

I was shocked at college to see one hundred of my classmates in the library all reading copies of the same book.

Fischinger: “Everything in the world has its own spirit which can be released by setting it into vibration.”

I was given a job at the Cornish School in Seattle. It was there that I discovered what I called micro-macrocosmic rhythmic structure. The large parts of a composition had the same proportion as the phrases of a single unit.

I could not accept the academic idea that the purpose of music was communication, because I noticed that when I conscientiously wrote something sad, people and critics were often apt to laugh.

I found this answer from Gira Sarabhai, an Indian singer and tabla player: The purpose of music is to sober and quiet the mind, thus making it susceptible to divine influences. I also found in the writings of Ananda K. Coomaraswammy that the responsibility of the artist is to imitate nature in her manner of operation.

I have never practiced sitting cross-legged nor do I meditate. My work is what I do and always involves writing materials, chairs, and tables. Before I get to it, I do some exercises for my back and I water the plants, of which I have around two hundred.

In the late forties I found out by experiment (I went into the anechoic chamber at Harvard University) that silence is not acoustic. It is a change of mind, a turning around. I devoted my music to it. My work became an exploration of non-intention. To carry it out faithfully I have developed a complicated composing means using I Ching chance operations, making my responsibility that of asking questions instead of making choices.

The Buddhist texts to which I often return are the Huang-Po Doctrine of Universal Mind (in Chu Ch’an’s first translation, published by the London Buddhist Society in 1947), Neti Neti by L. C. Beckett of which (as I say in the introduction to my Norton Lectures at Harvard) my life could be described as an illustration, and the Ten Oxherding Pictures (in the version that ends with the return to the village bearing gifts of a smiling and somewhat heavy monk, one who had experienced Nothingness). Apart from Buddhism and earlier I had read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna it was who said all religions are the same, like a lake to which people who are thirsty come from different directions, calling its water by different names. Furthermore this water has many different tastes. The taste of Zen for me comes from the admixture of humor, intransigence, and detachment. It makes me think of Marcel Duchamp, though for him we would have to add the erotic.

That summer Fuller put up his first dome, which immediately collapsed. He was delighted. “I only learn what to do when I have failures.”

It was at Black Mountain College that I made what is sometimes said to be the first happening. The audience was seated in four isometric triangular sections, the apexes of which touched a small square performance area that they faced and that led through the aisles between them to the large performance area that surrounded them. Disparate activities, dancing by Merce Cunningham, the exhibition of paintings and the playing of a Victrola by Robert Rauschenberg, the reading of his poetry by Charles Olsen or hers by M. C. Richards from the top of a ladder outside the audience, the piano playing of David Tudor, my own reading of a lecture that included silences from the top of another ladder outside the audience, all took place within chance-determined periods of time within the over-all time of my lecture.

I was to move from structure to process, from music as an object having parts, to music without beginning, middle, or end, music as weather. In our collaborations Merce Cunningham’s choreographies are not supported by my musical accompaniments. Music and dance are independent but coexistant.

My favorite music is the music I haven’t yet heard. I don’t hear the music I write. I write in order to hear the music I haven’t yet heard.


van Gogh & Hirsi Ali (2004)

, dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

theo van gogh 57.7.23 le 1 imix* I
His great-grandfather was art dealer Theo van Gogh, brother of Vincent van Gogh.
2003 book Allah Knows Best – in his typical cynical, mocking tone – presented his views on Islam.

ayaan hirsi ali 67.11.13 sc 7 kan+
naturalized refugee, from the ex-royal family of Somalia

Together with Hirsi Ali, van Gogh created the 10-minute movie Submission. The film is about violence against women in Islamic societies, and focuses especially on female circumcision. It shows four abused women, naked under see-through dresses with Qur’anic verses in Arabic unfavourable to women, painted on their bodies. After the movie was released, both van Gogh and Hirsi Ali received death threats. Van Gogh did not take these very seriously and refused any protection.

2004.11.2 van Gogh was shot with seven bullets and died on the spot. His throat was slit, and he was then stabbed in the chest. Two knives were left inplanted in his torso, one pinning a 5 page note to his body. The note threatened Western governments, Jews and Hirsi Ali (who went into hiding). The note also contains references to the ideologies of the Egyptian organization Takfir wal-Hijra. The alleged killer Mohammed Bouyeri, a 26-year-old man of Dutch and Moroccan nationalities, was apprehended by the police after being shot in the leg.
Though Bouyeri’s parents were from Morocco, he was raised in The Netherlands in Dutch and apparently did not know Arabic. The letter had nothing on Van Gogh. It was a long ramble on purported quotes from the Jewish Talmud. The suspect was said to be upset by his mother’s death and TV footage of US soldiers killing wounded Iraqi civilians. There is not any proof that he did not act alone. So, an INDIVIDUAL killed Van Gogh. Not “Islam”. Not even “political Islam.”

Until his death Van Gogh was working on a movie (0605) about the assassination of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn.

Pim Fortuyn 48.2.19 7 ik.
Openly gay publicist; hostile views on Islam and his anti-immigration positions; could perhaps be described as a nationalist, but on cultural rather than racial grounds; held libertine views, favoring the drug policy of the Netherlands, same-sex marriage, euthanasia on request and related positions; wanted to disband the army and air force, retaining only a navy.
2001: “I am also in favour of a cold war with Islam. I see Islam as an extraordinary threat, as a hostile society.”
2002: Netherlands, with a population of 16 million, had enough inhabitants, and therefore, the practice of allowing 40,000 asylum-seekers into the country each year had to be stopped.
2002: “I don’t hate Islam. I consider it a backwards* culture. I have travelled much in the world. And wherever Islam rules, it’s terrible. All the hypocrisy. It’s a bit like those old Reformed Protestants. The Reformed lie all the time. And why is that? Because they have norms and values that are so high that you can’t humanly maintain them. You also see that in Muslim culture. Look at the Netherlands. In what country could a leader of such a large movement as mine be openly homosexual? It’s fantastic that it’s possible. That’s something that we can be proud of. And I want to keep it that way.”
In 2002 assassinated by an animal rights left-wing activist. After consultation with the Lijst Pim Fortuyn, it was decided not to postpone the elections. However, it was not possible under Netherlands law to modify the candidate lists, so Fortuyn became a posthumous candidate. Lijst Pim Fortuyn went on to record an unprecedented debut in the lower house of parliament, winning 26 seats (17% of the total 150 seats).

Greenaway (1999)

, , dusan/ntsonline – October 7, 2010 § 0

three Bazin principles, where he suggested that cinema came from literature, the theater and painting. I would suggest actually that very little of cinema comes from painting..
..images which are constantly slaved to texts. I challenge you to acknowledge the notion that when you watch ninety-nine percent of cinema you can see the cinema maker following the text. The text is the prime organizer of ideas and of the narrative structure, as well as the prime organizer of the way the characters are envisaged

cinema is in deep trouble because it has been a slave to four separate tyrannies.
First of all, I believe as already indicated that the cinema is a slave to text. We should had an imagistic cinema, not a cinema which is essentially created by writers.
..second tyranny would the tyranny of the frame. This might seem strange to you, but all of us watch cinema primarily in a dark space sitting down, looking in one direction at a single frame. The human body doesn’t like sitting still, it’s obviously restless, and the notion of a single concentration on a single space is a most extraordinary situation.. A frame doesn’t exist in nature, it’s entirely artificial.. The television ratio of 1 to 1.3 has begun to create a great straitjacketing, a great closure of the ability in which the whole world is now seeing its moving picture imagery.. My desire is to break away from the conventional relationship of a seated audience in the dark focusing on one single screen throwing shadows of a hallucinogenic nature.
third tyranny would be the tyranny of the actor. Now we all know that the actor and actress are the best possible publicity stunts cinema could ever ever imagine. The actor or actress offscreen creates an environment which affects how you look at them on the screen. The whole media of the world in all its gossip facilities is very highly geared in order to create this particular relationship, but to repeat a phrase I’ve used at least fifty times in this room in the past three days, the cinema does not exist as a playground for Sharon Stone..
We have to get rid of the camera. The camera has made us arrive at cinema almost at level six on the Richter scale. We’ve already created pictures of the world which we know are grossly inadequate. The world out there is always going to be more exciting, more fascinating, more adventurous, more extraordinary than what can be presented through a camera.. cinema of the last hundred years has been very much associated with the production of a photographer, that whole situation has been changed around so that the king in terms of cinema manufacture will now be the editor. The editor, thanks to new technology, can do anything with anything.

Barney: Cremaster

, dusan/ntsonline – October 7, 2010 § 0

Cremaster is a medical name for the muscles that raise and lower the testicles,
depending on the temperature.

We have undescended testicles (semennik), which, in the course of fetal (plod) growth,
eventually drop, but not before the fetus swims in a presumably blissful sea
of gender ambivalence.

We have Celtic legends and chorines and tests of physical strength (mostly for Mr. Barney
himself, as his own star)

and Harry Houdini and Gary Gilmore and Mormon and Masonic signs and rituals.

letting the imagery captivate you on its own, preverbal terms

the tap-dancing man-beast and androgynous “Faeries” and motorcycle racers with what
Ms. Spector calls “gelatinous gonadal forms” oozing from their pockets in “4”

In “Cremaster 4,” the earlier of the two, the artist plays a redheaded satyr
in a white suit who is slavishly attended by three androgynous “faeries” as he
tap-dances around a hole at the end of a pier, eventually slipping through it
into the water. From under the sea, he makes his way back to the land through
a white viscous tunnel made of a mysterious substance that suggests paste,
sperm and blubbery animal innards.

The scenes of his descent and re-emergence are intercut with a contest on the
Isle of Man between two racing-car teams speeding in opposite directions around
the island. When one of the cars stops for a tire change, the faeries futilely
attempt to replace an ordinary tire with one equipped with testicles. The final
image is an enigmatic logo viewed through a pair of spread legs while bagpipes
play on the soundtrack.

“Cremaster 4” suggests sperm frantically competing to fertilize a female egg,

sleek (ulizana) elegance of the dirigible stewardesses in “1”

On each of two nearly identical Goodyear blimps, four female flight attendants
monitor a table whose centerpiece is a bunch of grapes (green on one
aircraft, red on the other) that surround a vaguely phallic sculpture.
Underneath each table a weirdly angelic woman surreptitiously pulls the grapes
through a hole in the table and arranges them into pretty formations.

Meanwhile, on the ground below, an elaborate ceremony unfolds across a football
field covered with bright blue Astroturf. As a bland beauty-pageant musical
theme is repeated over and over, a corps of smiling air hostesses attired in
double hoop skirts (designed by Isaac Mizrahi) and holding blue balloons repeat
the same formations arranged by the woman under the tables, in choreography
worthy of an Esther Williams extravaganza. At the end of the film, the woman
under the table magically appears on the field and skips across the Astroturf,
pulling the two blimps on ropes behind her.

the egg and its welcoming committee: the yang and yin of the biological equation

the Budapest Opera House and dappled Asian water sprites and the amazing image of
Mr. Barney’s descended testicles attached to ribbons borne by fluttering doves, from “5.”

the dazzling desert and ice landscapes and bizarre Gary Gilmore enactments (although
as an actor Norman Mailer is no Richard Serra) in “2”

the Houdini zombie and demolition derby, the racetrack of rotting horses,
the Chrysler Building and the Guggenheim itself, the dueling Celtic giants and
the extraordinary Aimee Mullins as the Cheetah Woman, all in “3”;
Richard Serra, playing Hirma Biff or the evil Architect in “3” as an Oedipal father figure

Bratislava volby (2005)

, , only@not – October 7, 2010 § 0

volby bratislavskeho samospravneho kraja, 26.11.2005

xychty (najvyssie sance):
roman (44 ar 3 ix V, sdku+ano+smk+ds+szs, preds BA samospravneho kraja), bajan (60 li 2 cauac VI, smer+sf+hzd)

dvorak (75 li 10 ahau+, ol.sk, obcianski liberali, lib, inak neznamy)

tatar (53 vi 7 oc*, oks.sk, konzervativec, old skool VPN), svejna (65, vpred.sk, liberal, hayekov institut, hardcore dochodkova reforma)

cuper (46 sa 11 chuen I, hzds+sns, jedno male pivko hik), ondrias (52 ar 11 imix VIII, kss), trnovec (63 cn 3 imix V, hsls.sk, ludovci sieg), martancik (usvit, tiez komunista) a mokran (Kres

artreview’s top 100 power figures in art (2005)

, , , dusan/nts – October 7, 2010 § 0

2005 TOP 10
1. Damien Hirst, artist, Uk
2. Larry Gagosian, dealer/ gallerist US
3. Francois Pinault, owner of Christie?s /collector, France
4. Sir Nicholas Serota, Tate director, Uk
5. Glenn D Lowry MoMA director, US
6. Eli Broad, collector/philanthropist, US-LA
7. Sam Keller, Art Basel director, Switzerland
8. Iwan Wirth, dealer/gallerist, Hayser and Wirth, Switzerland
9. Bruce Nauman, artist US
10. David Zwirner, dealer/gallerist, US

damien hirst
artist, born 65 in Bristol, 2 men I ge, father car salesman, school in Leeds, works for 2yrs at building sites, 89 art degree at Goldsmiths College London, worked in mortuary during studies, 88 curates student exhib Freeze in E London attended by Saatchi, Rosenthal and Serota, 92 shark at yBa exhib, 92 Saatchi offers him to fund whatever artwork he wants to make, regular Soho’s Groucho Club visitor, early 90s – 02 cocaine and alcohol addict, banned from Groucho, marries Californian Maia Norman (now 2 kids), 95 Turner Prize, 98 opens restaurant Pharmacy in Notting Hill, 98 records a World Cup tribute pop single Vandaloo with Fat Les (w/ actor Keith Allen and Blur bassist Alex James) and reaches #2 in charts, 98 publish autobiography "I Want To Spend the Rest of My Life Everywhere, with Everyone, One to One, Always, Forever, Now", 00 100.000 people visits his show at Gagosian in 12 weeks and all the works are sold, since 00 spends most time at remote farmhouse in north Devon, 03 good friend Joe Strummer (ex bass of The Clash) dies, founds Strummerville charity to help young musicians, 03 after retrospective at Saatchi’s: "I’m not Charles Saatchi’s barrel-organ monkey … He only recognises art with his wallet … he believes he can affect art values with buying power, and he still believes he can do it.", intr in Christianity, 03 Pharmacy closes down, 04 in fire at Saatchi’s 17 Hirst’s artworks are destroyed, 04 new agent: Gagosian, 04 solds shark for $12mil to Steve Cohen who then donates it to MoMA (Serota tried to acquire it to Tate and also gov was asked to fund)

larry gagosian
art dealer and gallerist, aka GoGo, born in LA, opened largest private gallery in London 04, Gagosian Gallery *96 has 5 branches (2x Manhattan, 1x Beverly Hills, 2x London), ArtReview’s top art businessman since 04, in 03 US gov took lawsuit against him for taxes

francois pinault
born 37

nicholas serota
dir of Tate, curator, born 46, 7 cauac I ta, son of labour edu minister, studied economics, then history of art, 73 marries ballet dancer Angela Beveridge, 88- Tate Gallery director, 97 marries head of Tate’s info dept Teresa Gleadowe (affair since late 80s)

glenn d lowry
dir of MoMA in NYC, born 54 in NYC

eli broad
born 33, 8 ix II ge

sam keller
dir of Art Basel

iwan wirth

bruce nauman
born 41, 4 caban I sa

david zwirner


Shaviro (2010): Universe of Things

, , , , , , , , , , only@notonline – September 12, 2010 § 0

what Jane Bennett calls vital materialism: the recognition that “vitality is shared by all things,” and not limited to ourselves alone (Bennett 2010, 89).
non-dualistic neo-vitalism, or what Jane Bennett calls vital materialism: the idea that “every thing is entelechial, life-ly, vitalistic” (Bennett 2010, 89)
Graham Harman, expanding Heidegger’s concept readiness-to-hand (Zuhandenheit), calls tool-being (Harman 2002).
As Jane Bennett puts it, “maybe it is worth running the risks associated with anthropomorphism (superstition, the divinization of nature, romanticism) because it, oddly enough, works against anthropocentrism: a chord is struck between person and thing, and I am no longer above or outside a nonhuman ‘environment.’
= magick & xxxxx ?
David Skrbina has argued at great and persuasive length, panpsychism has a long history
in, and is deeply embedded within, Western thought (Skrbina 2005).
panpsychism has recently come to be entertained by thinkers of various persuasions,
including analytic philosophers like Galen Strawson (2006) and to some extent David Chalmers (1997).

GET Bennett, Jane (2010). Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Durham: Duke University Press.
GET Harman, Graham (2002). Tool-Being: Heidegger and the Metaphysics of Objects. Chicago and LaSalle: Open Court.
GET Jones, Gwyneth (2010). The Universe of Things. Seattle: Aqueduct Press.
Shaviro, Steven (2009). Without Criteria: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze, and Aesthetics.
Cambridge: MIT Press.
OK Skrbina, David (2005). Panpsychism in the West. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Strawson, Galen (2006). “Realistic Monism: Why Physicalism Entails Panpsychism.”
In: Consciousness and Its Place in Nature: Does Physicalism Entail
Panpsychism? Ed. by Anthony Freeman. Exeter: Imprint Academic, pp. 3–31.
Whitehead, Alfred North (1925/1967). Science and the Modern World. New York:
The Free Press.
— (1929/1978). Process and Reality. New York: The Free Press.

Berlin wlan cafés

, , only@not – August 30, 2010 § 0

Weserstr area:
Kuzo (cafe-kuzo / kuzo-kuzo) – fajne turecke kafe na rohu velke, kde sme prave
Freies Neukoelln – iba jedna zastrcka na cely podnik, v rohu tej zadnej miestnosti
Goldberg (goldberg / damensalon_21_august) – sem chodi vela laptoparov, a som tam stravil par dni, kym som neobjavil Kuzo o roh dalej
Feri (cafe_feri / feribar2000)
Heroes – galerka taka cista moc a maju tam par stolov, stiesnene to posobi, friends-only akoby
Senti (senti / wintertraum) – gay kaviarnicka, tam chodim rad dost, nie su najlacnejsi, ale prijemna atmo velmi
Das Schatzi
Kottbusser Damm area:
Room77 (room77 / room77berlinkreuzberg) – ale maju drahe drinky, a nestabilny net, a vecer je to tam narvane, lepsie poobede ak tak
BlackBird (SingBlackBird / tashadiana) – take male nove divne tiez
Kuchen Mafia – tu ma raz nasrali dost ze sa ma hodinu neprisli spytat co si dam, som sa tam potom uz nevratil
S-Neukoelln area:
Laika (opens at 7pm, LAIKA / LAIKA1957) – poznas
Werkstadt (emser_124 / 23koernerkiez) – na rohu, vinaren, super lacne vino, a siet maju privatnu, takze sa treba tvarit ze pracujes offline, snad este nezmenili heslo
lounge bar ktory neviem najst

Gorlitzer Bahnhof area:
Leuchen Eulen (lerchenundeulen / lerchenundeulen) – kde sme sa stretli s Frantiskom, fajn podnicok, da sa byt aj cely den, vypnu net vzdy okolo 19h
Hubertus Lounge – tu sa da byt len v zadnej tmavej miestnosti kde sa navyse fajci myslim stale, a vypinaju net o 19h alebo 20h
Morena – maju net, ale nikdy sa mi nan nepodarilo pripojit
Oranienstr area:
Pfeiffers (back room, pfeiffers net / heldenderarbeit) – mala kaviarnicka na namesticku, vzadu sa da byt cely den, akurat tam neni denne svetlo, ale maju galao velmi fajne kafe
Bateau Ivre (only at the back room) – tu su nafukani casnici, ale ked im da clovek vnutorny fuckoff tak si tam sedi vzadu pri kompe, akurat potom davaju trochu najavo ak tam je moc dlho, no
Rote Harfe (restaurant) – je skor restika, a robia superluxus polievky, tak si mozes dat polievku a potom tam ostat na nete pri kave par hodin
male kafe na Oranienstrasse
male kafe za rohom
Schlesisches Tor area:
Wendel – sem som chodil prvych par mesiacov v berline kazdy druhy den, vecer niekedy koncerty, a vacsie skupiny studentov, ale da sa tam stale byt, a nefajci sa vnutri, iba vonku
Gemelli (gemelli / Schokoladenkuchen) – fajna zmrzlinaren v prijemnej bocnej ulici, da sa tam zasit do velkeho kozeneho kresla a lizat zmrzlinu a surfovat a pisat

Rosenthalerplatz area:
Sankt Oberholz (st_oberholz / overwood) – laptoparske doupe na cely den
Mein Haus am See – nove velke hip kafe plne vystavujucich sa hipsterov, treba tam sediet na takom velkom schode alebo potom vo velkom kruhu okolo velkeho stola, som bol len raz, mi to tam moc nevonia
Gorki Park – viacmenej restika, ale da sa zasit dozadu na par hodin
Cafe Buchhandlung – prijemne kafe v hip lokalite uprostred vsetkych tych galeriek, trochu havaj styl
Baiz – anarcho doupe
Zionskirche area:
Weinerei (weak signal) – tu len v tej malickej miestnosti na gauci sa da sediet, na maily dobre akurat, lebo sa tam toci vela ludi
Weltempfaenger – hip kaficko na rohu namesticka, som tam vzdy bol max dve hodiny a potom hajde niekam inam
Hackeschermarkt area:
Eschschloraque – to je viacmenej klub, a na pracu to neni vobec dobre miesto
Strandbad Mitte
Coop Cafe

Boxhagenerplatz area:
Macondo – myslim ludia z Chile to maju, trochu sa atmosferou podoba na Kuzo v Neukollne, akurat sem chodia ludia, vela ludi, a maju velke okna do ulice otvorene cez den, tak sa da sediet na verande v podstate, a niekedy pomaly net, ale zas na pisanie staci
Szimpla – to su madari, Szimpla je tiez v Pesti fajna kaviaren, toto je jej druzba, a da sa tam byt cely den, akurat niekedy hraju neznesitelne dlho madarsky folk
Soylent (soylent / soylentgreen) – sem chodim celkom rad, akurat je to viac a viac chic s hipster posadkou, ale zas robi pravyborne capuccino, aj dve si niekedy dam
Datscha – nieco na sposob Gorki Parku co je na Rosenthalerplatzi, fabrikozne to posobi, fake soviet, ale da sa tam byt a robit nejaku administrativnu pracu, napriklad uctovnictvo osobne raz za rok
Kaufbar (kaufbar / papagei03) – trochu drahi, mala rodinna hip kaviaren, vzadu maju smradlavy dvor, lepsie byt vnutri
Karvana – cokoladaren, vela rodiniek s detmi, rano sa oplati ked tam este neni vela ludi, a cokoladu maju velmi fajn

Helmholtzplatz area:
Al Hamra (alhamra / 7777766666) – paradna libanonska restika a kaviaren, supertop je dost v nedelu na obed, to maju all-you-can-eat praparadnych jedal, za 7 euro, a mozes sa napchavat do piatej poobedia a popritom si riesit veci na kompe; da sa pripadne zasit aj do suterenu ale lepsie je to hore, viac svetla a tak
Immer Gern
Hans Wurst – veganske kafe, aj jedlo maju, velmi hip, ale dobre veci maju, raz za mesiac vecer koncert, ktovie ci su este vobec otvoreni
Senefelderplatz area:
Ms Volkerfreundschaft – anarcho posobia ti ludia vnutri vzdy, a na zastrckach maju dokonca napisanu cenu ze kolko by si mal clovek priplatit za kazdu hodinu co pouziva ich elektrinu, som sa tam preto vzdy trochu bal chodit
Volksbar – velmi hip, iba v pripade emergency
kafe kde som bol raz s Evelyne na ranajkach (Kopenhagenerstr?)


only@not – August 29, 2010 § 0

osobna listening historia:
nahravam na mc z radia (aj cez piesne na zelania – kompletizujem beatles diskografiu)
cd si kupujem
grabujem cd (oliver, slavo)
mp3 cd storing & sharing (danky)
mc v aute (pvt)
stahujem z filesharingu (jan 2010: co sa dnes stalo? stiahol som 25 albumov. panboh zaplat)
napalene cds v aute
snivam o what.cd
v poslednej dobe dost uvazujem o ‘pocuvani hudby’
(socialne, intersubjektivne, esteticke aspekty,
najma v suvislosti s kazdodennostou, s travenim casu),
napriklad si pozriem cez last.fm co pocuva gnd, zapnem si to
tiez a bavime sa na skype;
podobne na IRCcku co tam stale visime piati-siesti tak
vzdy cca tusim co prave pocuvaju ostatni a je to celkom
pekny element v spolocnom ‘hanging out’;
hudbu tiez dost zdielam a cez to aky na nu dostanem
feedback od ludi ich tiez spoznavam;
tiez idea performance ako pocuvania – ze performer postavi
nastroj alebo nejaky setup, semtam mu nejak pomoze, ale
primarne pocas performance si ho prisiel vypocut podobne
ako ostatne poblikum; atd…
ten trip do srbska a rumunska s tym suvisi tiez… lucia a gnd
idu okrem rozhovorov nahravat aj prostredie, ambient,
bude to pocuvaci vylet… :)

Shingo sa tomu venuje tiez:
“Except for artistic activities, he works as organizer too.
His organized events is called “listening point”. One big purpose of the
concert is to realize a space on which not only public but also
musicians too can “listen together”. Namely, “point for listening”.
In addition to,the listening as an activity expands more through
this “point”, it’s meant,too.”

SK voľby (2010)

, , , , only@not – August 29, 2010 § 0

velke strany nemaju vela miesta na manevrovanie a ciselna a abstraktna politika je odsudena na populizmus
a flexibilnu navigaciu v chaotickom prostredi; v principe je sucastou europskeho samoregulujuceho sa mechanizmu, takze tam ide v podstate o fazulky.
what matters su minority – romovia, narodnostne mensiny (ukrajinci, vietnamci, cinania; nie madari, tych je vela a zle sa mat nebudu), imigranti (slovensko prijima zalostne malo ludi), bezdomovci a socialne slabi,
nabozenske mensiny (moslimi).
velke strany sa tymto temam spravidla vyhybaju, male nemaju skusenosti a vo velkej politike ambicie osekavaju pripadne sa ich uplne vzdaju v pude sebazachovy.
politicke strany ich v podstate nepriznane outsourcuju do tretieho sektora.
takze paradoxne meciar urobil pre slovensko plus ked zaviedol 2%.
? ktore strany dnes hovoria o podpore a vyzname tretieho sektora?
dalej ekologia, kultura a skolstvo…… vsetko minoritne temy. (za dzurindu boli granty lepsie ako za socialistov…)
ako zivnostnika mi rovna dan priniesla vyrazne ulahcenie uctovnictva (vacsim podnikatelom a investorom
zvonka stransparentnenie ekonomie podnikania)
ministri kultury – ktore vlady mali ake vysledky?
zivnostnici – co nove nam dali ktore vlady? dzurinda rovnu dan
treti sektor – meciar 2%
[10:54:18 AM] dirtyintunel: no,to je jedno, ja pojdem volit takzvane mensie zlo:)a z principu by som nebola schopna neist volit
[10:54:23 AM] dirtyintunel: ale to je jedno
[10:54:36 AM] dusanson: nj
[10:54:44 AM] dusanson: ja som zvazoval pragmaticky pristup
[10:56:12 AM] dusanson: ale v konecnom dosledku nevidim rozdiel zasadny
[10:58:50 AM] dirtyintunel: no, ja myslim ze mat vo vlade extremnych nacionalistov napriklad a mat vo vlade pravicovu vladu je celkom rozdiel.aj ked samozrejme, kazdy si moze povedat ze vsetci su rovnake svine
[10:59:21 AM] dirtyintunel: no, tak sa teda asi minieme.
[11:00:10 AM] dirtyintunel: ja budem v ba asi len par dni: pondelok, utorok, stredu rano nejak vyrazim späť aby som stihla byt o stvrtej vo fra
[11:03:54 AM] dusanson: veci ktore pre mna politicky maju zmysel – kvalitne skolstvo, nezavislu kulturu, romov, narodnostne mensiny, imigrantov, socialne vylucenych – outsourcuju strany ktore by som potencialne volil na bedra neziskoviek, ktore ale ledva prezivaju – nenasiel som ziadnu stranu ktora by mala priority rozvoj tretieho sektora, skolstvo, kulturu a ekologiu… ostatne veci sa uz samoreguluju v ramci toho ze SK je integrovane do EU
[11:07:07 AM] dusanson: chybaju mi na slovensku zeleni, ktori boli v cechach na vrchole pred 4 rokmi
[11:07:46 AM] dusanson: + som laviciar, nech uz to v postkomunistickych realiach vyznieva hocako
[11:35:58 AM] dirtyintunel: ja som tiez laviciar a aj tak nedam proste hlas smeru, lebo to pre mna nie je lavica
[11:36:22 AM] dirtyintunel: radsej budem volit pravicu nez mu dat hlas tym ze volit vobec nepojdem
[11:37:01 AM] dirtyintunel: a este som si neprecitala vsetky volebne programy ale vyberiem si podla toho co mi bude pripadat ze ma asi najvacsi zmysel.
[11:38:33 AM] dusanson: ja ak by som volil tak most, ale pride mi dost necitatelny
[11:39:29 AM] dirtyintunel: zelenych nemame to je fakt, a ktovie kedy mat budeme.ale zatial proste budem volit to co je sice nedokonale ale aspon nie uplne za ramcom nejakej slusnosti: napriklad ked chces podporu pre romov a neziskovky,tak ti mozem povedat ze neziskovky sa maju teraz tisic krat horsie nez sa mali v dobe sdku.tym nevravim ze idem volit sdku, ale rozhodne nechcem nechat prepadnut svoj hlas smeru
[11:42:10 AM] dirtyintunel: takmer vsetky dlhodobejsie projekty rozvojovej pomoci boli narusene a vlastne tym znicene odkedy su strany smer a sns pri moci.a proste ked mam moznost ich odtial dostat,tak to proste spravim aj za cenu toho ze nemozem volit stranu ktora by sa mi fakt ze pacila
[11:42:50 AM] dirtyintunel: alebo sa o to aspon pokusim
[11:43:02 AM] dirtyintunel: lebo je mozne ze to aj tak vyhraju
[11:43:36 AM] dirtyintunel: ale fakt tomu nebudem prispievat tym ze nepojdem volit.ale to je moj nazor.mozno sa mylim
[11:44:09 AM] dusanson: ake su preferencie teraz
[11:44:11 AM] dusanson: ?
[11:44:35 AM] dirtyintunel: netusim, budem sa tym zaoberat vo fra, tam mam na taketo veci cas popri praci:)
[11:44:44 AM] dirtyintunel: teraz musim pisat
[11:45:08 AM] dusanson: pozeram , ze pises jak gonzales )
[11:45:14 AM] dirtyintunel: ale volit proste urcite pojdem, nech by boli akekolvek.a nemam rada taky ten nazor ze : ved to je aj tak jedno.
[11:45:59 AM] dusanson: jaka debata zrazu
[11:46:03 AM] dirtyintunel: mam uz fakt radsej strajkujucich francuzov kazdy utorok a stvrtok nez mamvpicistickych slovakov co nedojdu na demosku lebo prsalo :)
[11:46:04 AM] dusanson: ja tu cvicim popritom
[11:46:27 AM] dirtyintunel: heh, sory.uz som ticho.
[11:49:05 AM] dusanson: hh, sdku chyba este par desatin percent a mozu zrobit koaliciu so smerom
[11:49:25 AM] dirtyintunel: tak to je celkom smrt
[11:49:31 AM] dusanson: pod to neviem ci sa chcem podpisovat
[11:49:31 AM] dirtyintunel: taka koalicia
[11:50:00 AM] dusanson: myslim ze pragmaticky pristup mal zmysel proti meciarovi
[11:50:07 AM] dusanson: ze laviciari volili pravicu atd
[11:50:23 AM] dusanson: pred 8 rokmi
[11:50:23 AM] dirtyintunel: no, tak ako hovoria vsakovake ceske protikampane a kampane, strc hlavu do piesku :)
[11:50:27 AM] dusanson: teraz je situacia ina, sme v eu
[11:50:35 AM] dusanson: to neni piesok, vobec nie
[11:50:36 AM] dirtyintunel: hej, takze mozme mat v pici
[11:50:55 AM] dusanson: politika neni o tom ze raz za 4 roky idem k urne a mam to vybavene
[11:50:56 AM] dirtyintunel: nie, tu nejde o to volit sdku.ja ich asi vobec volit nebudem
[11:51:03 AM] dirtyintunel: no jasne ze neni
[11:51:34 AM] dusanson: keby som mal v pici tak to ani nerieism
[11:51:43 AM] dirtyintunel: ale vtedy mozes prispiet tomu ze sa tam napriklad nedostane strana ktoru tvoje osobne postoje odmietaju
[11:53:14 AM] dusanson: ja v tomto proste nechcem byt chladny pragmatik ktory sa preda za male dobro ktore aj tak neni iste
[11:54:00 AM] dirtyintunel: hm, a ja to zas beriem tak, ze asi treba robit male kroky k tomu aby sa raz z toho maleho dobra stalo “velke dobro”
[11:54:23 AM] dirtyintunel: a myslim si ze pokial bude pri moci smer a sns tak sa to asi moc nestane
[11:55:15 AM] dusanson: ja to tak nemam
[11:55:21 AM] dirtyintunel: a hlavne mat nacionalisticku vladu popri madarskej nacionalistickej vlade mi vobec nepride ze je dobre.
[11:55:25 AM] dusanson: tak sa mozeme bavit teraz veky vekuce )
[11:56:12 AM] dusanson: male kroky sa robia v tretom sektore
[11:57:08 AM] dusanson: a to som este dost umierneni
[11:57:18 AM] dusanson: par kamosov anarchistov su uplne proti statu
[11:59:15 AM] dirtyintunel: no,dusan,aj ja mam kamosov anarchistov ale to beriem uz kusok ako extrem ktory neviem ako dlho by medzi ludmi fungoval.ja citim v poslednej dobe z ludi len zvysenu agresiu, zvysene dusno, celkovu nervozitu a deziluzie, skepsu, paranoju atd.anarchia by to mozno uvolnila na chvilu ale neviem ci vyriesila.
[12:00:27 PM] dusanson: ono je to dost zlozitejsie, pri anarchii nejde o ‘konecne riesenie’
[12:00:31 PM] dusanson: ale musim het teraz
[12:00:40 PM] dirtyintunel: ved vpoho, ale aj tak..
[12:01:40 PM] dirtyintunel: netusim, ci by to nieco vyriesilo. aj ked si myslim ze demokraticky system tak ako teraz funguje sa mi tiez nepaci:)
[12:03:16 PM] dirtyintunel: ale aj tak proste nedam a nedam a nedam hlas proste snsakom.a ani smeru.proste nedam, lebo su pre mna veci co robili nechutne, a ich prezentacia este horsia..
politicky subjekt – raz za styri roky odvolit a potom sa stiahnut naspat do pozicie observera
For liberals, not voting is equivalent to not acting, and political action is synonymous with voting.
a non-vote often just ends up as a vote for whoever can be bothered to turn up at the polls.
if over half the country refused to take part in the game, then at least the government can no longer claim that it represents the people.
‘voting against’ rather than for (to ja [zatial] nazyvam pragmatizmom)
more responsible to say ‘no’, than to remain silent
we should have a ‘none of the above’ option on the ballot.
ranciere – disagreement (1999) – chapter: democracy and consensus (o postdemokracii)
Much of this critique is directed at proponents of consensus democracy, to which Rancière has two main objections: first, that these societies relentlessly produce individuals and groups that take no part in the system of politics by consensus; and second, that democracies produce communities that are configured in such a way that individuals are counted according to ethnic or national identities rather than political potential.
~ holmes:
In Disagreement (published originally in 1995), he confronted the philosophy of government with the scandal of the political.1 Government fulfills an

ideal of order when it administers, manages, and tries to totally account for a population; but its reality is the police. The police keeps everyone in their place, imposes the calculations of value, apportions out the shares in society.
The political is an opposite process, and it is rare. It happens when outcasts stand up to say that the calculations are wrong, when they refuse the names and the places they’ve been given (we’re not a surplus), to claim both a share in society and another name, which will signify their particular

addition to universal equality (we’re a plus).
Equality is the groundless claim of a minority to have the rights of any other group, to be the demos, the people.
In an essay written just after Disagreement, Rancière explained that the political always involves a disidentification with some aspect of the existing community—for example, with the police state that expels the jobless or the paperless. At the same time, it requires an impossible identification with “the cause of the other.”2 This impossible identification suggests a new, subjective figure of political commitment.
(napr FR lavica sa postavila na stranu vzburenych alzircanov ktorych hodila FR policia do Seiny v 1961;
alebo studenti 68: we are all german jews;
?adoptovanie paperless cloveka? – @late 90s, with the public act, often performed in theaters, of parrainage or “god-parenting,” which meant taking a quasi-familial, quasi-legal responsibility for an undocumented individual;
@SK – na stranu romov, na stranu LGBT pri gay pride)
Miroslav Hudak 15 – SDKU (Zitnanska, Jurzyca, Beblavy, Novotny)
Miroslav Hudak — zistenia — vyse 32 tisic popletenych neonackov — vyse 124 tisic nezmyselnych nacionalistov na jednej a vyse 105 tisic na druhej

strane — 848 tisic ludi neschopnych mysliet v suvislostiach — okolo 14 tisic ludi, ktori by automaticky mali stratit volebne pravo — risko drziaci

balonik — a ja a dalsich vyse milion…a ludi, ktori aspon kvoli vlade pravdepodobne nebudu uvazovat nad stahovanim sa do zahranicia…

europska demokraticka strana, unia, nova demokracia, azen

dzurinda odstupil od kandidatky po tom co nanho fico vytiahol sponzorsky skandal

robi homogenicov otec, ex-hzds


azenu nikto nedal v prieskume focusu nikto hlas

zahradnik s martinakovou


62 smer
28 sdku
22 sas (4 ol)
15 kdh
14 most-hid
9 sns

Iveta Radicova (1/1)
Ivan Miklos (2/2)
Lucia Zitnanska (3/3)
Magdalena Vasaryova (4/23)
Milan Hort (5/4)
Ludovit Kanik (6/30)
Eugen Jurzyca (7/5)
Viliam Novotny (8/6)
Martin Fedor (9/7)
Jana Dubovcova (10/18)

SAS – liberali, *3/09
V prezidentských voľbách 2009 strana podporila kandidátku Ivetu Radičovú.
Richard Sulik (1/1) – 68 cp 2 kan* BA, sef, 80 emigroval do mnichova – stud. fyz & ekon, 91-01 *faxcopy, 03 *docent NHF EU,
03 diplomka ako predloha SK rovnej dane, poradca min.fin (miklos 02-03, pociatek 06-07), 04-06 sef OLO
Daniel Krajcer (2/5) 6 cauac 69 vi BA
Jozef Mihal (3/2) 12 ix 65 pi BA
Juraj Miskov (8/3)
Martin Chren (9/6)
Jana Kissova (10/4)
* 4x Obycajni ludia o.z. ~ konzervativnejsie kridlo
Igor Matovič, Erika Jurinová, Martin Fecko a Jozef Viskupič kandidovali na posledných štyroch miestach 150-člennej kandidátky SaS. Prednostné hlasy ich vyniesli hneď za trojicu lídrov SaS Richarda Sulíka, Daniela Krajcera a Jozefa Mihála.
„Nevieme sa stotožniť so zavedením registrovaných partnerstiev, s formou odluky cirkvi od štátu, ako to navrhuje SaS, a takisto s dekriminalizáciou marihuany.“
ich hlavným mottom bolo „Nevoliť, znamená voliť Slotu a Fica“.
Igor Matovic (4/150) 9 lamat ta 73 TT, http://matovic.blog.sme.sk/c/231181/Urobia-to-znova-500-svinstiev-pokope.html
Považujem sa za jedného z najväčších Ficobijcov
by som to definoval ako názorová platforma SaS.
Jozef Viskupic (7/147) 11 chuen aq 76 TT
Erika Jurinová (6/149) 2 oc* 71 vi dedina pri ZA
Martin Fecko (5/148) 5 chuen 62 li

Bugar; Chmel
4x OKS

SK lavicovi intelektuali: Havran (73), Stefunko (77), Draxler
CZ: Belohradsky, Mecl

Ivan Stefunko 1977 – zaujimavy lavicovy politolog
*77 vych. SK; Ľavičiar z Mladej demokratickej ľavice, ktorá vznikla na pôde SDĽ; viedol týždenník Slovo; od 2000 žije v BA; euractiv.sk.
Ľavica je pre mňa základná platforma pre ozajstnú slobodu a demokraciu. Len človek, ktorý je skutočne nezávislý, môže byť slobodný a nebude utláčaný.
Žil som s rodičmi v Alžírsku a dva roky som strávil na francúzskej internátnej škole v hlavnom meste, kde som býval s viac ako 30 národnosťami – od Arabov, cez černochov, až po Vietnamcov. Mám iný pohľad na konflikt civilizácií, ako ho pomenoval Huntington. Poznal som veľa európskych chrapúňov a mnoho dobrých Arabov, čo neznamená, že v každom národe nie je nejaká negatívna vlastnosť. Navyše, francúzske vzdelávanie kladie dôraz na spoločensko-vednú výchovu a už v 15 rokoch ma ovplyvnili Zola, Sartre a Camus. A človek, čo žije v rozvojom svete, musí vnímať, že trh nevyrieši všetko a že nie všetky „kapitalistické” vzťahy a kroky sú fajn.

Michal Havran 1973, ed. lavicovy server jetotak.sk
vyštudoval protestantskú teológiu v Štrasburgu, je zakladateľom a šéfredaktorom portálu Jetotak.sk. Jedenásť rokov žil vo Francúzsku.
2007: Portál JeToTak.sk má obsahovo nadviazať na stránky e-politika.eu (do 2/07), odkiaľ prichádzajú aj kľúčoví autori.
* 3/07, Vydavateľstvo Mediage
Jeho editormi sú Ľubomír Lintner, Michal Havran a Jarmila Mikušová. Kotian a Havran pôsobili v minulosti v denníku SME či v týždenníku Domino Fórum, Ľubomír Lintner naposledy v TV Markíza, odkiaľ prostredníctvom strany ANO vstúpil do politiky.

Martin Filko, ekonom a publicista
ex-poradca ministra financií SR Jána Počiatka (od 1/08), odborný asistent na Ústave verejnej politiky FSEV UK, junior výskumník a PhD. študent ekonómie/vedy o behaviorálnej teórii rozhodovania na Erazmovej univerzite v Rotterdame.
magisterský titul v odbore klinická a organizačná psychológia na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave, absolvoval EUBA, odbor medzinárodné ekonomické vzťahy.
V 2006 uverejnil časopis Trend jeho článok Bieda slovenskej ekonómie, v ktorom kritizoval kvalitu slovenského ekonomického vzdelávania (najmä EUBA), vedy a verejnej diskusie. Inicioval vznik skupinového blogu Radostná veda.

Juraj Draxler 1975
wannabe kriticky, zvasty, pragmatik, bez charizmy, refren: potreba kritickej diskusie
Momentálne žije v Prahe, kde píše, skúma a vyučuje. Občas dochádza do Londýna či do Bruselu (Centrum pre európske politické štúdie, CEPS), kde má ďalšie pracovné aktivity. A občas do anglického Lancasteru, kde si robí doktorát (nové teoretické prístupy k problematike sociálneho štátu).

Vyštudoval Medzinárodnú univerzitu (dnes Jacobs University) v Brémach a Univerzitu v Yorku. V minulosti pracoval napríklad ako asistent vedenia strojárskeho holdingu či ako novinár v britskej agentúre Reuters. Po rokoch strávených v Bruseli a na severe Anglicka chce žiť už len tam, kde je dosť slnka. + prednášateľ na českom pracovisku University of New York

networks (via Daxner):
right: INEKO, INESS (penta), Nadacia FA Hayeka, HPI (penta), Pontis.
ASA (Smer, prispate)
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Proforum (*Schmoegnerova)
Slovo (pozoviti intelektuali, reakcna lavica, od ~zac.2010 prebrali smeraci)
JeToTak (sa tam toci mladez)

(Nove) Slovo = lavica
Tyzden = neokon

pro interupcie (incl Stefunko)

Ve svém souèasném mediálním fungování antikomunismus úèinnì pøekrývá skuteèné hrozby – rychle rostoucí nerovnost, dopady globalizace, ekologickou krizi, ideologii bezohlednosti, jak ji pøedstavuje ODS, srùstání ekonomické, politické a mediální moci.

Austria-Hungary & birth of CS

, , , , , only@not – August 27, 2010 § 0

SK bolo s cz v 1 state uz za rakuskeho cisarstva a potom za rak-uhorska.
Dual monarchia (867-18) sharovala armadu, fin a zahr. politiku.
R&U vytvorili alianciu s DE (1879) a IT (1882) aby vyvazili RU a FR mocnosti
1908 R&U anektovali bosnu&herz (okupovali ju od 1878 ako nasledok Great Balkan Crisis, ked R&U bolo neutralne ked sa rusko a turecko bili o srbsko, to nakoniec ziskalo nezavislost [Congress of Berlin]), ako spolocne vlastnictvo.
=> uvahy o CR+B&H ako tretej (slovanskej) casti monarchie, a Franz Ferdinand bol zastanca tohto trializmu, ktorym chcel obmedzit silu HU aristokracie => takze ho nemilovali v HU ani v srbsku (?!).
V 14 ho zavrazdili srbski nacionalisti v bosne (sarajevo).
Od 1878 [Congr of BLN] DE 5x zvysilo military costs, UK,RU,FR 3x, R&U ledva 2x.
1913 Srbsko ziskalo nove uzemia v Second Balkan War => obavy v R&U (ti stratili etnicky talianske uzemia).
Cast vlady chcela preventivnu vojnu so Srbskom, no 84yr vladca bol proti akymkolvek dobrodruzstvam.
No po atentate (vyuzili ako zamienku) vydala vlada backed by DE ally srbom July Ultimatum, ktore ratali ze srbi nikdy neakceptuju. => ti akceptovali 9, a iba cast 10teho, nasledne R&U vyhlasili vojnu => RU mobilizovala na podporu Srbska => domino reakcia dalsich protimobilizacii. IT najprv neutralna napriek aliancii, v 15 sa pridala na druhu stranu dufajuc ze ziska uzemia od byvalych spojencov.
konieckoncov bolo R&U vojenskym satelitom Nemecka
? okupacia SK madarskom v 1919?

Radičová (2010) iview

, , , , , , , , webonline – August 27, 2010 § 0

Tabery & Šimečka pre Respekt

nejdůležitější výsledek voleb: 3 momenty: definitivní konec mečiarismu na Slovensku, neúspěch politiky rozeštvávání a nacionalismu a to, že středopravé strany sice nijak výrazně, ale přece jen získaly větší podporu než levicový populismus.
ficov meciarizmus:
Agendu mečiarismu ve velké míře převzal premiér Fico, a to v podobě silného vůdcovského principu a státního paternalismu. Projevuje se to i ve stylu politiky, neustálého vytváření třídního nepřítele, chápání demokracie jako nadvlády většiny, chápání politiky jen a jen jako moci. Politický marketing byl v jeho případě podstatnější než obsah politiky a byl založený na silných propagandistických heslech o spravedlnosti a sociálním státě. U Fica to není mečiarismus v ryzí podobě – jako byly únosy, vraždy, omezení svobody slova. Mečiarismus byl v tomto rozsahu hrozný a navíc byl spojený s divokou privatizací, která přivedla zemi na pokraj státního bankrotu. Tuto podobu Ficova politika nemá, tu bych charakterizovala jako vláčnější.
left / right:
bez přehánění říkám, že současné politické teorie jsou málo použitelné.
levicové a pravicové dělení je ve 21. století nefunkční. Jeho charakteristiky jsou definované pro průmyslovou společnost. my jsme informační společností. dnes už nejde použít ani definici sociálního státu pro 20. století.
Politika se dnes dělí hlavně na hodnotových principech vztahu svobody a zodpovědnosti. Tedy především na formu kolektivních práv versus občanská práva. Na politiku státního paternalismu versus politiku individuální občanské odpovědnosti.
půjčka je jen iluze záchrany.
je tady MMF, přes který si poradilo Lotyšsko.
den po volbách vláda zveřejnila deficit financí 6,7 % HDP, což je velmi vysoké číslo. A já se obávám, že je ještě vyšší.
Slovensko je v situaci, kdy se musíme ptát, za kolik procent nám někdo dá půjčku na půjčku jiné zemi.
inspiro pre CZ:
jsme udrželi daňovou reformu. A musíme sice trochu opravit druhý pilíř důchodové reformy, ale to dokážeme velmi rychle. Máme dobře udělanou reformu veřejné správy, i když se musí dotáhnout do konce úprava kompetencí a finanční decentralizace, ale to nastartování se osvědčilo a je udělané poměrně kvalitně. A máme také dobře rozběhnutou rodinnou politiku.
Pokud vezmeme jako prvořadou justici, co je na řadě potom?
Školství, protože hlavní problém Slovenska je dnes tvorba nových pracovních míst. Máme obrovskou míru nezaměstnanosti absolventů škol, ovšem ne proto, že by slovenské děti a studenti byli nešikovní, ale protože máme obrovskou propast mezi tím, jaké kvalifikace nabízejí školy a jaké kvalifikace jsou skutečně potřeba na trhu práce. Jinak nás ale bezpochyby čekají tři dominantní úkoly: spravedlnost, reforma soudnictví a odstraňování korupce, to je jeden balík. Pak nastartování ekonomiky a tvorba nových pracovních míst, takže hospodářská politika. Přirozeně navazuje reforma školství. To jsou základní priority.

Denmark & Copenhagen

, , , , , only@not – August 27, 2010 § 0

dialnice 110km max :(

Poul Gernes (he is in the Dokumenta in 2007?) and made the first comprehensive monograph on his work some years ago. He made his own school “eksperimantal art scool” in 1962. Poul Gernes was a hippie-ayatollah-painter and banned all galleries and decided only to paint public buildings and giant wall paintings in hospitals. He died in 1996. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poul_Gernes

wifi mhd busy; ludia cakali v bare oproti Props na drinky v rade (asi 6 ludi) ako v banke; greenland people @christiania

*** stvrte ***
Christiania @Christianhavn: Cafe Månefiskeren w/ wifi; Morgenstedet veggie place 60dkk/jedlo s dlhymi nazvami; Pusherstreet fight ~ 10 stands w/ pot & hash); <1000 ppl; special law status - Christiania Law of 1989 (cast spravy je prevedena z mesta na stat); po ww2 tam popravovali war criminals; *1971 at squatted military area (kasarne sa tam po ww2 skoro nepouzivali, ked odisli strazilo uzemie len par guardov, susedia sa vlamali cez plot kvoli ihriskam pre svoje deti, mesiac nato Jacob Ludvigsen a 5 dalsich vydali magazin s clankom o vyhlaseni free town -- "opportunity to build society from a scratch"); DK defence ministry still owns the land. Since 1994, residents have paid taxes and fees for water, electricity, trash disposal, etc. Pot/hash trade tolerated till 2004=koniec pusherstreet, potom conflicts okolo takingover skupinami zvonka a market sa rozsiril do celeho mesta, neskor zas navrat do normalu. 4/2005 vrazda 26yr a 3 zranenia pri gang assault [norrebro immigrants] @pusherstreet due to feud over cannabis market - chceli take over po tom co v 2004 skoncil open cannabis trade. 5/2007 riots proti policii (entered to demolish leftovers of the small, abandoned building of Cigarkassen) - vytlacili ich. Forbidden: stealing, violence, guns, knives, bulletproof vests, hard drugs and bikers' colors. Residents now pay the rent ~ 200 eur / mo (1450 dkk). ?! In 9/2007, the representatives of Christiania and CPH's city council reached an agreement to cede control of Christiania to the city over the course of 10 years for the purposes of business development. + * Norrebro (bars Props a oproti cez ulicu, & gentrif), Nordvest (Bispebjerg), Valby=new gallery area; Christianshaven, which was built by Dutch people in 1600s. They were invited here because they knew how to build on stilts. It was reclaimed land that had been pumped dry. * Orestad - newly developed area, glass facades ~ people live in shop windows * Amager island - 200-300 years ago DK brought in Dutch people to grow vegetables here. They supplied the city with fresh vegetables. cafes: http://copenhagen.unlike.net/proximity?location_id=301177#lat/55.687723/zoom/13/lng/12.559724/category/300071-Food Kunsthal Charlottenborg (*2007), largest contemp art exhib venue @DK, building built in the 1880s for the salon and for the (next door) art academy professors to exhibit their work. via Pod: cool cafes in center: http://www.bookstoreguide.org/2007/11/paludans-book-caf-copenhagen.html http://www.cafe-retro.dk/ + and by all means go to Christiania... Manefiskeren - the central cafe, is online too = yummy veggie food at Morgenstedet + and "Norrebro" is CPh's kreuzkolln, eg. cafes online in Elmegade


, , , , only@not – August 27, 2010 § 0

rough summary:
900-1300s NO (nastup christianity v 1000s-1100s)
late 1300s-1521 Kalmar Union = DK+NO+SW (maju si byt rovni, ale DK aj tak ruluje)
1521-1814 DK+NO vs SW (NO v tazkom zavese za DK; nastup protestantizmu v 1500s)
1814-1905 SW+NO, DK (NO ma len pomaly rozvoj)
od 1905 uz konecne neni vassal state (v 1814 bolo pol roka samostatne, a predtym do 1300s)

povodni domorodci (north+central NO) = Sámi people.
900 – po bitke pri Stavangeri Harald Fairhair unitol Vikingov = prvy NO kral, tvrda ruka, tak miestni odchadzaju kolonizovat okolie (IS, Greenland, Faroe, zalozili napriklad Dublin).
1000s-1100s – christianity replaces norse traditions.
Feudalism never really developed in Norway and Sweden, as it did in the rest of Europe.
1300s: Black Death kills 50-60% NO – velmi dlho sa z toho spamatavali.

1397: NO+DK kralovna Margaret si nasla Erika a v Kalmare bol korunovany za krala NO+DK+SW = Kalmar Union.
* 1521 SW vystupuje z Kalmar Union
* 1536 nastup protestantizmu, NO sa stava tributary of DK = vsetky prijmy cirkvi idu do CPH.
* 1600s SW ziskava niekolko provincii NO (vela vojen DK-NO vs SW)
* 1611 king Christian IV napadol SW, chce ho pripojit spet k DK, ale nepodarilo sa, SW has to pay vysoke war indemnity (Aelvsborg ransom), z penazi postavi Gluckstadt (ako rival Hamburgu), vyhorene Oslo->Christiania, Christianshavn (@DK, dnes tam aj Christiania), a dalsie mesta.
* 1801+07 Battles of CPH = UK napada CPH (lebo DK-NO je neutralne kvoli obchodu s FR[Napoleon] aj s UK) => UK kontroluje waterways bwn NO a DK. => 1813 DK-NO bankrotuje.
* 1814 Congress of Vienna + Trety of Kiel: DK-NO musi odovzdat NO Svedsku (DK si necha Iceland, Greenland, Faroe). 17.5. NO ale vyhlasuje samostatnost (ustava vychadza z US a FR), DK-NO korunny princ vyhlaseny za NO krala

1814 NO+DK sa rozpada (po 436yr) – kingdom’s royal, intellectual, administrative power was centred in CPH ~ “400-Year Night” by NO romantics => NO-SW war – RU a UK ich pritlacili do spolocnej unie – v nej ma NO pomaly ekon.rozvoj => 2/2 1800s *NO romantic nationalism.
Henrik Wergeland (1808-45) anarchista a la Kropotkin or Ragnar Frisch.
1848 protesty v EUR sa NO moc nedotkli – burzoazia moc mala, centralnu moc ma aristokracia. ale Marcus Thrane (!!) utopian socialist – labour society of 20000 (incl. Ibsen) for changing social structure -> revolt -> crushed (po zalari odisiel do USA). Thrane 1851: Proudhon is “with no doubt greatest genius of our time”.
In 1850 the 22yr Ibsen used the play “Catilina” to promote the anarchist ideal about fairness and freedom without violence, investigated in a societal context, universally and individually, probably inspirated by Proudhon.
1905 NO peacefully samostatne (po 586yr, thx to Christian Michelsen shipping magnate + NO prime minister) – v referende ludia za kralovstvo.

WW1 NO neutral.
WW2 NO neutral, ale surprise attack z DE (NO had 4th largest merchant marine fleet in world & heavy water plant – DE ho potrebuju pre nuclear program – ten neskor sabotaged by NO resistance), ti instalovali kvazi protektorat (Vidkun Quisling je babkovy premier), kral a vlada vysiela radiom z Londyna a podporuje clandestine attacks against Nazis in NO.
Price control and rationing of housing and cars continued as long as until 1960.
1969 Philips objavili petroleum loziska na zapad od NO, 1973 stat zaklada Statoil, vela investicii a net income az od early 1980s.
Late 90s – zahr.dlh splateny, a NO si robi sovereign wealth fund, od 90s divisive question in politics = kolko oil penazi ma stat minut a kolko usetrit.


, , , only@not – August 27, 2010 § 0

V krajine sa squatterská tradícia rozšírila v 80. rokoch počas vypuknutia akútnej krízy na realitnom trhu.

v 6/10 boli lokalne (alebo to su general?) volby
The left-liberal D66, right-liberal VVD (Mark Rutte 8 eb* 67 aq), and right-wing parties PVV (Geert Wilders 13 cib 63 vi) and [nationalist] TON (Rita Verdonk) all did well.
In the two communities where the PVV participated it scored well becoming the largest party in Almere and the second largest in The Hague. It was the first local election the PVV has ever contested.
christian democratic CDA faired poorly
social democratic PvdA did extremely bad
The socialist SP also suffered losses.

v 6/10 dostal vo vseob volbach VVD o kreslo viac ako PvdA. krestania prepadli, PVV ziskala vela.

Issues rather than charisma. VVD even made the deliberate decision of running a campaign that didn’t show Rutte’s face.
To draw attention away from its uncharismatic leader, the VVD focused on issues such as safety, roads, taxes for hard working citizens, and grappling with the soaring budget deficit.
Rutte, after being a human resources manager at Unilever and a deputy minister, first of social affairs and later of education, he ran for leadership of the VVD in 2006. He narrowly and unexpectedly defeated his adversary, Rita Verdonk, the popular but controversial minister of immigration.

PVV, report polit.teoretikov v 2010:
“new radical right” () – not an extreme right-wing party, but contained some radical right-wing elements. party’s pro-Israel stance shows that it is not neo-Nazi. It tends however towards a national democratic ideology. povodne tam mali verziu ze je “extreme right-wing grouping and a threat to social cohesion and democracy”.

* Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA), a centre-right Christian Democratic party. It holds to the principle that government activity should supplement but not supplant communal action by citizens. The CDA puts its philosophy between the “individualism” of the VVD and the “statism” of the PvdA.
* The Labour Party (PvdA), a social democratic, centre-left Labour party. Its programme is based on greater social, political, and economic equality for all citizens.
* The Party for Freedom (PVV), an anti-Islam nationalist-conservative party founded and dominated by Geert Wilders, formerly of the VVD. Its philosophy is based on free market economics and opposition to immigration and European integration.
* The Socialist Party (SP), in its first years a radical socialist/communist party, a Maoist split from the Communist Party Netherlands, is now a more mainstream socialist party, left from the PvdA on economic issues but at the same time taking more conservative positions on issues like integration and national identity than the PvdA.
* The People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), a conservative liberal party. It attaches great importance to private enterprise and the freedom of the individual in political, social, and economic affairs.
* Democrats 66 (D66), a social-liberal radical party. The party supports liberal policies on abortion and euthanasia and reform of the welfare state. The party is left-wing on immigration, environment and foreign policy.
* Green Left (GroenLinks) combines, as its name implies green environmentalist ideals with left-wing ideals. The party is also strongly in favour of the multicultural society.
* Christian Union (ChristenUnie), a Christian-democratic party made up by mostly orthodox Protestant Christians, with conservative stances on abortion, euthanasia and gay marriage. In other areas the party is considered centre-left, for instance on immigration, welfare state and environment.
* The Party for the Animals is a single-issue animal rights party with natural affinity for environmental issues. In general, the party is considered left of the centre.
* The Political Reformed Party (SGP), the most orthodox Protestant party with conservative policies: government is only to serve God. It is a testimonial party. Only in 2006 and after heavy political pressure were women allowed to be members of this party.
* Proud of the Netherlands (Trots op Nederland), the political movement associated with independent parliamentarian and former government

minister of the VVD, Rita Verdonk. It takes a patriotic, populist stand on most political issues.

The first Muslims who settled in the Netherlands were Indonesians who fled from its bloody war of Independence @ 19th c.
imigr vlna @ 60s-1973 – NL oficialne nabera pracovnu silu – najma MOR a TR, ti potom do krajiny prinasaju rodiny via family reunification laws.
A number of Surinamese Muslims came to the Netherlands before and after the independence of Suriname in 1975.
In 80s and especially since 90s, Muslims have also come to the Netherlands as refugees and asylum seekers, mainly from Bosnia, Somalia, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan
Dnes immigr najma via marriage migration & family reunification laws.
In 2005?3 NL passed immigration laws which force future immigrants and their prospective Dutch partners to abide by very strict requirements. Immigrants must pass tests showing knowledge of Dutch in their home countries. The Dutch partner must be at least 21 years old and prove income of at least 120% minimum wage. These strict laws have caused many Dutch interested in marrying people from other countries to move to Belgium for a temporary period, in what has been called “The Belgian Route”. => od 03 silne klesol priliv TR a MOR.
about 400 mosques in the Netherlands, with about 200 Turkish mosques, 140 Moroccan mosques and 50 Surinamese.
45 Islamic elementary schools, and two high schools.

all foreign nationals who have legally resided in the country for five years have the right to vote in local elections

marokanci volia malo, turci ovela viac.
viac orgs maju turci, ale spolupracuju s marokancami.
van gogha zabil marokanec.
hofstad su tiez mar.

Hofstad – oznacenie tajnou sluzbou
muslimski marokanci
group is influenced by the ideology of Takfir wal-Hijra.
Redouan al-Issar, also known as “The Syrian” is the suspected spiritual leader of the group.
Most media attention is attracted by Mohammed Bouyeri, sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering van Gogh (2004) and by Samir Azzouz, suspected of planning terrorist attacks on the Dutch parliament and several strategic targets such as the national airport and a nuclear reactor.
Group is also suspected of planning to kill several members of government and parliament.
Bouyeri 78, al-Issar 55?65, ostatni 20-somethings

In 2006 Minister of Justice Piet Hein Donner (christ dem) provoked an outcry when he suggested the Netherlands might accept Sharia law in a constitutional manner. “It is a sure certainty for me: if two thirds of all Netherlanders tomorrow would want to introduce Sharia, then this possibility must exist. Could you block this legally? It would also be a scandal to say ‘this isn’t allowed! The majority counts. That is the essence of democracy.” The statements were categorically refused by parties across the political spectrum, as well as by one Muslim leader.


, , , , only@not – August 27, 2010 § 0


rotterdam is quite industrial, all centre was bombed by
nazis (to make NL surrender, which they did afterwards).
more than half the city are immigrants (from surinam,
turkey, morocco, antiles), 1/4 of city is muslim,
including the mayor who is moroccan and practising believer.
people are nonstop fluctuating, 80% flats in the centre
are rented.

politically, people are divided between social democrats
and right-wing fortuyn’s populists, half-half. although
socdemocrats won the elections only by 600 votes earlier
this year, and mayor had to order to recount the results
two times. and fortuynes are growing.

food quite horrible. everything is fried (like chinese noodles
with carrot in the small fried squares), i guess ice cream too.
fast food, and sweet pee as a drink.

free parking – ale z vychodnej strany

z Haagu som prisiel Mastunelom a potom hned dolava.
domov som siel dost dlho, nedalo sa vratit, tak cez centrum, potom Erasmus MC cosi velke, a potom (historisje) Delfhaven, a ta obrovska mesita pred Delfhaven!

Erasmus MC @ rott

Adam & Rdam sutazili v umeni aj sporte, v 2007 kult.org publikovali manifest o spolupraci a posilnovani NL kulturu v int’l meradle, A’R’dam

Randstad (Deltametropool) – 7 mil ludi, 6th top metropolitan area @ eur (moscow, london, ruhr, istanbul, paris) – incl. top 4 NL mesta. issue medzi velkymi a mensimi mestami – mensie pracuju vo velkych, ale chcu si udrzat identitu a autonomiu a nechcu nechat velke mesta expandovat

TU Delft?

medzi Haagom a Rdamom finisuju fast rail way RandstadRail

1940 bombing
hitler chcel dobyt NL za 1 den, ale odpor, tak na vystrahu zbombardoval Rdam, NL sa po 4 dnoch podvolilo. centrum komplet zdemolovane, radnica prezila. prestavany v 50s-70s. privelku veternost a otvorenost zacali riesit architektonickou policy az v 80s.

nejak uchylne prepreberaju veci od amikov (french fries, fast food, hamburgery v oriental verziach, sladke šťanky)

centrum ma 70% singles?! (20-40yrs)
80% bytov v centre su podnajmy.
51% ludi v centre su foreign born citizens (“Allochtonen”)

ethno: NL, SUR ~ TR, MOR, Antily/Aruba ~ South Eur.
@NL highest percentage of foreigners from non-industrialised nations.
Nearly 50% of the population are of non Dutch origins or have at least one parent born outside the country.
25% muslims.
mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb (61 vi 3 etznab; od 1/09; PvdA=labour), [majora vybera vlada, a schvaluje kralovna, nevolia ho ludia]. is of Moroccan descent (dual citizen) and is a practicing Muslim ?!?! first appointed mayor of a large city in the Netherlands who is of Moroccan, Muslim, and immigrant descent.
city is home to the largest Dutch Antillean community.
China Town at the (West-) Kruiskade, close to the central railway station.

largest port in Europe, with the rivers Meuse and Rhine providing excellent access to the hinterland upstream reaching to Basel, Switzerland and into France.
In 2003 Singapore took over, and in 2005 Shanghai, as the world’s busiest port.

skoly: EUR, WDKA @HRO, 3x hogeschool (HRO, H INHOLLAND, CodArts = Muziek en Dans)
WDKA one of the most prestigious art schools in the Netherlands and the number 1 in Advertising and Copywriting.

a saying: “Amsterdam to party, Den Haag (The Hague) to live, Rotterdam to work”.
more popular by Rotterdammers, is “Money is earned in Rotterdam, divided in The Hague and spent in Amsterdam”.
Another saying that reflects both the rivalry between Rotterdam and Amsterdam is “Amsterdam has it, Rotterdam doesn’t need it”.

the NAi (Netherlands Architecture Institute), the Kunsthal (design by Rem Koolhaas),the center for contemporary art Witte de With.
In 1898, the 45 meter high-rise office building the White House (or in official Dutch Witte Huis) was completed, at that time the tallest office building in Europe.
Van Nelle fabriek (1929) a monument of modern factory design by Brinkman en Van der Vlugt.
Kubuswoningen or cube houses built by architect Piet Blom in 1984.
architects based in Rotterdam like O.M.A (Rem Koolhaas), MVRDV, Neutelings & Riedijk and Erick van Egeraat.
Erasmus Bridge (1996).
Berlage Institute, a postgraduate laboratory of architecture,
IFF Rdam v januari

4x MA: Masters in Fine Art, Interior Architecture/Retail Design, Media (with the specializations Networked Media and Lens-Based Digital Media) and Education in Art + 1x PhD research: Communication in a Digital Age (predtym Media Design Research (2002-2006)), planuju dalsi PhD: Cultural Diversity.
FA + NM + public lectures su na inej adrese v centre; tieto programy robia annual graduation show.
courses are “based on the premise that contemporary art, design and media only exist in a wider social and cultural context, and connect artistic production and research with the public realm of discourse and display”.
Edu in Art robia spolu s CodArts konzervou (jediny v holandcine), ostatne v EN a su int’l a multidisc.
max 12 students per program per year.
Course directors have been Anke Bangma (1999-2007) and Vanessa Ohlraun (since 2007) for Fine Art, Raphael van Amerongen (2001-2007) and Margaret Wijnands (since 2008) for Retail Design, Matthew Fuller (2002-2006) and Florian Cramer (since 2006) for Networked Media and the research programmes, Simon Pummell (since 2009) for Lens-Based Digital Media, Robin Punt and Jojanneke Gijsen for Education in Art.

Essalaam Mosque @ south
intended for the about 2,500 Moroccan Muslims in Rotterdam South (@ Feijenoord)
stavaju ju od 2003, mala byt v 05, ultimatum v 10/10 – mesto hovori ze stavebne povolenie vyprsi ak neukaza zdroje financovania. prachy maju dojst z Dubaia. A rich sheikh who runs the Al Maksoum Foundation has already financed several mosques in Europe, ale miestni sa zlozili na pozemok(?) a nechcu aby sejk vlastnil budovu. + Many of the mosque goers are unsatisfied with the fact that three out of the six administrators are workers of the Arab financier from Dubai, as well as with the fact that donations have been misappropriated. + Dubaicania maju dokonca konflikty s miestnymi marockymi moslimami, a mesita ich piatich banla via sud hovorca: “The mosque is not a public space, but rather the property of a particular association, which decides who may or may not come in.”
50m minarety

Mevlana Moskee

v rotterdame 1+1 (TR+MOR), haagu 3 (1955-prva v NL), amstri 5, ale asi ovela viac
Nederland telt rond de 450 moskeeën (in 2008)

media: rnw.nl – v EN

NAC riesia artist flats v Charlois, *04
v 6/10 sa dostali k 360 adresam v jej substvrti Wielewaal, ktora sa bude rekonstruovat v 2013, po par kusoch mesacne budu davat ludom na zozname.
NAC zacal tym ze dostali budovu ’t U-tje s 36 bytmi at the end of Verboomstraat and Nieuwenhoornstraat at the edge of Oud-Charlois, close to the dyke and the Zuiderpark. vyzera ze stale funguje. dole klub Attent.
dalsich 45 bytov maju na Wolphaertstraat @ Oud-Charlois. + Recently the district council of Charlois has proclaimed the area around the Sint Clemens Church the be called ‘Kunstenzone’(arts zone), thus expressing its ambition to stimulate the area to become an art village. + Next to Wolphaertstraat there is Gallery Hommes, a guest residency by Woonstad (hosted by Hommes foundation), the Japanese cultural centre Shofukan.nl and around the corner A-Locatie with Half Juni and several studios such as Wandschappen. In Wolphaertstraat there are the NAC project spaces of W Lf_rt 1 & 2, with BART Store and Art-Plaats, and the NAC guesthouse Zimmerfrei #1. On each last Sunday of the month Zuid Explorer is held, an afternoon to visit the cultural space around the historical centre.
1 byt na Charloisse Kerksingel, pri St. Clemens Church
200e deposit. + NAC advises all artists to get a WA-insurance (liability insurance) (covers the damage costs caused to others living around you). + Besides this, we recommend everybody to arrange an insurance of household effect for your own properties. najom ide realitke + NAC + maintenance. zvysok ide do fondu NAC (*3/09), z ktoreho financuju kult. projekty. + da sa aj GBA s nimi.

66k ludi
na juhu tvori hranicu A15ka, na zapade Eemhaven pristav, na severe rieka Nieuwe Maas
osidlenie uz v 13.st, k Rott pripojeny este v 19.st.
consists of seven neighbourhoods, the pre-war areas Oud-Charlois, Tarwewijk, Heijplaat and Carnisse, and the post-war neighborhoods Pendrecht, Zuidwijk and Wielewaal.
Wielewaal is unique in Rdam, built for the people who lost their homes due to the German bombardment of the city centre in 1940. Built as a temporary housing project, like several others housing projects such as the Brabantsedorp, it is the last one remaining. Local community prevented the demolition. It holds about 366 houses, one level, with gardens in front and back. Nowadays it resambles a holiday resort, with asfalt roads, no road signs, lots of green spaces inbetween, sport facilities and all quiet. [cosi ako zlin? :) ]
v 2010 aj 2006 municipal volby v Ch. vyhrala PvdA (Labour) pred LR (conserv lib; Livable Rotterdam), potom uz len mensie

LR (Leefbaar Rdam) su Fortuynovi populisti, v 02 vyhrali v Rdame volby, najv. strana v Rdame po 30 rokoch co bola PvdA.
V 10 sa kvoli skandalom 2x preratavali volby (najprv len cast), PvdA vyhrali len o 600 hlasov
Unconventional, sometimes right wing vision, especially on immigration and tolerance.
Partij % 2002 % 2006 % 2010 Z. 2002 Z. 2006 Z. 2010
PvdA 22,4 37,4 28,9 11 (10) 18 14
Leefbaar Rotterdam 34,7 29,7 28,6 17 (13) 14 14
CDA 11,3 7,7 6,7 5 3 3
SP 4,0 6,6 5,6 1 3 2
VVD 9,8 6,2 9,6 4 3 4
GroenLinks 6,5 4,3 7,3 3 (2) 2 3
CU/SGP 2,7 2,4 3,0 1 1 1
D66 5,1 2,2 9,3 2 1 4
V 02 Fortuyna (7 ik XI aq) vyhodili z Leefbaar Nland, a zalozil LPF za ktoreho lokalnu odnoz sa LR povazuje.
Zakl a lider Ronald Sorensen (2 chuen 47 ge).

Den Haag

, , , , only@not – August 27, 2010 § 0

indonez restika, za 5 do krabice, ale nic extra, w/ jonas
Brouwersgracht 29

@ Zeeheldenkwartier, Piet Heinstraat 108
mo-fr 9-20, sa-su 10-20
cafe, wifi, kafe dobre, capucino 2e, ale nemaju alkohol!!, zastrcka len jedna (pri okne v rohu)

Piet Heinstraat 78, asi niekde vedla Crunch, capuc tiez 2e, ale iba do 5/6pm otvorene

Prinsestraat 84, zvonka vyzerali cool, aj koncerty (Toro Y Moi)
su-th 10-1, fr-sa 10-2
jonas hovori ze najvacsi coffee shop

lapsang je prihriaty

Koningin Emmakade 118A, mo-su 10-23
zvonka vyzeralo v pohode, kusok od jonasa, capuc 2e, polievka 5.50e, jupiler pivo 2.20e

cinsko-surinamska restika, menu 12-16h za 5e!!, strasne dlhy listok maju
@centre, Piet Heinstraat 29, mo-fr 11-22, sa-su 14-22

@centre, Oude Molstraat 19, stari ludia

@centre, Molenstraat 52, via net vyzera byt v pohode kafe

@centre, Grote Markt 27, tam na tom trhu, via net vyzera byt v pohode kafe

The wealthier areas (Statenkwartier, Belgisch Park, Marlot, Benoordenhout and Archipelbuurt) are generally located @ NW; however, the Vogelwijk and several very recently built quarters like Vroondaal are @ SW, not far from the sea.

*** chudobne stvrte ***
Transvaal (center W), Moerwijk (S, Escamp), Schilderswijk (center W) @SE, or near the coast in Scheveningen (Duindorp).

14k ludi: 90% of people from ethnic minorities mainly Turkish 30%, Moroccan 14% and Surinamese 24%, Dutch 10%, Antilleans 2.5%, non-West 13%, West 7%
32.8% of residents of the Transvaal lives by the municipal data of a minimum income, which is two times the rate that applies to the entire city of Den Haag (16%).
about 6700 homes, this is 63% held by the Hague Staedion corporations (50%) and HaagWoonen (13%). The remaining 37% of individuals.
30% rezidentov sa prestahuje kazdy rok, najma prec z transvaalu = nedobre pre social cohesion.
2002-2015 restrukturalizacia: buraju 2400 domov, stavaju 1250, z toho 70% na predaj a 30% na prenajom

33k ludi
prijmy podobne ako v Transvaale, aj ethno zlozenie, aj ze ziju v podnajmoch
iba 25% individually owned, ostatok prenajima HaagWonen
Haagse Markt

20k ludi: NL 50%, MOR 7%, TR 7%, SUR 10%
pri Zuiderparku
arch Willem Dudok ho projektoval

6k ludi
ma plaz


Enkele reis € 4,30
Dagretour € 8,20
kazdych 15 minut cez tyzden, cesta 30 min

Makavejev on Reich

, , , , , only@not – August 21, 2010 § 0


youth can be the subject for a good fiction film. In his youth he was a charismatic leader, a young doctor in the revolu- tionary movement in Germany, who tried to introduce sex and love into the revolutionary movement and keep the movement alive. But what happened to Reich actually: he started the Sexpol movement in Germany; in 1930 they had about 30,000 members and organized lec- tures all over Germany. Reich’s ideal was that the Communist Party should organize youth around dance-halls, not to try to get young peo- ple to dull political lectures-to find young peo- ple where they really are. I even remember reading about young Nazis, members of the Hitlerjugend, coming to hear Reich and leaving the Nazi Party after getting a deeper understanding of their own inner troubles, their rea- sons for being politically active. I have heard from our ambassador in Paris-he attended Reich’s lectures when he was a student in Prague in 1934-that there were thousands of students just all over the hall, sitting on windowsills and in the staircases, like Columbia in April ’68, or Berkeley; and he was a kind of prophet of a new time, an affirmative culture-some kind of new integrity between man and his social life.

What happened at the end of the Sex- pol movement was that Reich was thrown out of it. It was organized by the Communist Party; and what he was teaching was too much for them. First they banned his books from all Party bookstores; and then they organized a majority in the Sexpol movement and threw him out. It was just a few months before Hitler came to power, so it is not widely known. So you see first he was oppressed by people in his own movement. He was very devoted to the revolu- tion, but he realized that the revolution didn’t need him. And when Hitler came to power, his books were suppressed and then burned. And then it was repeated, in ’56 and ’57 by such a democratic government as the American one.

Reich was actually sent to prison for con- tempt of court. They chased him because of “illegal interstate sale of orgone accumulators”- devices that had not been scientifically proved. But then he didn’t appear before the court; he said “Science has to judge me, and not an agency for food and cosmetics that is connected with the interests of the cosmetics industry.” He was very angry, and had good reason to be. He got two years for contempt of court.


what was very important for me was to preserve the in- tegrity of every piece. So that means I didn’t mix into documentary shots with his patients; or there is stock footage of Reich and his col- laborators, and the commentary that is run over it is some sort of just interpretation of what people were talking about then. The film is very complicated; there is a lot of playing in the film; but I never played in the separate pieces, I kept them as separate blocs.

I thought for years about how Reich could be explained.

Reich says that contemporary human beings have re- actionary bodies-rigid bodies. And our charac- terological stiffness is rooted in muscular armor. Psychological armor equals muscular armor, on the biological level. And we are conditioned to be like that from our early months of life. So it seems that the task of changing people is much more complicated than it looks like if you just feel you can apply Marx’s theories and make a redistribution of wealth or abolish private prop- erty, and everything will be OK. That’s not true, because people are repeating-that’s what happened in the whole so-called socialist world today: it’s just one great repetition of all the rigidity of bourgeois society. So when I made my film Man Is Not a Bird I was trying to ex- plain that you can have global changes but peo- ple can still stay the same, unhappy or awkward or privately confused; and in all my other films I try to follow this line, and I came gradually to Reich, who really explained why we are un- able to change quickly. We are able to change, but not so quickly, and probably some people are unable to change at all.

Well, I will tell you that we got a recommendation from the International Evan- gelical jury in Berlin-composed of priests and people connected with the ecumenical move- ment-and they gave a recommendation for the film to be seen and discussed on the subject of the “importance of eroticism, sexuality and love for political freedom.” So it seems that people understand that the main topic of the film is not sexuality but human personal happiness con- nected with political freedom, which means men in the social environment. Generally reactions in Europe were more political than sexual, to the effect that “sex is not so important in the film.” (In fact, that’s not true.) But it seems that people are getting the message that the main thing in sexual repression or sexual freedom is actually the political content of human personal freedom

In Yugoslavia we got in trouble very quickly when we came back from Cannes [where the film won the grand prize]. A screening was organized by people hostile to the film-they got about 400 people, mainly older people, some of them connected with some sort of preservation of traditions, that means people who are taking care of monuments and graveyards and museums, plus old revolution- aries, so-called hard-liners who are now out of the main social activities and are on the margin of social life taking care of their memories of our glorious past-and they were mad. It was terrible. People just started shouting. It was an extremely unpleasant experience.
On what grounds were they angry?
Because Stalin was connected with sexuality! Stalin was connected with the phallus. And they are just completely unable to see any connection between political power and sexual potency; the sexual meaning of political power was completely strange to them, and they were completely sexually upset. They were sweating, trembling, a lot of physical signs: they were just showing complete physiological distress. But these reactions were expressed in very political terms: “politically unacceptable,” “ideologically wrong,” “attitude of the enemy,” this kind of political cliche were all activated against the film.
Have they banned the film?
They succeeded in stopping it, so far, on administrative grounds, although we have the necessary signatures on the censorship board. But they didn’t dare to send the police to take the film away from us; they don’t want to fight us in the courts. Meanwhile new censor regula- tions have been set up and a new board has come in, so we are tied up in all this legal procedures business.

The film contains some very satirical scenes against organized Communism-for instance that scene where the madman is banging his head against the wall and on the sound track is this hymn to the glorious Communist Party, “from which all our blessings flow,” and so on. Is the film attacked as being anti-Com- munist, and if so how do you reply?
D.M.: It’s interesting that the film was at- tacked on those grounds by a very tiny portion of Party members, and in fact not so much by Party members as by ex-Party members who were thrown out of the Party as Stalinists. It seems that for most people in the country it is clear that the film is not anti-Communist but anti-Stalinist.
J.M.: It’s also anti-Leninist, however.
D.M.: Oh, no, that’s not true. The film is dis- cussing some points in Leninism, or about Len- in, but the film is not anti-Lenin, in my opinion. Even some people in high Party positions told me the film is clearly anti-Stalinist, and the film is clearly against blocs, and the film is for inde- pendent communism or independent socialism. So it seems many people understood the film politically as an honest contribution to inner discussion in the communist movement. Now about Leninism. In the film you have direct quotations from Lenin in two places: one is where the awkward Russian figure-skating champion is trying to talk to the Yugoslavian revolutionary girl, and they have no other way to talk with each other but to whisper political ideas in a very tender way: so they speak about “what are the tasks of youth,” and this is an exact quotation from Lenin.
J.M.: And the other is the statement about the Appassionata Sonata and how it makes him want to treat people nicely and pat them on the head, when what is needed at this time is to hit them over the head.
D.M.: Yeah, because he believed that we must change people. Lenin was a true neurotic, a man torn by his wish to change people and the world, and his wish to help people. So I think to talk about Leninism in terms of a theoretical outcome of a deep wish to change-this is an effort to understand, both to criticize and to understand, but I don’t think it is just hostile if you are critical. And then if you remember the moment when the Russian says, “In prin- ciple we are against any violence,” and she touches him on the most important part of his, uh, revolutionary organism, which he is trying to forget-and then he hits her. So at the mo- ment he turns to pure violence. You remember what is the next shot? She looks at him, but he is not there any more: there is Stalin. Stalin crying. That’s a beautiful shot, and I took it [from a Russian feature]. Stalin watches the bench in the snow where Lenin used to sit, and he is crying. This is pure demagogy, and I loved this scene for its shallowness, this kind of kitsch quality, surrealist qualities. But I introduced it into the film at a moment connected with Lenin. Of course everything is distorted a little, or made into caricature, because the music that follows the skater Vladimir Ilyitch’s speech-he is a kind of positive hero, beautiful, an artist- not the real Lenin, he is kind of a marzipan rein- carnation-that music is of course not the Ap- passionata but some Hungarian gypsy music entitled “Like a Beautiful Dream”: low-level music, not Beethoven. So there is another shift in meaning between his speech and the music on the sound track. Then if you remember the scene that follows, Stalin is receiving a letter that is addressed to Lenin. So I think that Stalin is the worst possible reincarnation of Lenin- all forceful features of Lenin, all Lenin’s efforts to change things forcefully, they were reincarnated in Stalin. This is the part of Lenin’s revo- lutionary program that I can’t agree upon; be- cause forceful change can’t bring change: that’s I think very simple.

E.C.: Do you think that traditional “organ- ized communism” is inherently anti-sex? Can the anti-body, anti-sex attitude of the tradition- al left be escaped?
D.M.: I think it is not only communist or- ganization that has been anti-sex; it seems to me that all organization in the world-look at the churches, look at governments, look at the police, the army, everything is anti-sex; the es- sentially homosexual structure of the whole gov- ernment is completely hidden; we have only males in business, in politics, in the army and police-so all that is a pure continuation of boy- hood; this kind of homosexual male period is projected into the structure of the whole so- ciety, so women are completely outside of the image of any kind of meaningful social organization. They are kept just to medicine, teach- ing, and “humanitarian” cages, completely out of the main power structure. The only movements that were connected with the body were fascist movements: they were talking about blood, and earth, and body, but again in I think a different kind of homo- sexual overtones, and not in a fully heterosexual meaning. It seems to me that the sexual significance of movements and organizations is completely de- stroyed in our alienated style of living. And my idea was to build a movie that is a kind of interplay between organization and spontaneity. For it seems to me that the all-anarchism of, let’s say, the New American Cinema or the an- archism of the New Left, this kind of totally unorganized way in which people are now re- acting to power structures, is inefficient because it lacks organization; yet if it turns to organization it takes the same old forms, like the high- ly organized, militant, puritan, self-sacrificing groups, so this just perpetuates the old system of power and fighting power with power. And it seems to me that we have to fight power with spontaneity and humor, but in a more organized way than it is done. It seems to me that some future society which I believe in, a society organized on work and love without any politi- cal mediators-work, love, and communication, let’s say-must be a highly organized kind of society that has a lot of space for all kinds of spontaneous activities. In my film-I worked eight months on it in the editing room to get this kind of strong organization, yet trying to preserve all the spontaneity possible in the film. And I feel that’s the reason it is puzzling: peo- ple are not sure where I am leading them.
Actually the film is very traditionally struc- tured. There are the first three reels of docu- mentary introduction, and then we have this very slow dramatic exposition, then we have the conflict say in reels five and six, and those highly emotional things in reel eight-the plas- ter-caster scene, which is a kind of climactic scene; and then you have a melodramatic con- tinuation in reels nine and ten which in purely dramatic terms explain this conflict between personality and society: “You are able to love mankind but you are not able to love a human person.” (The women’s libbers are very happy with this scene, where she is hitting him trying to awaken him to real masculinity instead of this empty masculinity.) And then you have this kind of cathartic song at the end. So as you see the whole structure is very traditional: you are supposed to be relaxed for a few reels, then puzzled, then you have a build-up of the con- flict, then the big chase, and then you have catharsis! But this traditional organization is completely invisible in my film: there are a lot of other attractions, and they are done in this kind of open-structure way so that everybody is projecting his own thing into the film. I call it the “liberating trap”-an open structure that forces people to throw their own irrationalities into the film. There are so many things left un- answered, so many questions posed-you must answer them in order to be able to “survive,” to be able to follow the story, to go on. And there is not time enough left for thinking, just for projecting your own wrong ideas, your own misinterpretations, your own irrationalities into the film-but then to go on. At the end many people are very restless, puzzled, confused-but highly interested in the subject. They’re ready to come see the film again, to read more Reich, to ask me about all kinds of things.

I am very skeptical about systems, liv- ing in a country which is not in this big bloc of “freedom-loving” nations in NATO, and also is not in the big bloc of “freedom-loving” na- tions in the Warsaw Pact; in Yugoslavia we don’t see very many differences between life in America and Russia as far as big ideas are con- cerned: these big, beautiful, patriotic ideas that enable big countries to smash small countries and kill people in the name of humanity, or im- pose their own systems of values on others. So I think these big superpowers may have the same policy on the global level. On a practical level of course America is very different from Rus- sia-because in Russia each individual has his own happiness delivered to him by the govern- ment or Party, and here everybody has to fight for his own happiness in the market. But it seems to me the sets of illusions are very simi- lar, and the inflexibility of the two systems is very similar. Of course the American system is much more flexible in responding to the mar- ket, but politically many things that are against all economy are perpetuated. So more and more, all over the world, people feel that something must be done: systems that start from people spontaneously organizing themselves in some sort of meaningful groups, and then not alien- ating their power to some sort of more “repre- sentative” higher levels-just preserving their own communal power. I think the new means of communication that we have in the media, in this electronic world, enable us to live in our small ethnic groups, or very specific groups, yet being able to communicate all over the globe without the necessity of having this type of power structure to mediate in our names. I be- lieve in a world without states, a world without politicians, without these political structures rep- resenting alienated power.
R.S.: A kind of loosely structured anarchy?
D.M.: No, a kind of well organized anarchy! I think the failure of world communism to do anything meaningful is that it built some sort of very militant, Christian-style militancy of fighting for a paradise that will come for our grandchildren, and for them we must put our- selves through the fire; and this leads to terrible things, like millions of people put in concentra- tion camps by their own comrades, and many of them in the camps even believing that the camps were good for the system. You remem- ber that many people died shouting “Long live Stalin!” even when they were being killed on Stalin’s orders. This self-sacrificing revolution- ism is the same kind of religious, Judeo-Chris- tian kind of bullshit.