speculative realism (2011)

, , , , , , , , , only@not – January 7, 2011 § 0

lepsie v http://www.burundi.sk/dusan/carrythatweight/images/d/d5/Speculative-realism.txt

SPECULATIVE REALISTS [najma via wikipedia] (2 jan 11)
defines itself loosely in its stance of metaphysical realism against the dominant forms of post-Kantian philosophy or what it terms correlationism (~ anthropocentrism?).
I 4/2007 @ Goldsmiths College, org by Alberto Toscano, *spec real
II 4/2009 “Speculative Realism/Speculative Materialism” @ UWE Bristol
Collapse #3 (publ conf I by CCRU Warwick), (wordpress) blogs, Zero Books, Re.Press, Open Humanities Press
Quentin Meillassoux, 67 fr/paris, son of anthropologist, teaches @ École Normale Supérieure, former student of Badiou (po nom prebral tiez matematicke referencie).
materialista, nie realista.
Badiou o jeho 06/08 knihe After Finitude (EN transl by Brassier) hovori ze uvadza do filozofie uplne novy pohlad, iny ako tri Kantove – kritiku, skepticizmus a dogmatizmus;
kritizuje ‘correlationism’ ~ filozofia moze pojednavat cisto o human-world (cosi ako antropocentrizmus, ale neviem preco nepouziva ten pojem).
‘absolute time’
hlasi(l) sa k ‘speculative materialism’.
pre-human-world = ‘ancestral realm’.
primarne vlastnosti veci dosahuje matematika, vnimanie az sekundarne vlastnosti.
[core] agnosticky skepticizmus voci kauzalite treba premenit v istotu ze causal necessity je uplna blbost… a nutnost ze laws or nature are contingent.
odmieta Kantovu Kopernikovsku revoluciu (svet zavisi od situacie pozorovatela) – vytvoril len Ptolemaiovsku kontra-revoluciu.
/ nebloguje?
Graham Harman – 68 ta 8 imix II us/iowa city, studoval pod Alphonsom Lingisom na Penn State Uni (MA 91), PhD 99 na DePaul Uni Chicago (hih zivil sa ako sports writer), 00- American University in Cairo
metafyzik, realista, occasionalist (occasional cause), silne sympatizuje s panpsychizmom, snazi sa zvratit lingvisticky obrat v zap. filozofii.
‘object-oriented philosophy’ (tiez Bryant a Bogost) via tool-analysis Heideggerovej Being and Time – fenomenologia trpi tym ze vsetko vztahuje na cloveka, PRO utlaceny realny zivot objektov (tymi je EM pole, ohnuty casopriestor, aj OSN).
‘vicarious causation’
robi rozdiel medzi realnymi a vnimanymi objektami – na rozdiel od (early?) Latour (& DeLanda?)’s flat ontology (mam to rozvite na poznamkach z pripravy PZI eseje 1).
Ray Brassier, 65, fr-skotski predkovia, Middlesex University => American University of Beirut
nihilista, realista, materialista, antihumanista.
stavia na ‘non-philosophy’ Françoisa Laurella.
premostuje povojnovu FR filozofiu s anglo-us tradicie fil. naturalizmu, kogn. vedy, a neurofilozofie.
‘transcendental nihilism / methodological naturalism’
prelozil 2 Badiouove a 1 Meillassouxove knihy.
Iain Hamilton Grant – BA Reading, MA, PhD Warwick, University of the West of England Bristol
‘transcendental materialism / neo-vitalism’
! venuje sa aj hist & phil of sci, phil of tech.
prelozil par knih Baudrillarda a Lyotarda.
breaktru 06 knihou Philosophies of Nature After Schelling (myslim ze Schelling zasadne spomina Ranciere pri aesthetical regime),
kde kritizuje filozofov snaziacich sa reverznut Platona – mali by radsej reverznut Kanta.
tiez dost kritizuje fil etiky a zivota v sucasnej kontinentalnej fil – ze davaju moc do popredia cloveka.
hlavny source: Plato & Schelling & Deleuze. anti Aristotle & Kant (realitu redukuju na ludsky pohlad).
Levi Bryant
Nick Srnicek
Ian Bogost

SPECULATIVE TURN reader (re.press 1/2011)
editori sa nikdy nestretli osobne (:

Intro [CORE] ***
quick hist of phil 1900s-2000s:
Heidegger & phenomenology; Derrida & Foucault (od late 70s); Deleuze (od smrti v mid-90s); Zizek a neskor aj Badiou (po smrti Derridu v 04);
tiez Latour (via OO ontologists Harman, Bryant, Bogost); Stengers (on Deleuze & Whitehead); Laruelle (non-philosophy, incl. cogn sci & neurophil);
v 02 DeLanda a Harman publikuju o realizme (Intensive Science & Tool-Being); mid-00s Meillassoux (After Finitude); SpecReal eventy 07 a 09
anti-realist trends @ phil incl. phenomenology, structuralism, post-structuralism, deconstruction, postmodernism.
teraz vid eko katastrofa alebo infiltration of tech into everyday (incl. bodies) – antirealizmus je neudrzatelny.
doteraz najma focus on texts, discourse, social practices, and human finitude — spec real na realitu ako taku.
SR vsetci uvazuju o realite inak ako cez myslenie a ludskost (napr textovu kritiku) – napr cez noumenal objects, causality-in-itself, neurovedu, matematicke absolutes, psychoanalyzu.
Speculation aims at something ‘beyond’ the critical and linguistic turns.
anti-realism found itself in trap of ‘correlationism’: ‘the idea according to which we only ever have access to the correlation between thinking and being, and never to either term considered apart from the other’.
povod v Kantovej kritickej filozofii (Kopernikovska revolucia: it is no longer the mind that conforms to objects, but rather objects that conform to the mind)
javy: preoccupation with such issues as death and
finitude, an aversion to science, a focus on language, culture, and subjectivity to the
detriment of material factors, an anthropocentric stance towards nature, a relinquish-
ing of the search for absolutes, and an acquiescence to the specific conditions of our historical thrownness. [p 4]
Zizek draws on the naturephilosophy of Schelling, the ontological vastness of Hegel, and the insights into the Real of Lacan.
@Parallax View 06:
??? ‘Materialism means that the reality I see is never “whole”—not because a large part of it eludes me, but be-
cause it contains a stain, a blind spot, which indicates my inclusion in it’.
Reality, he repeatedly states, is non-All; there is a gap, a stain, an irresolvable hole within reality
itself. The very difference between the for-itself and the in-itself is encompassed with-
in the Absolute. Only by attending to this gap can we become truly materialist. Žižek
has signalled a ‘transcendental materialist’ turn within recent continental thinking.
Badiou: ‘mathematics = ontology’ (@ Being and Event 05-EN), stavia ontologiu na teorii mnozin. matematika hovori o byti bez predikacii
Latour: ‘irreductionism’ – all entities are equally real (though not equally strong) insofar as they act on other entities.
Cybernetic Culture Research Unit, *late 90s, Sadie Plant & Nick Land @ Uni of Warwick, tiez Matthew Fuller, Kode 9, Kodwo Eshun, Mark Fisher.
coskoro presunuli mimo uni. publikuju Collapse (*9/06) a Pli – liahen fil realizmu a materializmu.
approved blogs (discussing/producing SR): Bryant (Larval Subjects), Srnicek (The Accursed Share and Speculative Heresy), Harman (Object-Oriented Philosophy), Another Heidegger Blog, Eliminative Culinarism, Immanence, Infinite Thought, Jon Cogburn’s Blog, K-Punk, Naught Thought, The Pinocchio Theory, Planomenology, Poetix, Rough Theory, and Splintering Bone Ashes.

sections (cmr = continental materialism and realism)
0 badiou uvadza socreal – chyba im th of ‘event’
1 spec realist conf 2
2 responses to ‘after finitude’
3 cmr and politics
4 new phil trends in metaphysics
5 cmr and science

@ part 1 – Grant [core] – ‘Does Nature Stay What It Is?’
kritizuje ‘materializmus’ Badioua a Zizeka (on cerpa z dynamist concept of matter & formal rather than material problem of Ground by Hindrichs);
a neo-Fichteanism kontinentalneho myslenia (napr Meillassoux, Zizek)
predtym Harman kritizuje G ze ‘podkopava’ objekty tym ze v nich hlada hlbsie materialne zaklady (Boha, fyzicke vlastnosti, pudy, predindividualno);
G na to: Harman is incapable of grasping the anteriority upon which both ideation and objects depend.
PSR = ?; by Leibniz
Ground = ?
kritizuje Newtonovsky dualizmus atomov a sil (ten vidno aj u ‘grounded’ power theorists @ phil of nature) ktory naraza pri metafyzike hmoty,
a konkretne pri koncepcii inertnej underlying substance.
cize chapu hmotu ako Aristoteles chape substanciu. z toho dualizmus (@ ontology of eliminative materialism), pritomny aj na SpecReal 2007 conf.
materializmus treba chapat ako ontologicku tezu – potom je vsetko materialne.
Hindrichs provides a functionalist model of the operation of grounding, which amounts to asserting the equivalence of ground, act and form.
conceptions of matter:
– substance
– dynamist – introduced into physics by Hans Christian Oersted in 1820 (@ exp demo of EM), but into philosophy by Plato.
[moc tazke, precitam neskor, vyzera byt zasadne]

@ part 2
Meillassouxovi zmietli nesmely navrh potreby (virtualneho) Boha;
a ze jeho uplne zavrhnutie kauzality a potreba kontingencie v prirode nie su zlucitelne, pretoze ta kontingencia v dosledku beztak implikuje kauzalitu alebo becoming.
ontologizuje Humeovi epistemologiu;
pletie si metafyzicku a natural necessity, co ho vedie k unjustifiable derivation of pure Chaos;
nerobi rozdiel medzi pure a applied matematikou, a kym reasoning bases on pure math, conclusions rozvadza siroko mimo nej;

@ part 3 – CHECK srnicek
Srnicek o tom ze via Laruelle’s non-phil (subjektivita ako formalistic procedure neredukovatelna na fenomenologicky/psych zaklad) sa da uniknut kapitalizmu,
ale ze realist ontology v sebe nemoze zahrnat grounds for eticku/politicku action (zbavuje iba kapitalistickej autority, ale nedava guidelines/imperatives dalej).

@ part 4
Meillassoux [core] robi rozdiel medzi ‘potencialitou’ a ‘virtualitou’ via Hume & Cantor.
Shaviro porovnava Harmana a Whiteheada – H’s non-relational ontology sux; H’s allure (linked to sublime) je aesth modernizmus, kym W’s beauty (‘the emergence of patterned contrasts’) je 21st c.
Harman [core]: Whitehead (like Latour) has an ontology of individual entities while Deleuze (like Bergson, Simondon, and Iain Hamilton Grant) do not view individuals as the basic personae of the world.
Latour [core] pise knihu o 14 modoch bytia via Souriau [tajne ich riesi od 1987] (do 2007 verejne nerobil phil rozdiel medzi phys/mental/animal/fictional actors), napr: phenomenon, thing, soul, fiction, God.

@ part 5
Protevi o Deleuzovom afekte via developmental systems theory, neurology and cognitive psychology,

Zizek porovnava svoj materializmus s materializmami
scientific materialism (Darwinism, brain sciences),
‘discursive’ materialism (ideology as the result of material discursive practices),
Badiou’s ‘democratic materialism’ (the spontaneous egalitarian hedonism),
only the assertion of the nature of reality as ‘non-All’ can sustain a truly materialist position.

SR future
teraz 4 hlavne debatne okruhy: politics/ethics, temporality, subjectivity/consciousness, and science/truth

Foucault (2001): Fearless Speech

, , , , , , , , carrythatweight – January 7, 2011 § 0

lepsie v: http://burundi.sk/dusan/carrythatweight/images/5/51/Pzi.esej.research.txt

semiotexte’s Foucault: Fearless Speech (2001)
prednasky v EN @ uni of cal in berkeley z 10-11/83 (dnes som inak komentoval assangeovo video
zeditovane pearsonom v 85

” My intention was not to deal with the problem of truth, but with the problem of truth-teller or truth-telling as an activity.
By this I mean that, for me, it was not a question of analyzing the internal or external criteria that would enable the Greeks and Romans,
or anyone else, to recognize whether a statement or proposition is true or not. At issue for me was rather the attempt
to consider truth-telling as a specific activity, or as a role. ” Discourse & Truth, Concluding remarks by Foucault.
/ ciel: nie schopnost urcit ci je vyrok pravdivy alebo nie, ale chapat pravdomluvnost ako specificku aktivitu, ako rolu.
” With the question of the importance of telling the truth, knowing who is able to tell the truth,
and knowing why we should tell the truth, we have the roots of what we could call the ‘critical’ tradition in the West.”

CHECK [107] – practice of parrhesia @ human relationships

[p 11-20]
[core] parrhesia = frankness + truth + criticism + danger + duty
– being ‘FRANK’ (instead of PERSUASION), povedat vsetko co mam na mysli, nic neskryvam
parrhesia – 2 types:
– ‘bad’ parrhesia ~ not far from ‘chattering’, saying any/everything one has in mind w/o qualification;
everyone has the right to address his fellow citizens even with the most stupid or dangerous things in the city;
verbal activity which reflects every movement of heart & mind
/ blogging, comments, twitter, ‘kazdy prd’ na youtube, total transparency freak leaking
– [core] positive parrhesia, ‘to tell the TRUTH’ (instead of FALSEHOOD or SILENCE);
p says what he _thinks_ is true [via mind], or does he say what _is_ really true [via ontology] ? —
he says what is true because he _knows_ that it _is_ true [mind+ontology], and he _knows_ that it is true because it is really true [mind+?].
~ there is exact coincidence bwn belief & truth [v grecku sa stretavali verbalne; v dnesnej kartezianskej koncepcii dokazu sa stretavaju mentalne]
/ je pravda, a niektore jej casti poznam.
cize nielenze je uprimny, ale navyse jeho nazor je pravdivy.
[core] cize zaroven tomu veri a zaroven to je pravda.
v grecku je pristup k pravde dany moralkou, ak mam urcite moralne vlastnosti, tak mam pristup k pravde (a tiez k jej odovzdaniu dalsim).
[core] u descarta to je inak, on si nie je isty ci to comu veri, je tiez pravda.
[core] ‘proof’ of sincerity of truth-teller is his ‘courage’
ak clovek povie nieco nebezpecne, je velke podozrenie ze je truth-teller.
vtedy sa pytame sami seba: je naozaj truth-teller? a – ako si moze byt isty ze to comu veri je pravda? (ta druha otazka sa grekov moc netyka, neriesili to)
[core] podmienka pre parrhesiu je pritomnost nebezpecenstva, ‘DANGER’, ze teller nieco riskuje
(napr ucitel povie detom ze ich uci – tym nic neriskuje, ale ked filozof povie tyranovi ze tyrania je zla lebo neni kompatibilna so spravodlivostou, tak riskuje)
[!] tyran neni truth-teller, lebo nic neriskuje
[core] a ten danger vychadza vzdy z druhych stran, nevrham sa do danger sam (napriklad pred sudom povedat nieco co moze byt proti mne zneuzite).
confession to someone who exercises power over speaker, and is able to censure or punish him for what he has done,
[core] takze funkcia p nie je demonstrovat pravdu druhemu, ale kritizovat ho = ‘CRITICISM’ (instead of FLATTERY),
alebo aj criticism sam voci sebe (ale vzdy ked speaker je v inferior pozicii).
[core] vzdy slabsi voci silnejsiemu (nie naopak, napr rodic voci dietatu, ale: filozof tyrana, ziak ucitela, obcan vacsinu)
[core] telling the truth is regarded as a (moral) ‘DUTY’ (instead of SELF-INTEREST and MORAL APATHY)
ked ma nikto netlaci hovorit, ale ja citim povinnost prehovorit, mam ‘FREEDOM’ prehovorit (nie som pod natlakom).
napr kriminal – p neni ked sa prizna pred sudom, ale ked sa prizna dobrovolne z moralnej povinnosti.
kritizovat priatela alebo panovnika – lebo je moja duty mu pomoct (kedze on nevidi jeho wrongdoings).

/ !!!!! takze denouncement neni kompatibilny s parrhesiou !!!!
skor truthful criticism of a friend out of duty (risking our friendship), for his own good (and my good too)

[p 20-24]
tracing evolution of parrhesia via r/p/p:
rhetoric (long speech) is in strong opposition to parrhesia (dialogue) @socratic-platonic tradition,
ale neskor sa zacali blizit – parrhesia/freespeech ako retoricka figura (ktora ale nema prikrasy, a neni vlastne figura) & intesifies audience emotions
@ atenska demokracia – which is def as constitution (politeia) in which ppl enjoyed ‘demokratia’, ‘isegoria’ (equal right of speech),
‘isonomia’ (equal part of all citizens in exercise of power), and ‘parrhesia’,
parrhesia appears in agora
@ hellenistic period – it’s advisor’s duty to use parrhesia to help king w/ decisions, and to prevent him from abusing his power (cize je dobra aj pre ludi),
ak ho kral ignoruje alebo tresta, je tyran,
parrhesia doesnt appear in agora anymore (iba medzi kralom a radcami, mimo dohlad ludi)
philosophy @ field of art of life
socrates in plato writings is p,
rel to ‘care of oneself’

[p 104]
[core] care of the self – what i think corresponds to what i say, and it corresponds to what i do (as in case of socrates, ultimate truth-teller) (?)
parrhesia = logos ~ truth ~ bios @ ethics; logos ~ truth ~ nomos @ politics
philosophical (new) parrhesia
– 3 types [p 106]:
– target: not to persuade the Assembly, but to convince someone that he must take care of himself and of others (= change his life)
– not specifically linked to agora or king’s court, but diverse places

leaks & ufo’s

, , only@not – January 7, 2011 § 0

In 755 AD, Mayan Priests prophesied that the total solar eclipse of July 11, 1991 would herald two life altering events for humankind –

Cosmic Awareness and Earth Changes. Shortly after 1:00 PM, on July 11, 1991, the prophecy seemingly began to unfold.


july 11, 1991 (7/11), Solar Eclipse, 100s of UFOs over MX, incl Mexico City, kde ich natocilo 17 ludi nezavisle na sebe = fears of US began

national MX TV broadcasted, US not.

US went to highest alert @ june 10, 2004 – massive fleet of UFOs @ Guadalajara, then ‘dimensionally returned’ to the ‘base’

od 2004 US vojna s UFOs based on or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean.

12.12.2010 nad Chile

Ellison (2011): Wikileaks

, , only@notonline – January 7, 2011 § 0

by sarah ellison.

vanity fair owned by conde (owns wired).

6/10 Nick Davies read a four-paragraph story in his own paper about the arrest of Manning. Davies resolved to find Assange.
At the time of his meeting with Davies, Assange had repeatedly voiced frustration that his leaks hadn’t received the attention they deserved.
in BXL, Davis and Traynor went to the Hotel Leopold, woke up Assange, and began a conversation that lasted for the next 6 hrs
4th cache contains the personal files of all prisoners who had been held at Guantánamo.
Assange got on the phone and explained, falsely, according to Davies, that “it was always part of the agreement that I would introduce television at this stage.” Davies and Assange have not spoken since that afternoon.
In 2009, Guardian and Observer lost £37.9 mln and cut 203 jobs. Even after the job cuts, the two papers employ 630 journalists.

takze nyt&spiegel dostali via guardian via h brooke:

In October, while The Guardian was preparing to publish the Iraq War Logs and working on package three, Heather Brooke, a British freelance journalist who had written a book on freedom of information, had a copy of the package-three database leaked to her by a former WikiLeaks volunteer. Leigh shrewdly invited Brooke to join the Guardian team. He did not want her taking the story to another paper. Furthermore, by securing the same database from a source other than Assange, The Guardian might then be free of its promise to wait for Assange’s green light to publish. Leigh got the documents from Brooke, and the paper distributed them to Der Spiegel and The New York Times. The three news organizations were poised to publish the material on November 8.

That was when Assange stormed into Rusbridger’s office, threatening to sue. Rusbridger, Leigh, and the editors from Der Spiegel spent a marathon session with Assange, his lawyer, and Hrafnsson, eventually restoring an uneasy calm. Some in the Guardian camp had wanted to break off relations with Assange entirely. Rusbridger somehow kept all parties at the table—a process involving a great deal of coffee followed by a great deal of wine. Ultimately he agreed to a further delay, allowing Assange time to bring in other media partners, this time France’s Le Monde and Spain’s El País.

Justice Department lawyers were likely crossing their fingers that Assange would be extradited to Sweden and convicted, so they won’t have to attempt a tricky prosecution.

“He is short of money and short of secrets,” someone who has worked extensively with Assange told me. “The whole thing has collapsed.”

Smári McCarthy, who worked for WikiLeaks, maintained that “key people have become very concerned about the direction of WikiLeaks with regard to its strong focus on U.S. military files at the expense of ignoring everything else.” One associate of Assange’s says that, because of these departures, access to important elements of the site’s infrastructure has deteriorated, although Assange himself remains the key architect of the complex set of programs that underlie WikiLeaks and its content.

Domscheit-Berg’s book accuses Assange of “high-handedness, dishonesty, and grave mistakes,” and quotes him as dismissing criticism from colleagues with the words “I’m busy, there are two wars I have to end.”

Rusbridger: “Managing a relationship between a French afternoon paper, a Spanish daily, a German weekly, a paper on NY time, and a bunch of anarchists in hiding is trying!”

Assange’s former associates, disillusioned, likens Assange’s situation to the last scene in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, where the pigs are shown to have become indistinguishable from the human beings they had rebelled against.

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