Grounded Theory

, , , , , only@notonline – November 18, 2010 § 0

via guy
nie hypoteza a dokazat ju, nie generalizovat, ale deskriptivne, opisat to co clovek vidi
a potom for ideas ktore emerged from the descriptions
neutekat za velkymi teoriami, ale drzat sa tych malych ktore vyvstavaju z mojich opisov
nemat na zaciatku kategorie, ale mat len descriptions, a z nich kategorie
generation of theory from data in the process of conducting research ~ pocas monoskop vyskumu som mal o vsetkom blogovat a mali mi vyvstavat otazky a male teorie
zo social sciences pochadza
“reverse engineered hypothesis” :)

by Glaser & Strauss, 1967, sociologists

In a way GT resembles what many researchers do when retrospectively formulating new hypotheses to fit data. However, in GT the researcher does not pretend to have formulated the hypotheses in advance since preformed hypotheses are prohibited.
Glaser: all is data
GT has the goal of generating concepts that explain people’s actions regardless of time and place. The descriptive parts of a GT are there mainly to illustrate the concepts.

If your research goal is accurate description, then another method should be chosen since GT is not a descriptive method. Instead it has the goal of generating concepts that explain people’s actions regardless of time and place. The descriptive parts of a GT are there mainly to illustrate the concepts.
In most behavioral research endeavors persons or patients are units of analysis, whereas in GT the unit of analysis is the incident.
When comparing many incidents in a certain area, the emerging concepts and their relationships are in reality probability statements.
A GT is never right or wrong, it just has more or less fit (ako blizko maju koncepty k udalostiam ktore reprezentuju), relevance, workability and modifiability.
GT is not concerned with data accuracy as in descriptive research but is about generating concepts that are abstract of time, place and people.

1. all is data
2. open / substantive coding – poznamky k naskumanym udalostiam, riadok po riadku, opakovane zgrupit do konceptov a tie porovnavat s udalostami a refinovat ich
3. selective coding – nan prist ked som nasiel ‘tentative core’ (core variable), potom core guiding my coding. nevsimat si moc koncepty ktore sa jadra a podjadier netykaju. teda theoretical sampling – deduktivna cast GT
4. theoretical codes – pogrupovat fragmentarne koncepty do hypotez
5. memoing – core stage of GT. “Memos are the theorizing write-up of ideas about substantive codes and their theoretically coded relationships as they emerge during coding, collecting and analyzing data, and during memoing”. Memoing is total creative freedom without rules of writing, grammar or style.
6. sorting – memos are sorted, which is the key to formulate the theory for presentation to others. lots of new ideas emerge, which in turn are recorded in new memos
7. writing – The theoretical density should be dosed so concepts are mixed with description in words, tables, or figures to optimize readability. In the later rewriting the relevant literature is woven in to put the theory in a scholarly context.
No pre-research literature review [naive? risk of rediscovering the theories]. The literature shThis leads to a research practice where data sampling, data analysis and theory development are not seen as distinct and disjunct, but as different steps to be repeated until one can describe and explain the phenomenon that is to be researched. This stopping point is reached when new data does not change the emerging theory anymore.ould instead be read in the sorting stage being treated as more data to code and compare with what has already been coded and generated.
No taping (and transcribing) interviews – waste of time. staci field-noting interviews.
No talk. Talking about the theory before it is written up drains the researcher of motivational energy. Talking about the GT should be restricted to persons capable of helping the researcher without influencing her final judgments.

The research principle behind grounded theory is neither inductive nor deductive, but combines both in a way of abductive reasoning (coming from the works of Charles Sanders Peirce).
This leads to a research practice where data sampling, data analysis and theory development are not seen as distinct and disjunct, but as different steps to be repeated until one can describe and explain the phenomenon that is to be researched. This stopping point is reached when new data does not change the emerging theory anymore.

cez medium

, , only@not – July 24, 2009 § 0

to je akoby nove medium ten internet, ako kedysi rec. medzi ludmi.

robi nam uz lepsie sa zhovarat cez internet, cez interface, skype, cez taketo medium ako osobne – cez rec.

odpovedame textom, obrazom, linkou, videom, fotkou. pouzivame ich v konverzacii.

ako guy o hansenovi
(G: so let’s do it!
D: we do it…)

mna to celkom oplyvnuje ked mi palo hovori ze by som mal byt sociologom

Marisa: ja sa na to divadlo dokazem pozerat len cez nejake medium.

Manovich – Language of New Media

, , , , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


István Hajnal

, , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


Zizek: antagonisms of capitalism & commons

, , , , , , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


media art literature – summary

, , , , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


media art theories

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


EE theoreticians

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


Cubitt (2009) – about media theory

, , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

There are media theories (plural) because we do not agree on what media are. I propose that if a theory is a media theory, it should take as axiomatic that mediation is primary, and that everything else (sex, power, exploitation) are effects of mediation and its vicissitudes. If everything from architecture to sunshine mediates, we have the critical agenda mapped for us ­ issue sof reciprocation and mutuality, solidarity, dependence and contingency. Once that is set out, we disagree on other issues ­ modes of causality, interplay between media formations

Gilbert Simondon

, , , , , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

Gilbert Simondon criticized Norbert Wiener’s theory of cybernetics, arguing that, “Right from the start, Cybernetics has accepted what all theory of technology must refuse: a classification of technological objects conducted by means of established criteria and following genera and species.” Simondon aimed to overcome the shortcomings of cybernetics by developing a “general phenomenology” of machines.

Quentin Meillassoux

, , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

Alain Badiou, who has written that Meillassoux’s first book Après la finitude (2006) introduces an entirely new option into modern philosophy, different from Kant’s three alternatives of empiricism, scepticism, and dogmatism | correlationism = humans cannot exist without the world nor the world without humans => BUT Meillassoux claims that mathematics is what reaches the primary qualities of things as opposed to their secondary qualities as manifested in perception | there is no such thing as causal necessity at all + it is absolutely necessary that the laws of nature be contingent

Deleuze/Guattari – Rhizome – Capitalism and Schizophrenia

, , , , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

# Connectivity – the capacity to aggregate by making connections at any point on and within itself. # Heterogeneity – the capacity to connect anything with anything other, the linking of unlike elements # Multiplicity – consisting of multiple singularities synthesized into a “whole” by relations of exteriority # Asignifying rupture – not becoming any less of a rhizome when being severely ruptured, the ability to allow a system to function and even flourish despite local “breakdowns”, thanks to deterritorialising and reterritorialising processes # Cartography – described by the method of mapping for orientation from any point of entry within a “whole”, rather than by the method of tracing that re-presents an a priori path, base structure or genetic axis # Decalcomania – forming through continuous negotiation with its context, constantly adapting by experimentation, thus performing a non-symmetrical active resistance against rigid organization and restriction

Mouffe interview (1998) – Hearts, Minds and Radical Democracy

, , , , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

I use the concept of agonistic pluralism to present a new way to think about democracy which is different from the traditional liberal conception of democracy as a negotiation among interests and is also different to the model which is currently being developed by people like Jurgen Habermas and John Rawls. While they have many differences, Rawls and Habermas have in common the idea that the aim of the democratic society is the creation of a consensus, and that consensus is possible if people are only able to leave aside their particular interests and think as rational beings. However, while we desire an end to conflict, if we want people to be free we must always allow for the possibility that conflict may appear and to provide an arena where differences can be confronted. The democratic process should supply that arena.

Theodor W. Adorno (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

, , , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

Under the conditions of late capitalism, the best art, and politically the most effective, so thoroughly works out its own internal contradictions that the hidden contradictions in society can no longer be ignored. The plays of Samuel Beckett, to whom Adorno had intended to dedicate Aesthetic Theory, are emblematic in that regard. Adorno finds them more true than many other artworks.

Altermodern: A Conversation with Nicolas Bourriaud (2009)

, , , , , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

After 30 years into the ‘aftershock’ of modernism, then into necessary post-colonial reexamination of our cultural frames, Altermodern intends to define specific modernity according to context we live in – globalization + its economic/political/cultural conditions | pomo is coming to an end | Core of this new modernity is experience of wandering — in time/space/mediums | Multiculturism and identity are being overtaken by ‘creolization’, artists start from a “global state of culture” | Sticking to multiculturalist dogma jails the individuals into their ‘origins’ & ‘identities’ | I’m interested in artists who produce singular itineraries within different streams of knowledge, not ones who insist on ‘representing’ their cultures | I try to understand&explain what I see emerging | The Radicat insists on difference bwn appropriating and ‘formal collectivism’, and attributes a positive value to precariousness as cultural phenomenon. it is about the value of programming and DJing as methods


, , , , , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

Bourriaud: Artists are looking for a new modernity that would be based on translation: What matters today is to translate the cultural values of cultural groups and to connect them to the world network. This “reloading process” of modernism according to the twenty-first-century issues could be called altermodernism, a movement connected to the creolisation of cultures and the fight for autonomy, but also the possibility of producing singularities in a more and more standardized world.

Cramer (2009) – re: German Media Theory in Siegen

, , , , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

In Anglophone and international media studies, “media” mostly stands for contemporary mass media, with traditional media studies covering news media, radio and TV and “new media” researching computing and Internet. | In the last decade, German humanities have developed a broad, general and transhistorical notion of media as “mediality” (“Medialität”) in which any material or imaginary carrier of information qualifies as a medium, from CPUs to angels. The notion of “medium” has thus replaced and superseded the older semiotic-structuralist term of the “sign”. | “Kulturwissenschaft” thus should not be mixed up with Anglo-American “cultural studies”. In the German context, it means cross-disciplinary humanities study of the arts and history of knowledge. | “cultural studies” of the Birmingham School were a straightforward adaption of the 1970s post-Frankfurt School German “Kultursoziologie”. | books of Anthony Grafton are Kulturwissenschaft while those of the Birmingham School are not

Lovink (2009) – Debating German Media Theory in Siegen

, , , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

German media theory that emerged in the late 70s and early 80s | Siegen, Freiburg, Kassel | philosophical underpinnings: There must be reference, something outside of the text, beyond hermeneutics. The exodus of spirit out of humanities. Desire for reference. Then there is the substance concept. Obviously there is deconstruction of subject. Special interest in history and fascination for philosophical antropology and long cultural shifts (dating 50k-100k years back). Early pressure, and desire, ever since Humboldt and the way he designed the university system, to innovate. Ordinary knowledge needs to be taught in highschool or polytechnics. The university is a place for new thinking. This could explain why there is a permanent revolution inside the German universities ever since the post-war era. | Kittler laments the lack of technological knowledge in the humanities and is sceptical about the wishy-washy term ‘media theory’ that has been misused to such a vast extend.

Manovich – Language of New Media

, , , , , notepad 6 (3/03-5/04) – July 21, 2009 § 0


network theory

, , notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0

sumar autorov a teorii

Deleuze – deterritorialization

, , , notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0



, , , , notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0


Zizek – capitalism

, , , , notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0


Condorelli, Weizman

, , , , , notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0


Lovink – distributive aesthetics

, , , notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0


Bourdieu – Rules of Art

, , , notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0

mapa teorie pola

Barabasi – V pavučině sítí

, , , book, notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0

[3, 5-6]

Latour (1991) – hybridy

, , , , , , notepad 13 (5-8/07) – July 17, 2009 § 0

pp 23-25

epistemológia a ontológia, Staniszkis

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , notepad 13 (5-8/07) – July 17, 2009 § 0

pekne zosumarizované
plus Staniszkisovej kultúrne ontológie transformácie

sociologické teórie

, , notepad 13 (5-8/07) – July 17, 2009 § 0


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