Altermodern: A Conversation with Nicolas Bourriaud (2009)

, , , , , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

After 30 years into the ‘aftershock’ of modernism, then into necessary post-colonial reexamination of our cultural frames, Altermodern intends to define specific modernity according to context we live in – globalization + its economic/political/cultural conditions | pomo is coming to an end | Core of this new modernity is experience of wandering — in time/space/mediums | Multiculturism and identity are being overtaken by ‘creolization’, artists start from a “global state of culture” | Sticking to multiculturalist dogma jails the individuals into their ‘origins’ & ‘identities’ | I’m interested in artists who produce singular itineraries within different streams of knowledge, not ones who insist on ‘representing’ their cultures | I try to understand&explain what I see emerging | The Radicat insists on difference bwn appropriating and ‘formal collectivism’, and attributes a positive value to precariousness as cultural phenomenon. it is about the value of programming and DJing as methods


, , , , , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

Bourriaud: Artists are looking for a new modernity that would be based on translation: What matters today is to translate the cultural values of cultural groups and to connect them to the world network. This “reloading process” of modernism according to the twenty-first-century issues could be called altermodernism, a movement connected to the creolisation of cultures and the fight for autonomy, but also the possibility of producing singularities in a more and more standardized world.

Bishop (2006) – Social Turn

, , , , , , , , notepad 16 (11/08-5/09) – July 16, 2009 § 0


Bourriaud (2009) – Altermodern

, printedonline – July 15, 2009 § 0


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