Deleuze/Guattari – Rhizome – Capitalism and Schizophrenia

, , , , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

# Connectivity – the capacity to aggregate by making connections at any point on and within itself. # Heterogeneity – the capacity to connect anything with anything other, the linking of unlike elements # Multiplicity – consisting of multiple singularities synthesized into a “whole” by relations of exteriority # Asignifying rupture – not becoming any less of a rhizome when being severely ruptured, the ability to allow a system to function and even flourish despite local “breakdowns”, thanks to deterritorialising and reterritorialising processes # Cartography – described by the method of mapping for orientation from any point of entry within a “whole”, rather than by the method of tracing that re-presents an a priori path, base structure or genetic axis # Decalcomania – forming through continuous negotiation with its context, constantly adapting by experimentation, thus performing a non-symmetrical active resistance against rigid organization and restriction

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