state of exception

, , , , , book, only@not – December 24, 2010 § 0

z Santner, Eric L – On Creaturely Life. Rilke, Benjamin, Sebald.pdf

[ch 1]
‘state of exception’ (o nej pisem v eseji 1) – sebald’s ‘creaturely life’ (@santner’s book), heidegger, agamben, rilke, benjamin (‘petrified unrest’)
~ how human bodies and psyches register the “states of exception” that punctuate the “normal” run of social and political life.
The “essential disruption” that renders man “creaturely” for these writers has, that is, a distinctly political—or better, biopolitical—
aspect; it names the threshold where life becomes a matter of politics and politics comes to inform the very matter and materiality of life.
(eg. German Jews)
[ch 3]
~ ‘undeadness’ – the space between real and symbolic death = ultimate domain of creaturely life.
@ Sebald: the vampire, the Wandering Jew, Kafka’s hunter Gracchus, and Balzac’s Colonel Chabert.
( + zizek’s exception book )
[ch 4]
“postmemory,” a term coined by Marianne Hirsch to capture the peculiarities of the memory of events that hover
between personal memory and impersonal history, events one has not lived through oneself but that, in large measure through exposure
to the stories of those who did experience them, have nonetheless entered into the fabric of the self.
/ oralne historie nezazitych velkych eventov (00s o 60s)
freud’s ‘uncanny’ = ?

Zizek: antagonisms of capitalism & commons

, , , , , , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


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