23. 5. – 24. 5. 2010 PREDNÁŠKA / WORKSHOP / ELEKTRO JAM!
Po sobotňajšom koncerte v rámci klubovky Heavy Mental (22.5.) zostáva japonský turntablista DJ Sniff (Takuro Mizuta Lippit) na dva dni v Brne – budete tak mať príležitosť zúčastniť sa prednášky o centre pre výrobu experimentálnych hudobných nástrojov STEIM, workshopu pod jeho vedením a zahrať si s ním na ďalšom ne/pravidelnom Elektro jame na Fléde. Laptopy, mašinky a iných miláčikov vezmite so sebou!
Workshop sa koná v spolupráci s platformou Multiplace. www.multiplace.org. // Otázky, prihlášky na workshop, prípadne pár teplých slov zasielajte na: babuta@34.sk
Dj Sniff aka Takuro Mizuta Lippit (JP) je umelecký riaditeľ amsterdamského centra pre vývoj experimentálnych hudobných nástrojov STEIM a výrazný predstaviteľ experimentálneho turntablizmu. Počas štúdia na univerzite v Tokiu patril k zásadným postavám miestnej experimentálnej scény a bol členom akčného kolektívu smashTV productions. Absolvoval Tisch School of the Arts v New Yorku. Jeho tvorbu charakterizuje dôraz na zvuk a technológie, ich rekonštrukciu a naratizáciu, a osobitý setup tvorí okrem počítača i originálny self-made hardvér, gramofón a DJský mix.
WORKSHOP AND ELEKTROJAM // more info / topics
Between endless possibilities in software, numerous controllers sold on the market and more options to make custom interfaces, how can musicians find a setup that works for them? Where is the instruments? Is it the software, the hardware or something in between? Mastering an instrument has become so much more than just motor skills, or has it? These are some of the questions I will ask through showing countless examples of electronic musicians and their unique instruments. I will talk about STEIM, Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music, and it’s 41 year history in helping artists with technology and advocating a bodily approach to electronic music and my personal practice as a turntable musician. In the end, in dialog with the participants, I hope we can imagine and draft a picture of what today’s and tomorrow’s instrument can be, and be excited about the possible music it can bring to us.
As a musician, I am interested in the dynamic, malleable and
unpredictable space that improvisation opens. In solo improvisation an internal dialog between the performer and the instrument is exposed and challenged, where as in group improvisation a social dynamic is put to stake and everyone works toward the “best” solution at each moment. As improvisors how do we know when and what? How do we deal with texture, timbre, reference and structure in an ever changing landscape? And as electronic musicians how can technology help us navigate and contribute in the complex form of art?
it would be fun to play all together. you can bring any kind of sounding device. most of the tools I use are mac based, if you are interested in Max/ MSP or sensors i can also talk about this.
22/5/2010 – SATURDAY
9 pm / concert / Heavy mental party
23/5/2010 – SUNDAY
3 pm – 8 pm / workshop+elektro jam part I.
24/5/2010 – MONDAY
5 pm – 8 pm / workshop+elektro jam part II.
in progress
DJ SNIFF WEBSITE http://www.djsniff.com
FACEBOOK WORKSHOP GROUP http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=116674138351641&ref=ts
DJ SNIFF CONCERT AT FLEDA http://fleda.cz/program/vse-2010-5-22-heavy-mental-954?prgl=2

1 response so far ↓
1 akkamiau // May 21, 2010 at 23:27
yeaah!!!! :D
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