art, culture, networks

Entries from January 2009

ELAG Conference 2009: Web 2.0 Tools, Bratislava

January 29th, 2009 · No Comments

University Library of Bratislava in Slovakia Web 2.0, social networking applications, blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, facetted searching, semantic linking and digital documents are just some of the new developments that are rapidly changing the systems environment in libraries and what users expect from the systems that they use. To respond to these challenges, systems […]


Tags: calendar

We do not want any «market of knowledge»! Call for a European mobilisation against the Lisbon strategy in higher education and research

January 28th, 2009 · No Comments

On January 13th a meeting took place in Paris with the representants of ATTAC France, the National Union of Higher Education (SNESUP), the Fondation Sciences Citoyennes,  Sauvons La Recherche (SLR), Sauvons l’Université (SLU), the National Union of Researchers (SNCS) and the Union des familles Laïques (UFAL). In order to defend a public service of higher […]


Tags: calls

Multiplace program meeting in Brno

January 15th, 2009 · No Comments


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Multiplace program meeting in Prague

January 15th, 2009 · No Comments

You’re welcome to join.


Tags: calendar


January 9th, 2009 · No Comments

Dear Multiplace friends, I have a pleasure to invite you to Multiplace festival program meeting, which will take place on 6th of February in Kavarna Kunstatska Trojka/Dum panu z Kunstatu, Brno, Czech republic. Meeting schedule: — from 2 to 4 o ´clock p.m. – Visegrad project meeting with Multiplace Visegrad partners: Green Spider, Budapest, HU […]


Tags: invitations