art, culture, networks

Ars Electronica festival, Linz

February 7th, 2009 · No Comments


Tags: calendar

Výber pripravovaných akcií v SK/CZ

October 21st, 2008 · No Comments

13-31.10. cyklus akcií venovaných ‘Diapozitivu v éře domácích medií’ na Školskej28, Praha, link 21.10. DigiVAF(ex): Video Gulash Party na AKU v Banskej Bystrici 22-24.10. minifestival Reset s témou (Open) Spectrum v Galerii CIANT, Praha, link 24-29.10. MF dokumentárnych filmov Jihlava, link vrátane diskusie o online archívoch (25.10.): link 2-7.11. projekt TransGenesis na Akademii věd v […]


Tags: uncategorized

Reset otvorí spektrum

October 20th, 2008 · No Comments

Pražská Galéria CIANT mení event stratégiu a sprievodný program k výstavam kondenzuje do niekoľkodňových blokov v mesiaci. Prvý Reset je venovaný predovšetkým elektromagnetickému spektru ako médiu pre umelecké a sociálne intervencie. Od stredy 20. do piatku 22. 10. prebehne séria prezentácií. Marko Peljhan predstaví I-TASC, umelecký výskum počasia, obnoviteľnej energie a udržateľnej architektúry v Antarktíde […]


Tags: announcements

Mocking New Media Art

September 17th, 2008 · No Comments

If you have visited Ars Electronica two years ago, where TENORI-ON had been introduced, you would be probably interested in TENORI-OFF :) After all, it is still meaningful to define, what is actually the new media art.


Tags: uncategorized

the New Easy

September 11th, 2008 · No Comments

works by: Daniel Bejar Petra Cortright Brock Davis Edith Dekyndt Mikolaj Dlugosz Harm vd Dorpel Jeffrey Heart Oliver Laric Pop Levi Vadik Marmeladov Ilia Ovechkin Rafael Rozendaal Robert Wodzinski Hosted by Agentur, curated by Lars Eijssen and shown at Bloodless Gallery in Google Lively. the New Easy is a mostly unpolitical trend, with an optimistic, […]


Tags: announcements

Customize Me

June 20th, 2008 · No Comments

Kitchen Budapest celebrated first anniversary this Sunday and Monday. Several dozens projects were presented at Fogadó building in Millenáris Park in Budapest, accompanied by discussion on private funding of artist institutions.


Tags: uncategorized