art, culture, networks

European Future Technologies Conference, Praha

March 29th, 2009 · No Comments

The European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition is a new European forum dedicated to frontier research in future and emerging information technologies. Leading scientists, policy-makers, industry representatives and science journalists will convene over 3 days to discuss today’s frontier science, tomorrow’s technologies and the impact of both on tomorrow’s society. Renowned keynote speakers are confirmed: […]


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Ars Electronica festival, Linz

February 7th, 2009 · No Comments


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BarCamp 2, Bratislava

February 7th, 2009 · No Comments

<img src=’’> BarCamp je ne-konferencia, otvorené stretnutie ľudí, ktorí chcú zdieľať svoje skúsenosti, nápady a názory. Obsah BarCampu tvoria samotní účastníci podujatia. Obyčajne sa zameriava na nové aplikácie a trendy na internete, nové technológie. <img src=’’></a>


Tags: calendar