OZ Multiplace vyhlasuje sutaz o vizual festivalu sietovej kultury Multiplace 2009! Vymysli, navrhni a posli koncept vizualu 8. rocnika medzinarodneho festivalu sietovej kultury Multiplace 2009, vyhraj tak 500 euro, moznost realizovat ho, a stan sa dalsim atraktivnym bodom v sieti… ——- Podmienky sutaze Autor predstavi vizualny koncept, ktory bude aplikovatelny v roznych mediach (tlacoviny, digitalne […]
Entries Tagged as 'calls'
February 13th, 2009 · No Comments
Tags: calls
We do not want any «market of knowledge»! Call for a European mobilisation against the Lisbon strategy in higher education and research
January 28th, 2009 · No Comments
On January 13th a meeting took place in Paris with the representants of ATTAC France, the National Union of Higher Education (SNESUP), the Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, Sauvons La Recherche (SLR), Sauvons l’Université (SLU), the National Union of Researchers (SNCS) and the Union des familles Laïques (UFAL). In order to defend a public service of higher […]
Tags: calls