art, culture, networks


Friday, 13 February 2009 · by info

logo michal f.
OZ Multiplace vyhlasuje sutaz o vizual festivalu sietovej kultury
Multiplace 2009!

Vymysli, navrhni a posli koncept vizualu 8. rocnika medzinarodneho
festivalu sietovej kultury Multiplace 2009, vyhraj tak 500 euro, moznost
realizovat ho, a stan sa dalsim atraktivnym bodom v sieti…


Podmienky sutaze
Autor predstavi vizualny koncept, ktory bude aplikovatelny v roznych
mediach (tlacoviny, digitalne media, web…) v dostatocnom rozsahu (ukazky
realizacii, popis, skice). Potrebne su minimalne dve aplikacie – plagat,
letak. Navrhne, ako prisposobit povodne logo festivalu potrebam
noveho vizualu, alebo vytvori nove logo.

Vitazny koncept bude realizovany a oceneny sumou 500 euro (dalsia
financna odmena podla dohody pri realizacii). Dalsie dva najlepsie navrhy
budu ocenene sumami 50 euro. Zdruzenie Multiplace si vyhradzuje pravo
nevybrat vitaza alebo neocenit dalsie navrhy v pripade, ze nebudu dosahovat
pozadovanu uroven.

Okrem “povinnych” realizacii uvitame i navrhy prinasajuce nove formy
spoluprace pri tvorbe dizajnu a vyslednej prezentacie festivalu (PR
strategia, moznosti vizualizacie temy festivalu, kolaborativny dizajn…).

Sutaz konci 23. 2. 2009
Vysledky budu zverejnene najneskor 28.2.2009 na webe
a emailom zucastnenym.
Realizacia: 29.2.- 29.3.2009

Pre dalsie informacie k sutazi, specifikacie podkladov a tiez k zasielaniu
vasich navrhov, piste na adresu: gata at 13m3 dot sk / alebo admin at
multiplace dot sk

O Multiplace
Multiplace je siet ludi a organizacii, venujucich sa interakcii medii
a technologii s umenim, kulturou a spolocnostou. Vyvrcholenim aktivit
siete je kazdorocny festival, ktory sa kona zaroven na roznych miestach
sveta. Jeho program je otvoreny dielnam, instalaciam, diskusiam, koncertom,
performance, vystavam, prezentaciam, projekciam a predovsetkym novym
formam kreativity. Povodne zameranie na kulturu novych medii prechadza
od roku 2002 trvalym vyvojom, okrem technologickeho aspektu digitalnych
medii v umeni, su predmetom zaujmu taktiez suvisiace esteticke, socialne,
kulturne, pravne, ci politicke otazky. Cielom “festivalu-siete” Multiplace
je vytvorit zazemie pre podporu medialnej tvorby, tvorit v otvorenom
a kolaborativnom prostredi a posilnit kriticke uvazovanie o zivote
v medialnej kulture. Multiplace pritom kladie doraz na experimentovanie
s moznostami spoluprace a prepajania medzi jednotlivymi uzlami siete.


NGO Multiplace calls for new visual of Multiplace network culture festival

Create and send us a concept of the design of the 8th Multiplace network
culture festival and win 500 euro and a ground for realising your concept.

You will present your visual concept, which should be applicable in
various media (print, digital media, web etc.) in adequate form (previews,
description, sketches) Minimum of two applications is needed – poster,
leaflet. You also have to make a proposal of optimising the previous
Multiplace logo to the new visual concept or create a new logo.

The winning concept will be realised and honored with 500 euro (additional
financial compensation according to agreement after realisation).

Another two successful concepts will be honored with 50 euro.
NGO Multiplace reserves the privilege not to choose any of the adepts if
the concepts do not fulfill the requirements.

Besides “obligate” realizations also the proposals and ideas about new
forms of collaboration on the design and presentation of the festival are
welcome (PR strategy, visualisations of the main ideas of the festival,
collaborative design etc.)

Deadline for proposals: 23rd February 2009.
Results of the competitions will be published till 28th February 2009
both via email and on
Realisation: 29th February – 29th March 2009

For more information about the call, specification of the portfolio
and proposal submission write to: gata at 13m3 dot sk / or admin at
multiplace dot sk

About Multiplace
Multiplace is network of people and organisations interested in interaction
between media, technologies, art, culture and society. Network activities
culminate every year into the festival, that is happening parallely at
several locations in the world. Its program is open to workshops,
installations, discussions, concerts, performances, exhibitions,
presentations, screenings and especially new forms of
creativity. Original focus on the new media culture has been evolving
since 2002 and besides the technological aspect of digital media in art,
the focus shifted also to questions related to its aesthetical, social,
cultural, legal and political issues. The aim of the festival-network
Multiplace is to create the fertile ground for media art, to support the
creativity in an open and collaborative environment and to encourage
critical reflection on the life in the culture shaped by technologies.

Overview of visual design of previous volumes of the festival:


*** logo by michal fridrich / multiplace 2007 – brno

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