web history

, , , , , only@not – November 9, 2010 § 0


= preco tie veci vznikli a co bol pre ne impulz a co sa riesilo pri ich vzniku

+ nelson–chcel kliky za kredity

+ gnu–odpoved na to, ked apple zacal distribuovat SW bez zdrojakov (dovtedy otvoreny kod–SW sa nepredaval)

+ email

+ bbs

+ html

+ www–Lee v CERNe od 89, naplno v 93 po spoplatneni Gophera a s launchom grafickeho Mosaicu (vyvinuli v labe v Illinois vdaka Goreovmu grantu)=>top inet protokol, potom *94 W3C v MIT (ked Lee odisiel z CERNu; s podporou DARPA a EU)


+ php–v 94 Lendorf (4 etznab XII, gronec, v 93 skoncil system engineering vo Waterloo), povodne na jeho homepage (Personal Home Page)–kde PHPckom (v Ccku) nahradil Perl skript, ktorym updatoval svoje CV a navstevnost, neskor pridal databazy a dynamiku, v lete 95 to pustil von na debugging, PHP license (compatible w/ GPL), spravil prve 2 verzie, potom prebrali vedenie vyvoja izraelci Gutmans a Suraski, v 97 prepisali parser, a neskor aj jadro, potom zalozili Zend

+ mysql–vyvijany svedskou firmou MySQL AB–teraz pod Sun, ktory vlastni copyright na vacsinu jadra(?), ale je pod GPL, prva verzia v 95. v praxi: drupal, joomla!, wordpress, mediawiki, flickr, facebook, google, youtube
+ apache–webserver, najprv McCool ktory robil pre NCSA HTTPd (v Illinois), odkial odisiel v polke 94, dalej nadviazali patchmi dalsi koderi, ktori neskor vytvorili Apache Group, skupina ho volala “a patchy server”. prva verzia v 95, povodne alternativa k Netscape webserveru (dnes Sun Java webserver), od 96 najpopularnejsi webserver na www, v Ccku, dnes 50% vsetkych webov. vlastna (Apache) licencia, ktora neni kompatibilna s GPL. Apache Group presla v 99 na neziskovku Apache SW Foundation (“decentralized community of developers”, meritocracy, ApacheCon kazdy rok).

+ css–pocas vzniku w3c, 9 navrhov na w3c liste, presli dva–dvaja nori (Lie+Bos) sa spojili (jeden je top v Opere, druhy CSS/W3C), rozvijane vo working grupe v w3c, launch v 95, ale plny adapt do browsrov az v 00, css2 98 (ma positioning) stale neni plny

+ javascript–typek v Netscape, 95, Netscape ho spustil s javou

+ xml–je specifikacia pre tvorbu vlastnych markup jazykov(xhtml,rss,atd), od late 80s SGML, do W3C to v 95 priniesol Dan Connolly, od mid-96 Bosak v Sune sa obklopil ludmi zo SGML aj webu, zrobila ho 11-clenna skupina (len emaily a teleconf) + 150 poradna skupina, hlavni editori Tim Bray (6 cauac 55) a Michael Sperberg-McQueen, prva verzia v 96, W3C ho spustila v 98
+ google–Brin(7 oc* VIII 73 le, rodicia vedci emigrovali z Ruska ked mal 6yr lebo otec Zid, montessori ZS, comp sci+math Bc Maryland, v 95 comp sci MA Stanford)+Page(2 ik I 73 ar, syn pocitacoveho vedca a programatorky, matka Zidovka, montessori ZS, comp eng BC Michigan, v 95 comp sci MA Stanford, v PhD riesil linkovanie na webe–s ohladom na akademicke citacie), stretli sa ako PhD studaci v 95 na Stanforde, vymysleli PageRank alg pre urcovanie dolezitosti stranok, napisali spolu zasadny paper “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine”, a v 96 prva verzia googla–na webe Stanfordu, Google inc *98, v 01 najali noveho sefa Schmidta, Brin je proti cenzure v cinskom Googli. rozbehli 00 Adwords, 04 Gmail, 06 Google Maps, 07 Google Reader, 08 Google Chrome. kupili 03 Blogger, 03+07 AdSense (3 mld), 04 Picasa, 06 Google Docs, 06 Youtube (1.6 mld), 07 Jaiku.

+ blogy/blogger/blogspot/livejournal–Brad Fitzgerald (12 lamat* 80 aq, MA comp sci Seattle) spustil LiveJournal (FLOSS, podobna WELLu, ma SNS featury) v 3/99 aby jeho SS-spoluziaci vedeli co robi, v 05 predal firmu pre Six Apart, z tej odisiel v 07, teraz je v Googli; slovo+sloveso blog (z “we-blog”) spopularizovala firma Pyra Labs (Evan Williams–6 ik XI 72 ar, podnikatel, zije v SF; spolu s Meg Hourihan–spoluzakladatelka–Kottkeho zena & Paul Bausch–koder)–v 8/99 spustili servis Blogger–najprv uplne free a no revenue model, az firme vyschli vrecka, z-ci robili mesiace zadara, az nastal masovy odchod (vratane Hourihan), a nechali v tom Williamsa sameho, podrzala ho investicia z Trellixu, potom spustil advertising-supported Blogspot a Blogger Pro, v 02 kompletne prepisany kod, aby ho mohli licencovat inym firmam; v 03 ich kupil Google–vtedy mala firma 6 ludi, v 04 odtial Williams odisiel a zalozil firmu Odeo (podcasting), potom Obvious–tam aj Twitter
+ rss (vs typek z OAI)–99-01 ho spravil Guha v Netscape pre ich web, ale novy majitel AOL to vyhodil, potom komplikovane, tri subjekty to riesili paralelne (Winer/UserLand+Berkman Center, RSS-DEV[Guha]+O’Reilly, Atom), rss2 v 02, oranz.ikona od 05 v browsroch


+ trackback/backlinks–s trackbackom prisiel Movable Type v 02, nepodporuje ho Blogger (ten ma backlinks–which allow users to employ Google’s search infrastructure to show links between blog entries–??)

+ wordpress–povodne b2\cafelog–written in PHP+MySQL by Michel Valdrighi, potom par mesiacov vypadok vyvoja, v 03 sa ho chopil Mullenweg (4 akbal* III 84 cp, artova SS–hra na jazzovy saxik, v 04 spustil Ping-O-Matic ktory informuje search enginy o blog updatoch, v 04 odisiel z VS v Houstone do SF robit pre CNET–tam do 05, v 05 vypustil Akismet proti comment/trackback spamu, v 05 zalozil firmu Automattic), k nemu sa hned pripojil Mike Little, a potom aj sam Valdrighi, WordPress *03, v 03 na nom bezi 2000 blogov, v 04 je Movable Type spoplatnena (neskor to Six Apart olutovali a vratili sa ku GPL), ludia masovo prechadzaju na WordPress, v 06 prva WP conf v style Barcamp
+ myspace–lahky upload mp3, zrobilo ho par z-cov eUniverse po spusteni Friendstera v 02, mali za chrbtom firmu takze nemali start-up probs; the project was overseen by Brad Greenspan (eUniverse’s Founder, Chairman, CEO), who managed Chris DeWolfe (66, MySpace’s starting CEO), Josh Berman, Tom Anderson (71, MySpace’s starting president, Bc rhetorics+english Berkeley, MA film-critical studies LA, “Tom”–to je asi len PR tah), and a team of programmers and resources provided by eUniverse. snazili sa razit mytus o garazovej firme, ale bola to premyslena PR kampan na prebratie Friendstera. The very first MySpace users were eUniverse employees; the company held contests to see who could sign-up the most users; the company then used its resources to push MySpace to the masses. eUniverse used its 20 million users and e-mail subscribers to quickly breathe life into MySpace, and move it to the head of the pack of social networking websites; a key architect was tech expert __Toan Nguyen__ who helped stabilize the MySpace platform when Brad Greenspan asked him to join the team. spusteny v 03, v 05 ich kupil News Corp (Murdoch)–ziskali tiez kontrolu nad adminovym/”Tom”ovym accountom; v 06 Greenspan vydal “MySpace Report”–“News Corp’s acquisition of MySpace as is one of the largest merger and acquisition scandals in U.S. history” & News Corp should have valued MySpace at US$20 billion rather than US$327 million; v 6/06 najpopularnejsi SNS v USA, dnes 300 z-cov, HQ v Beverly Hills (spolu s Foxom), v 06 UK verzia, neskor cinska. http://www.valleywag.com/tech/myspace/myspace-the-business-of-spam-20-exhaustive-edition-199924.php

+ last.fm–02, audioscrobbler–projekt Richarda Jonesa na comp sci skole v Southamptone, last.fm zacalo v 02 ako internet radio a music community site (Felix Miller, Martin Stiksel, Saulyus Chyamolonskas, Michael Breidenbruecker and Thomas Willomitzer)–useri si mohli customizovat cez love/ban profily, nominovane na Prix AE v 03, last.fm uzko spolupracovalo s audioscrobbler od 03–spolocny ofis vo Whitechapel/London, v 05 zlucili aj sajty, v 06 spustili japoncinu a neskor dalsie jazyky, rozne hudobne ceny, 5/07 ich kupilo CBS Interactive za 280m USD, mgmt team ostal, imeem.com ma ale ovela viac userov. funded from the sale of online advertising space, monthly user subscriptions and donations (prvy dar v 04 od investicneho bankara Petra Gardnera; potom Stefan Glaenzer, Joi Ito, Reid Hoffman; v 06 prvy venture capital od Index Ventures). v 2008 maju 82 z-cov v East London

+ del.icio.us–The precursor to Delicious was Muxway, a link blog that had grown out of a text file that Schachter maintained to keep track of links related to Memepool (*98 multi-autor blog s linkami). founded by Joshua Schachter (74, BS electrical/comp engineer Pittsburgh) in 9/03 and acquired by Yahoo! in 12/05 (30m USD), 5mil+ users v 2008, HQ Santa Clara/California,


+ rubyonrails–was extracted by David Heinemeier Hansson (3 men 79 li, DK, Bc comp sci+biz admin, v 05 odisiel do Chicaga) from his work on Basecamp, a project management tool by 37signals, prvy release v 04, bezi na Mongrel/Apache+CGI/atd, vystup v HMTL aj XML, extensive use of JavaScript libraries Prototype and Script.aculo.us for Ajax, MIT license, od 07 sucast Mac OS X, TM vlastni ten typek a nepusti logo tam kde nema sam prsty
+ gmail–*04, 1gb mail storage,handling mailov podla topicov(na sposob komentarov k clankom)


+ twitter~microblogging–users can receive updates via the Twitter website, SMS, RSS, email or through an application such as Tweetie, TwitterFon, Twitterrific, Feedalizr or Facebook; *06 Founded by Jack Dorsey (koncept), Biz Stone and Evan Williams (Blogger); zacalo ako R&D v Odeone; napisany v Ruby on Rails (kvoli rychlosti zvazovali presun na PHP alebo Javu, ale nakoniec nie), HQ v SF, najprv pouzivali z-ci vnutri firmy Obvious, potom von v 10/06, v 07 firma Twitter–CEO Dorsey–od 08 Williams, EN verzia bez reklam, ale JP verzia je s reklamami, su len 2 jazykove verzie, inonarodne ich predbiehaju
+ flickr–lahky multiupload jpg

+ youtube–dvaja typci z paypal,rychly stream videi

+ (secondlife)
+ flash

+ facebook–v 4/08 predbehol myspace


the World Wide Web was begun in 1989 by English scientist Tim Berners-Lee, working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1990, he proposed building a “web of nodes” storing “hypertext pages” viewed by “browsers” on a network,[1] and released that web in 1992.


In March 1989, Berners-Lee wrote a proposal[4] which referenced ENQUIRE and described a more elaborate information management system. With help from Robert Cailliau, he published a more formal proposal (on November 12, 1990) to build a “Hypertext project” called “WorldWideWeb” (one word, also “W3”)[1] as a “web of nodes” with “hypertext documents” to store data.

The proposal had been modeled after EBT’s (Electronic Book Technology, a spin-off from the Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship at Brown University) Dynatext SGML reader that CERN had licensed. The Dynatext system, although technically advanced (a key player in the extension of SGML ISO 8879:1986 to Hypermedia within HyTime), was considered too expensive and with an inappropriate licensing policy for general HEP (High Energy Physics) community use: a fee for each document and each time a document was charged.

By Christmas 1990, Berners-Lee had built all the tools necessary for a working Web:[5] the first Web browser (which was a Web editor as well), the first Web server, and the first Web pages[6] which described the project itself.

it’s closed system like skype or icq (you have to ‘register’),
but function-wise it is state-of-the-art tool regarding online
communication–it’s instant, and if you decide that you want to
use it for work rather than fun, it provides
pretty well developed collaborative environment:
it’s profile-based (either individual or group or event, etc),
and you post short or long statements or images or videos
(you can also share your calendar for instance),
and get news feed from everyone in your ‘friends’ list.
i want to explore what and (technically) what way you
can export data outside.
saw already many artists, activists and cultural people
use it a lot.
and you dont come into contact with dumb content coming
from people you dont know–only stuff from ‘friends’
is being filtered into your pages (plus horrible ads on
the side).
there’s pretty strong users’ pressure in cases when facebook inc
is taking stupid (and very predictable) steps against privacy,
usually they step back.
i hate revealing my personal stuff and supporting corporate
services of neoliberals (facebook is as ruthless
as microsoft), same like in case of mobile network providers,
or of skype, or of being hosted by webhosting companies
(in recent years it is better-hosted by friends and transparent
organisations), or of being connected to internet by private
telecom companies..
but emails and messengers and blogs are just not keeping
up with the progress on the side of technical possibilities..
and FLOSS social-networking-applications are only in
very early phases, like http://riseuplabs.org/crabgrass/
or http://elgg.org/ — i installed elgg on Multiplace server,
but it is still very primitive.. they still need several
years for development.. i think of these as the communication
tools at first place (in the context of email/skype/cellphone/
messaging/wiki).. what still remains is a question whether
we want to be creative with this ‘social-web’ craziness in any way..

Fincher (2010): The Social Network

, , , , only@not – October 22, 2010 § 0

postava zuckerberga dobre zahrana, storka postavena na dvojitom
sudnom spore, ilustrovanom casovymi vyletmi do zobjektivizovanej
minulosti (teda nie cez pohlady postav), toz fadna, ale nenapadlo
ma ako by sa dal masovy film o fb spravit inak. neadresovana
ochrana sukromia vobec, ani ine user-issues, a zuckerberg
z toho vyliezol ako gates of 2000s – nerdie unsexi college
superkid skyrocketed to ambivalently beloved zillionair (obdivovany
kvoli uspechu, nenavideny kvoli bezohladnosti), akurat tech
turn vystriedany social turnom. filmpostupy po technickej stranke
hromadka klise, washed out hollywood (aj ked psychologizacia
celkom dobre zvladnuta), film som bral viacmenej len
faktograficky ako epizodnu entrepreneurial lekciu z historie
internetu, napr som nevedel ze spoluzakladatel napstru (sean
parker) hral vo fb rolu – zohnal im prvu angel investiciu,
vytlacil z pozicie financneho riaditela s ktorym zuckerberg
fb rozbiehal, a pritiahol ich z cambridge do SF

zuckerberg vyviazol dobre, v podstate mu su
priznane len tri zakopnutia – uvodne fiasko s univerzitnym
webom hodnotenia atraktivity spoluziacok; prebratie idey
harvard-based socialnej siete od trojice harvard studentov;
a podraz svojho ‘jedineho priatela’ v opantani parkerom…
etickych/moralnych preslapov musel pri takej skale projektu
ale spravit ovela viac, hadam aj zavaznejsich.

plus gycova pointa – chalan ktory rozbehol siet s 500 mil
uzivatelmi mal jedineho priatela ktoreho podrazil a s ktorym
sa sudi; a stale tuzi po svojej laske ktoru verejne pospinil.

v podstate pomerne predvidatelne


mark zuckerberg 84 ta 10 cimi [hra ho 83 li 10 chicchan].
Mother psychiatrist, father dentist. Parents Jewish, he considers himself an atheist.
eduardo saverin 82 pi 4 ahau. CFO. Chceli ho zodrat z 34 na 0.03, nakoniec vlastni 5%.
His father in export+real estate. Jew. S markom friends ako freshman. *fb ako sophomore, leto po zalozeni – hadka. [hra ho 3 cauac VIII]
sean parker 79 sa 13 kan VI. Napster spustil rok po skonceni strednej skoly (Fanningova [3 etznab sa 80] idea, Parker sa kvoli tomu
prestahoval za nim do SF, to bol prvykrat mimo domu vobec. ale aj na wikipedii zahmlene, zoznamili sa online ked mal Fanning 15,
Parker 14, pocas procesov ho z firmy vytlacili Fanningovi pravnici), predtym v 16tich odsudeny na communitywork za hacking.
Kodovat ho ucil otec od 7yr. S FB len cca rok dlha epizoda – od leta 04, vytlacil Saverina, dosadil sa ako President, vyoutoval sa
po kokain party v 05. Predtym v 02 spustil socialweb neskor integrovany do MS Outlooku. Party animal.
Ledva dokoncil hi school, astma od detstva, autodidakt, otec US gov oceanographer, mama TV-ad broker. Zuckerberg s nim vraj stale konzultuje ?!
[hra ho Timberlake 81 aq 8 lamat I]
peter thiel 67 DE-moved to US – paypal co-founder, prva angel investicia do thefacebook. Chess master. Openly gay. NYC based.
In late 2004, Thiel made a $500,000 angel investment in Facebook for 5.2% of the company.
Thiel is listed as a member of the Steering Committee of The Bilderberg Group.
screenplay: aaron sorkin 61 ge 13 caban, hollywoody pise len, incl a few good men 92
Gideon Yu (investor, odisiel z FB v 09),
Chris Hughes (koder?, co-founder, 83 sc 10 caban, 12% teraz, v 08 viedol Obamovi online kampan),
Chris Kelly (zodpovedny za privacy policy na FB),
Ted Ullyot (lawyer, od 08, riesi privacy issues),
Dustin Moskovitz (koder! co-founder, teraz vedie tech staff, 6%).

FB shareholders
Mark Zuckerberg owns 24% of the company, Accel Partners owns 10%, Dustin Moskovitz owns 6%, Digital Sky Technologies owns 5%, Eduardo Saverin owns 5%, Sean Parker owns 4%, Peter Thiel owns 3%, Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital Partners own between 1 to 2% each, Microsoft owns 1.3%, Li Ka-shing owns 0.75%, the Interpublic Group owns less than 0.5%, a small group of current and former employees and celebrities own less than 1% each, including Matt Cohler, Jeff Rothschild, California U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, Chris Hughes, and Owen Van Natta, while Reid Hoffman and Mark Pincus have sizable holdings of the company, and the remaining 30% or so are owned by employees, undisclosed number of celebrities, and outside investors

film technicky aj atmosferou genericky washed out hollywood, takze som ho bral viacmenej len faktograficky.
zuckerberg ale dobre zahrany. vysiel z toho dobre, v podstate mu su vo filme priznane len tri zakopnutia – uvodne fiasko s uni webom hodnotenim zien, ukradnutie idei harvard-based socialnej siete (mal povodne iny plan?), a podraz svojho ‘jedineho priatela’ v opantani parkerom, etickych/moralnych preslapov musel ale spravit viac.
o napster typovi som nevedel.
gycova pointa – chalan ktory rozbehol siet s 500 mil uzivatelmi mal jedineho priatela ktoreho podrazil a s ktorym sa sudi; a stale tuzi po svojej laske ktoru verejne pospinil.
lessigova kritika – rola v internetu v uspesnom rychlom raste podcenena – fincher to podla neho nepochopil.
/ fb spusteny zaciatkom 04
? preco musi nakoniec pristupit na vyrovnanie? (RECHECK)
? recenzie na knihu accidental billionaries = vela chyb
? poslal policiu na parkera/kokain zuckerberg?
/ suvislost: v Norsku a Svedsku peoples’ taxes online

zmeskanych uvodnych 15 minut:
In 2003, Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg gets the idea to create a website to rate the attractiveness of female Harvard undergraduates after his girlfriend Erica Albright breaks up with him. Mark hacks into the databases of various residence halls and downloads pictures and names. Using an algorithm supplied by his best friend Eduardo Saverin, Mark creates a page called “FaceMash”, where male students choose which of two girls is more

Mark is punished with six months of academic probation after the traffic to the site crashes parts of Harvard’s network, and becomes vilified among most of Harvard’s female community. However, the popularity of “FaceMash” and the fact that he created it in one night, while drunk, brings him to the attention of Cameron Winklevoss and Tyler Winklevoss, identical twins and members of Harvard’s rowing team, and their business partner Divya Narendra.

11:40 < barak> vcera som videl social network, zuckerberg dobre zahrany, storka
postavena na dvojitom sudnom spore, ilustrovanom casovymi
vyletmi do zobjektivizovanej minulosti (teda nie cez pohlady
postav), toz fadna, ale nenapadlo ma ako by sa dal masovy film o
fb spravit inak. neadresovana ochrana sukromia vobec, ani ine
user-issues, a zuckerberg z toho vyliezol ako gates of 2000s –
nerdie unsexi college superkid skyrocketed to ambivalently
beloved zillionair (obdivovany kvoli uspechu, nenavideny kvoli
bezohladnosti), akurat tech turn vystriedany social turnom.
filmpostupy hromadka klise, film som bral viacmenej len
faktograficky ako epizodnu entrepreneurial lekciu z historie
11:41 < barak> v podstate komplet predvidatelne
11:42 < wao> zillionair (obdivovany
11:42 < wao> neprislo cele :)
11:42 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to #tlis.sk. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do
this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
11:42 < barak> zillionair (obdivovany kvoli uspechu, nenavideny kvoli
bezohladnosti), akurat tech turn vystriedany social turnom.
filmpostupy hromadka klise, film som bral viacmenej len
faktograficky ako epizodnu entrepreneurial lekciu z historie
11:44 < ach> barak: a boli tam nejake nahe baby?
11:44 < barak> zakladatel napstru snupal lajnu z pupku fanynky
11:45 < barak> inak o nom som nevedel ze hral vo fb rolu
11:45 < barak> parker
11:46 < wao> napster druhykrat spomenuty na tomto chane za relativne kratku
dobu! :)
11:46 < barak> zohnal im prvu angel investiciu, vytlacil z pozicie financneho
riaditela s ktorym zuckerberg fb rozbiehal, a pritiahol ich z
harvardu do SF

Rolling Stone:
The Social Network is the movie of the year. But Fincher and Sorkin triumph by taking it further.
Lacing their scathing wit with an aching sadness, they define the dark irony of the past decade.

Sean Parker:
One day—in a scene fictionalized in The Social Network—Parker saw Thefacebook, as it was then known, on the computer of his roommate’s girlfriend, a student at Stanford. (In the movie, he gets his first peek after spending the night with a woman whose name he barely knows.)
^ toto bola dost nasilna nepodarena scena/sposob ako vtiahnut parkera do deja
Matt Cohler, who joined Thefacebook shortly after Parker, is awed when he thinks about that pivotal e-mail. “Napster and Facebook are two of the most significant companies in the history of the Internet,” he says, “and in both cases Parker spotted them earlier than anyone—other than the people who invented them.”
Parker impulsively flew to New York, where he met Zuckerberg for dinner, and the two quickly bonded. A few months later, in June 2004, they ran into each other on the streets of Palo Alto, where Parker, unemployed (but still driving around in a BMW 5-series), was living with yet another girlfriend.
Says Moskovitz (fb co-founder), known for his dry humor, “Sean probably deserves less credit for turning Facebook into what it is than he thinks he does, but also more credit than anybody else thinks he does.”
In the financing that Parker negotiated with Thiel, as well as a much larger deal signed seven months later with the Accel Partners venture-capital firm, Parker was able to negotiate for Zuckerberg something almost unheard of in a venture-funded start-up: absolute control for the entrepreneur. Because of that, Zuckerberg, to this day, allocates three of Facebook’s five board seats (including his own). Without that control, Facebook would almost certainly have been sold to either Yahoo or Microsoft, whose C.E.O., Steve Ballmer, offered $15 billion for it in the fall of 2007—only to be met with a blank stare from the then 23-year-old Zuckerberg.
On a kiteboarding trip to North Carolina in 2005 he was arrested during a party at his rental house on suspicion of cocaine possession. Though he was never formally charged, some of Facebook’s investors and employees felt Parker could no longer effectively serve as company president. With much anguish, he agreed to depart.
divides his nights between a San Francisco apartment and a palatial (rented) New York town house.
The Parker of the script is also greedy, which is not Sean Parker’s big issue. More than money, he wants credit and recognition.

Lanier (2010) – You are not a Gadget

, , , , , only@not – April 4, 2010 § 0

[5:00:47 PM] lucas kendo: :)
[5:32:23 PM] lucas kendo: preco lanierovi vadi anonymita
[5:32:25 PM] lucas kendo: ?
[5:32:44 PM] lucas kendo: “Don‟t post anonymously unless you really might be in danger.”
[5:32:57 PM] lucas kendo: prvy bod v suggestions ako zmenit status quo
[5:33:25 PM] dusanson: mozno dostava dirty maily od anonymov )
[5:33:35 PM] dusanson: neviem, cital som zatial len preface a reviews
[5:33:59 PM] dusanson: ale ten jeho plan je dost fail
[5:34:11 PM] dusanson: chce aby z kazdeho suboru bol len jeden kus
[5:34:17 PM] dusanson: teda aby sa veci nemuseli kopirovat
[5:34:52 PM] lucas kendo: hm no divne to znie cele.. najviacej mi vadi ze ini autori by si dali zalezat na tom zadefinovat pojmy ktore pouzivaju
[5:35:02 PM] lucas kendo: A similar campaign should be taking place now, influencing engineers, designers,
businesspeople, and everyone else to support humanistic alternatives whenever possible.
[5:35:06 PM] dusanson: jj, za to ho zdrbali vsetci
[5:35:08 PM] dusanson: ze pise esejisticky moc
[5:35:14 PM] lucas kendo: co je to humanistic v tejto vete ?????
[5:35:21 PM] lucas kendo: chapes,, ale on to tam vsade ma
[5:35:39 PM] dusanson: akoze sa vydal do boja proti web2 pliage
[5:35:47 PM] dusanson: ktora z nas robi zombikov alebo co
[5:36:21 PM] dusanson: ked ho zavolali na sxsw zrobit prednasku tak vsetkym povedal ze nech prestanu tweetovat a bavia sa f2f
[5:36:22 PM] dusanson: lol
[5:36:45 PM] lucas kendo: :))
[5:36:58 PM] dusanson: ako keby to neslo naraz
[5:36:59 PM] lucas kendo: preface bol super, ale dalsi text ma coraz viacej odradza
[5:37:14 PM] dusanson: jj, ten preface je asi jediny fajn na tej knihe
[5:37:15 PM] dusanson: :)
[5:38:55 PM] dusanson: kniha je najskor urcena pre starsich dobre situovanych panov, ktorym chybaju konzervativne argumenty proti web2 pliage co opantala mladez
[5:39:08 PM] lucas kendo: no ..
[5:39:37 PM] lucas kendo: no nic pise ze tie veci rozoberie v celej knizke tak snad najdem nejake argumenty ktorymi sa da naozaj nesuhlasit :)
[5:39:44 PM] dusanson: Lanier’s critique of online life has a strong whiff of the “false consciousness” dicta that gained currency in the aftermath of the New Left.
[5:39:55 PM] dusanson: par imo najdes
[5:40:06 PM] dusanson: pod bol z nej celkom uneseny
[5:40:55 PM] dusanson: si tam chcem pozriet co pise proti open sourcu
[5:41:35 PM] lucas kendo: tej vete nerozumiem
[5:41:38 PM] lucas kendo: co je to whiff ?
[5:41:42 PM] dusanson: He dismisses most modern culture as “retro” and “a petty mashup of preweb culture..It’s as if culture froze just before it became digitally open, and all we can do now is mine the past like salvagers picking over a garbage dump.
[5:41:45 PM] lucas kendo: co je to false consciousness ?
[5:42:12 PM] lucas kendo: a f.c. je reakcia na new left, alebo je to vlastnost pripisovana new left ?
[5:42:18 PM] lucas kendo: ah som blby :)
[5:42:56 PM] dusanson: no ze ked novej lavici dosiel dych tak sa vratila spat k boju dobra so zlom, kde za zle sa povazuju rozne ezotericke veci ako trh alebo kapitalizmus s nejakym privlastkom, a ze lanier sa uchyluje k podobnemu polarizovaniu
[5:43:39 PM] dusanson: ze osocuje tych ‘zlych’ a stoji na strane dobrych
[5:43:57 PM] dusanson: resp ze clovek ma skazene vedomie a potrebuje sa od niecoho ocistit
[5:44:59 PM] dusanson: k “false consciousness” sa uchylila ‘porazena’ new left
[5:45:52 PM] dusanson: Online culture “is a culture of reaction without action”
[5:46:05 PM] lucas kendo: jj to tam je
[5:46:23 PM] lucas kendo: v niecom kusok pravda ked sa zameras len nato ako je teraz popularne robit s klise
[5:46:30 PM] lucas kendo: ako zo zakladnymi blokmi nejakeho diela
[5:46:33 PM] lucas kendo: a metanaracia a tak
[5:46:43 PM] dusanson: klise tu bolo vzdy )
[5:47:30 PM] lucas kendo: inac ten gegen die wand je super
[5:47:48 PM] lucas kendo: sa mi pacilo jake tam silne veci setcia prezivali bez toho aby ten film sam o sebe bol pateticky
[5:47:57 PM] lucas kendo: teraz mame rozkukane to co natocil v 2007
[5:48:02 PM] dusanson: lanierov refren je volanie po ‘novom digitalnom humanistickom cloveku’, ktoreho nestrhne hlas masy …
new collectivist ethos — embodied by everything from Wikipedia to “American Idol” to Google searches — diminishes the importance and uniqueness of the individual voice, and that the “hive mind” can easily lead to mob rule
[5:48:05 PM] lucas kendo: soul kitchen su len ruske abo spanish ripy
[5:48:18 PM] dusanson: gegendiewand som videl snad v svetozore, sa mi pacil tiez
[5:48:26 PM] dusanson: som nasiel taliansky dvdrip
[5:48:39 PM] lucas kendo: no pokial to je bez titles tak nic moc
[5:48:45 PM] lucas kendo: akoze ja nemcinu davam
[5:48:47 PM] dusanson: uvidme
[5:48:57 PM] lucas kendo: a italian asi znamena dabovane nie ?
[5:49:04 PM] dusanson: dufam ze nieee
[5:50:46 PM] dusanson: Lanier argues for a third way, inspired by the Internet’s first visionary, Ted Nelson. Nelson created a proto-Web in 1960 called Xanadu that simplified the user’s experience. One password and fee to enter the world, and one logical copy of each file, instead of the endless file sharing that clogs our bandwidth and cheapens the discourse.
[5:51:04 PM] dusanson: to ale neni ani utopia, skor retroutopia
[5:51:16 PM] lucas kendo: no tak retroutopia je aj militant modernism
[5:51:20 PM] lucas kendo: a to je fasa
[5:51:54 PM] dusanson: hm, akurat keby prisiel s nejakou novou, nelsona poznam :(
[5:52:42 PM] lucas kendo: inac on tam mrte operuje singularitou ale pritom mne je cely ten new age hogwah dost vzdialeny ale aj tak som zastanca “openness” a citam boingboing
[5:53:21 PM] dusanson: neviem preco si mysli ze edge.org maju nejaky vpyv
[5:53:22 PM] dusanson: l
[5:54:19 PM] dusanson: aj ked osobnych hodnotovych rebrickoch zapalenych technoevangelistov v silicon valley asi maju..
[5:59:36 PM] lucas kendo: aaa
[5:59:38 PM] lucas kendo: uz som tam
[5:59:49 PM] lucas kendo: I say that information doesn‟t deserve to be free.
[6:03:13 PM] lucas kendo: aha
[6:03:21 PM] lucas kendo: tak on berie informaciu ako ulozenu experience
[6:03:27 PM] lucas kendo: nieco ako petencialna energia tehly
[6:03:32 PM] lucas kendo: ktoru nikto zdvihne a polozi na skrinu
[6:03:39 PM] lucas kendo: az ked ju posunies aby spadla tak sa ta energia uvolni
[6:03:50 PM] lucas kendo: takisto infoska musi byt prezita aby bola pouzitelna
[6:03:51 PM] lucas kendo: Information of the kind that purportedly wants to be free is nothing but a shadow of our
own minds, and wants nothing on its own. It will not suffer if it doesn‟t get what it wants
[6:04:10 PM] lucas kendo: a zevraj sucasny technokrati chcu aby informacia zila
[6:04:14 PM] lucas kendo: a presiel na turinga
[6:04:18 PM] lucas kendo: huh ?
[6:05:27 PM] lucas kendo: no nie
[6:05:49 PM] lucas kendo: a to ze infosky mozu byt zive je vraj sposobene tym ze ako turing trpel pred smrtou lebo musel brat zenske hormony aby sa vyliecil z homosexuality
[6:06:07 PM] lucas kendo: a vymyslel turingov test kde je pocitac posudzovany nezavisle na jeho fyzicne
[6:06:13 PM] lucas kendo: alebo teda druha strana – len na reakciach
[6:06:35 PM] lucas kendo: a ze toto bolo skrz jeho tuzbu aby aj on ako weirdo gaysky nebol posudzovany ako gay ale ako nejaka bytost
[6:06:46 PM] lucas kendo: no a turingov test potom ovplyvnil dalsie generacie a dal vzniknut tejto myslienke
[6:06:49 PM] lucas kendo: omg
[6:07:41 PM] lucas kendo: What the test really tells us, however, even if it‟s not necessarily what Turing hoped it
would say, is that machine intelligence can only be known in a relative sense, in the eyes of a
human beholder
[6:08:22 PM] lucas kendo: to je akoze pravda, ale tam skor ide o funkciu… ze je jedno aky je substrat, ak ho nevies odlisit od toho co pokladas za inteligentne
[6:08:58 PM | Edited 6:09:04 PM] lucas kendo: som zvedavy kedy vytiahne a misquotne searla
[6:12:19 PM] dusanson: protiargument je ze vyvoj prvych pocitacov znacne katalyzoval hon po fungujucej anti-aircraft masinke na zostrelovanie lietadiel, z coho vznikla teoria negativneho feedbacku, z ktorej vzisla kybernetika… tam slo o realny fyzicky svet, ziadne myslienkove virtualitky odtrhnute od hmoty..
[6:13:21 PM] lucas kendo: protiargument ku protiargumentu je ze
[6:13:25 PM] lucas kendo: (budem citovat)
[6:13:26 PM] dusanson: na tom pracovali nezavisle na sebe matematici v usa, ceskoslovensku, madarsku a rusku, o ktorych zatial viem
[6:13:42 PM] dusanson: z ktorych sa neskor stali kyberneticki pioneri
[6:13:47 PM] lucas kendo: Computers and chess share a common ancestry. Both originated as tools of war. Chess
began as a battle simulation, a mental martial art. The design of chess reverberates even further
into the past than that—all the way back to our sad animal ancestry of pecking orders and
competing clans.
Likewise, modern computers were developed to guide missiles and break secret military
codes. Chess and computers are both direct descendants of the violence that drives evolution in
the natural world, however sanitized and abstracted they may be in the context of civilization.
The drive to compete is palpable in both computer science and chess, and when they are brought
together, adrenaline flows.
[6:14:45 PM] dusanson: ku guide missiles a break codes pridavam este odstranovanie noisu z telefonov
[6:14:53 PM] dusanson: to su tri hlavne spustace ktore sa uvadzaju casto
[6:15:04 PM] dusanson: telefonneho signalu teda
[6:16:15 PM] dusanson: ano, je to strasne, pocitace nam dala vojna
[6:16:37 PM] dusanson: ako s tym suvisi ta turingova homosexualita?
[6:17:02 PM] dusanson: btw vojna nam dala aj UN resolution o ludskych pravach
[6:18:00 PM] lucas kendo: ^^ toto posledne je fajn
[6:18:13 PM] lucas kendo: no jeho homosexualita suvisi s tym tak ako som napisal
[6:18:34 PM] lucas kendo: ze on tuzil podla laniera aby sa ku inteligencii pristupovalo odfyzicnene ako ku nejakej cistej informacii
[6:18:40 PM] lucas kendo: bez konotacii ze je povedzme homosexualna
[6:18:49 PM] dusanson: inak vyvoj toho z coho mohli byt pocitace zastavila vojna napr v priprade Zuseho, Lebedeva a Atanasova
[6:18:50 PM] lucas kendo: a ze to bolo tym ze tak trpel a potom sa zabil kvoli tomu
[6:19:23 PM] dusanson: pracovali na protopocitacoch este v 30tych rokoch
[6:19:41 PM] lucas kendo: no a babbage dali dole okolnosti
[6:19:46 PM] lucas kendo: ten mohol by najskorsi
[6:19:58 PM] lucas kendo: s analytical engine
[6:20:03 PM] dusanson: tam je vtipna story
[6:20:11 PM] dusanson: s tym ze za nim prisla ada
[6:20:38 PM] dusanson: ktora chodila casto stavkovat na dostihy, ze vyratajme si sance a podajme to tak aby sme vyhrali
[6:20:53 PM] dusanson: mu pisala aj prednasky
[6:21:02 PM] dusanson: babbage ju zatienil, lebo bol o 1-2 generacie starsi
[6:21:18 PM] dusanson: pritom vela veci ma na svedomi ona :)
[6:22:18 PM] lucas kendo: hmm
[6:22:48 PM] lucas kendo: podla mna z tohto a leibnizovej storky pochadza cela ta fascinacia viktorianskou proto-tech dobou v steam-punkovej estetike
[6:23:01 PM] lucas kendo: ze co keby to akoze vyslo vtedy
[6:23:20 PM] lucas kendo: leibniz si tiez postaval masinu na ratanie integralov myslim
[6:24:18 PM] lucas kendo: aha nie .. len – + * /
[6:26:06 PM] lucas kendo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepped_Reckoner
[6:26:17 PM] dusanson: developed a ‘no-fail’ winning system for horse racing. Unfortunately, horses not being big on math, the system did fail, and Ada finished her life as a bankrupt laudanum addict, dying of cancer at the age of 36.
[6:26:47 PM] dusanson: Augusta Ada Byron was a complex, eccentric character, and it’s probable that none of her contemporaries ever really understood the woman who managed to combine an amazing intelligence with a supposed alcohol dependency and a drug-induced fixation on fairies.
[6:26:48 PM] dusanson: :)
[6:27:45 PM] lucas kendo: whoa no musela byt dost excentricka
[6:27:49 PM] lucas kendo: asi ako vdm
[6:27:50 PM] lucas kendo: a viac
[6:27:54 PM] dusanson: jj
[6:28:13 PM] dusanson: hura nasiel som ten clanok http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/19/hunt.php
[6:28:15 PM] dusanson: si ho daj niekedy
[6:30:26 PM] dusanson: ajo tak tie dostihy nebola obsesia ale len sposob ako sa dostat k prachom


17:24 < gnd> ten druhy tribe co menuje lanier okrem weizenbauma co som cital
vobec nepoznam
17:24 < gnd>
the late Joseph
17:24 < gnd> Weizenbaum, Ted Nelson, Terry Winograd, Alan Kay, Bill Buxton,
Doug Englebart, Brian
17:24 < gnd> Cantwell Smith, Henry Fuchs, Ken Perlin, Ben Schneiderman (who
invented the idea of clicking
17:24 < gnd> on a link), and Andy Van Dam
17:26 < wao> http://www.mylocaltribune.net/
17:27 < gnd> nah ale namiesto 100 stran preco tito ludia (cybernetic totalists)
tvoria jednu skupinu a na com operuju odbije troma odstavcami …
17:27 < gnd> snad sa k tomu este dostane dalej v knizke
17:55 < gnd> he antihuman approach to computation is one of the most
baseless ideas in human
17:55 < gnd> history. A computer isn”t even there unless a person experiences
it. There will be a warm mass of
17:55 < gnd> patterned silicon with electricity coursing through it, but the
bits don”t mean anything without a
17:55 < gnd> cultured person to interpret them.
17:55 < gnd> This is not solipsism. You can believe that your mind
makes up the world, but a bullet
17:55 < gnd> will still kill you. A virtual bullet, however, doesn”t even exist
unless there is a person to
17:55 < gnd> recognize it as a representation of a bullet. Guns are real in a
way that computers are not.
17:55 < gnd> wtf ?



with reviews i prefer linking the small sites,
since the big ones usually cannot afford being honest
(the one in NYT mentions some catchy ideas, which is ok).
xlt review would get a link for sure! )
errr i should be linking reviews to more books,
but it’s just take too much time, wish there would
be some kind of a book review aggregator (which i’m sure
it is), any ideas? :)

lovink in this article mentions lanier, carr and schirrmacher,
although many times he tends to come up with too generalising
statements, which makes him feel prophetic, but they don’t even
have the poetic utopic potential, are just theoretical show-offs
which doesnt challenge anything, like eg. “It is no longer
necessary to approach the PC with a question and then dive
into the archive” etc.. same goes with lanier btw.
anyway, you can still find good insights (as with lanier too)

yea, if you think about what is lanier saying in the nutshell,
it doesn’t really makes sense.. ..or maybe i should better take him
seriously and stop using the cellphone since the network
is being ran by capitalist oligarchs, and sending short messages
and disembodily talking to people fucks up my true personality :)

btw i really like the preface of the book!

re monoskop linking
thx for asking, we like to be linked from the friendly sites!

ciao, d.

> i will for sure utilize for grabbing quotes…
> still not finished, and encountered lots of things i’m not sure i agree w/ …
> but very profound stuff all along the way…
> tech liberation is a compelling review w/ useful links so glad u posted,
> NYT is also quite good

Lovink (2010) – MyBrain.net

, , , , , deliciousonline – April 2, 2010 § 0

IT sector takes over the media industry, the cult of “free” and “open” is nothing but ironic revenge on the e-commerce madness.
During the post-9/11 reconstruction period, Silicon Valley found renewed inspiration in two projects: the vital energy of the search start-up Google (which successfully managed to postpone its IPO for years), and the rapidly emerging blog scene
Whereas blogging embodied the non-profit, empowering aspect of personal responses grouped around a link, Google developed techniques that enabled it to parasite on other people’s content, a.k.a. “organizing the world’s information”
Profit is no longer made at the level of production, but through the control of distribution channels. Apple, Amazon, eBay and Google are the biggest winners in this game
Whereas Keen could still be read as a grumpy and jealous response of the old media class, this is no longer the case with Nicholas Carr’s The Big Switch (2008),[2] in which he analyses the rise of cloud computing
The last chapter, entitled “iGod”, indicates a “neurological turn” in net criticism. Starting from the observation that Google’s intention has always been to turn its operation into an Artificial Intelligence, “an artificial brain that is smarter than your brain” (Sergey Brin), Carr turns his attention to future of human cognition: “The medium is not only the message. The medium is the mind. It shapes what we see and how we see it.” With the Internet stressing speed, we become the Web’s neurons: “The more links we click, pages we view, and transactions we make, the more intelligence the Web makes, the more economic value it gains, and the more profit it throws off.”
In his famous 2008 Atlantic Monthly essay “Does Google make us stupid? What does the Internet do to our brains?” Carr takes this argument a few steps further and argues that constant switching between windows and sites and frantic use of search engines will ultimately dumb us down.
Internet-savvy users, she states, seem to lose the ability to read and enjoy thick novels and comprehensive monographs.
Carr and others cleverly exploit the Anglo-American obsession with anything related to the mind, brain and consciousness – mainstream science reporting cannot get enough of it. A thorough economic (let alone Marxist) analysis of Google and the free and open complex is seriously uncool.
The Internet and society debate should be about the politics and aesthetics of its network architecture and not be “medicalized”. So instead of repeating what the brain faction proclaims, I would like to turn to trends that need equal attention
There is a fundamental shift away from the static archive towards the “flow” and the “river”.
History is something to get rid of. Silicon Valley is gearing up for the colonization of real-time, away from the static web “page” that still refers to the newspaper. Users no longer feel the need to store information and the “cloud” facilitates this liberating movement.
Some have even said goodbye to the very idea of “search” because it is too time-consuming an activity often with unsatisfactory outcomes.
Despite all the justified calls for “slow communication”, the market is moving in the opposite direction. Soon, people may not have time to pour some file from a dusty database.
Much like in finance, the media industry is exploring possibilities to maximize surplus value from the exploitation of milliseconds.
There is no evidence that the world is becoming more virtual. We are no longer encouraged to act out some role, but forced to be “ourselves” (which is no less theatrical or artificial).
Trust is the oil of global capitalism and the security state, required by both sides in any transaction or exchange
The old idea that the virtual is there to liberate you from your old self has collapsed. It is all about self-management and techno-sculpturing: how do you shape the self in real-time flow?
The self that is presented here is post-cosmetic. The ideal is to become neither the Other nor the better human. The polished perfect personality lacks empathy and is straight-out suspect.
Our profiles remain cold and unfinished if we do not expose at least some aspects of our private lives. Otherwise we are considered robots, anonymous members of a vanishing twentieth century mass culture.
In Cold Intimacies, Eva Illouz puts it this way: “It is virtually impossible to distinguish the rationalization and commodification of selfhood from the capacity of the self to shape and help itself and to engage in deliberation and communication with others.”
At first glance, the idea of the netizen is a mid-1990s response to the first wave of users that took over the Net. The netizen moderates, cools down heated debates, and above all responds in a friendly, non-repressive manner. The netizen does not represent the Law, is no authority, and acts like a personal advisor, a guide in a new universe. The netizen is thought to act in the spirit of good conduct and corporate citizenship. Users were to take social responsibility themselves – it was not a call for government regulation and was explicitly designed to keep legislators out of the Net.
Bots play a increasing role in the automated policing of large websites.
“personal information autonomy”, as David d’Heilly once put it
The rise of the national web
42.6 per cent of Internet users are located in Asia
Only around 25 per cent of content is in English these days.
China is now exporting its national firewall technology to Sri Lanka, which intends to use it to block the “offensive websites” of exile Tamil Tiger groups
“Democratization” means that firms and politicians have a goal and then invite others to contribute to it.
young people are reluctant to use Twitter – it just isn’t their thing.
social networking sites did not originate in a social movement setting. They were developed as post-dotcom responses to the e-commerce wave of the late 1990s, which had no concept of what users were looking for online
Instead of being regarded merely as consumers of goods and services, Web 2.0 users are pressed to produce as much data as possible. Profiles are abstracted from so-called “user generated content” that are then sold to advertisers as direct marketing data.
In China, dissidents with their own proxy servers that help to circumvent the Wall remain marginal as long as they cannot transport their “memes” into other social contexts.
11:11 < barak> Carr and others cleverly exploit the Anglo-American obsession
with anything related to the mind, brain and consciousness .
mainstream science reporting cannot get enough of it. A thorough
economic (let alone Marxist) analysis of Google and the free and
open complex is seriously uncool.
11:12 < barak> Nicholas Carr’s The Big Switch (2008), in which he analyses the
rise of cloud computing
11:12 < barak> The last chapter, entitled “iGod”, indicates a “neurological
turn” in net criticism
11:13 < barak> coskoro na logu
11:18 < barak> carr napisal pred dvoma rokmi ten google makes us stupid clanok
11:19 < barak> ze freneticke prepinanie medzi oknami v prehliadaci etc nas
11:20 < barak> Whereas Carr’s take on the collapse of the white male’s
multi-tasking capacities had the couleur locale of a US
IT-business expert a.k.a. East Coast intellectual, Schirrmacher
moves the debate into the continental European context of an
aging middle class driven by defensive anxiety over Islamic
fundamentalism and Asian hypermodernity.
11:21 < barak> Like Carr, Schirrmacher seeks evidence of a deteriorating human
brain that can no longer keep up with iPhones, Twitter and
Facebook on top of the already existing information flows from
television, radio and the printed press.
11:21 < barak> potom schirrmachra sprdli ze je konzervativec a navyse novinar v
sebeobrane voci internetu
11:22 < ach> typicka sokratovska kritika noveho media.
11:22 < barak> jj
11:22 < barak> lanier detto
11:23 < barak> Lanier asks why the past two decades have not resulted in new
music styles and subcultures, and blames the strong emphasis on
retro in contemporary, remix-dominated music culture.
11:23 < barak> ?!?!
11:23 < ach> ]]: aha, uz to stihli dat dole :)
11:23 < barak> akoby hudba nebola vzdy retro
11:24 < barak> The democratization of digital tools has not led to the
emergence of “super-Gershwins”. Instead, Lanier sees “pattern
exhaustion”, a phenomena in which a culture runs out of
variations on traditional designs and becomes less creative:
11:26 < ach> “When asked why in the past 20 years, on paper, new types of music
and culture is characterized by the reasons for Yee, but the
defendant quickly and again, mixed culture.”
11:29 < ach> pre triforce gang
11:33 < ach> “The night smelled like Roisin Murphy, and a child has been born.
And it wasn’t a regular child, it was a girl with very small head.”
11:33 < ach> …25 translations later we get:
11:33 < ach> “Murphy Dermde overnight. So this is no ordinary boy with his head
11:35 < barak> Some have even said goodbye to the very idea of “search” because
it is too time-consuming an activity often with unsatisfactory
11:36 < barak> There is a fundamental shift away from the static archive
towards the “flow” and the “river”
11:36 < barak> History is something to get rid of. Silicon Valley is gearing up
for the colonization of real-time, away from the static
11:36 < barak> web “page” that still refers to the newspaper. Users no longer
feel the need to store information and the “cloud”
11:36 < barak> facilitates this liberating movement.
11:36 < barak> oda na cloud computing
11:37 < barak> This could, potentially, be the point at which the Google empire
starts to crumble
11:37 < barak> ^ tak
11:38 < barak> Despite all the justified calls for “slow communication”, the
market is moving in the opposite direction. Soon, people may not
have time to pour some file from a dusty database
11:40 < barak> It is no longer necessary to approach the PC with a question and
then dive into the archive. The Internet as a whole is going
real time in an attempt to come closer to the messiness, the
complexities of the real-existing social world.
11:40 < ach> utopicke/zovseobecnujuce.
11:40 < barak> jj, lovink at his best :)
11:40 < barak> look at Twitter, which resembles ascii email and SMS messages on
your 2001 cell phone
11:41 < ach> moj twitter urcite nepripomina ani jedno
11:41 < barak> to sa tykalo dizajnu
11:43 < ach> ved ma uplne ine farby ako moj telefon.
11:49 < barak> The self that is presented here is post-cosmetic. The ideal is
to become neither the Other nor the better human. The
11:49 < barak> polished perfect personality lacks empathy and is straight-out
11:49 < barak> Our profiles remain cold and unfinished if we do not expose at
least some aspects of our private lives. Otherwise we are
11:49 < barak> considered robots, anonymous members of a vanishing twentieth
century mass culture.

Castells (2009) – Communication Power

, , , , , , , , , , , only@notonline – August 6, 2009 § 0

q: “where does power lie in the global network society?”
communication is the central power in contemporary society.
via power vs counter-power; multinational corporate media networks vs creative audience; biased/scandal media politics vs insurgent grassroots media politics.
[10] defines power in a Weber-inspired way as “the relational capacity that enables a social actor to influence asymmetrically the decisions of other social actor(s) in ways that favor the empowered actor’s will, interests, and values”

[42-47,418-420] 4 kinds of power in the network society:
* networking power –
* network power
* networked power
* network-making power: “paramount form of power in the network society”; held and exercised by programmers and switchers; analysed via power struggles between the global corporate multimedia networks and the creative audience (chapter 2), the development of media policies in the USA (chapter 2), framing and counter-framing in political campaigns, especially the framing of the US public mind before, during, and after the Iraq war (chapter 3); to scandal politics in Spain in the 1990s (chapter 4), media control and censorship in the USA, Russia, and China (chapter 4); the environmental movement, the global movement against corporate globalization, the spontaneous citizens’ movement that emerged in Spain after the al-Qaeda attacks in 2004, and the Barack Obama presidential primary campaign (chapter 5).

Fuchs about “new web“:
– Tapscott and Williams claim that the “new web” brings about “a new economic democracy (…) in which we all have a lead role“ (2007)
– Kelly argues that the “new web”, where people “work toward a common goal and share their products in common, (…) contribute labor without wages and enjoy the fruits free of charge” (Kelly, 2009, p. 118) constitutes a “new socialism” – “digital socialism”. The new socialism is for Kelly a socialism, in which workers do not control and manage organizations and the material output they generate. Therefore this notion of socialism should be questioned. For Kelly, socialism lies in collective production, not in democratic economic ownership. If “socialism seeks to replace capitalism by a system in which the public interest takes precedence over the interest of private profit“, “is incompatible with the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few“, and “requires effective democratic control of the economy“ (Frankfurt Declaration of the Socialist International, 19511), then Kelly’s notion of socialism that is perfectly compatible with the existence of Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and other web corporations (as indicated by the fact that he lists Google, Amazon, Facebook, and YouTube in his history of socialism), is not at all a notion of socialism, but one of capitalism disguised as socialism. [critique also by Lessig: http://lessig.org/blog/2009/05/et_tu_kk_aka_no_kevin_this_is.html, http://lessig.org/blog/2009/05/on_socialism_round_ii.html ]
– Castells about ‘new web’ in a refreshing techno-dialectical way that avoids the deterministic pitfalls of technooptimism and techno-pessimism. For Castells, a novel quality of communication in contemporary society is mass self-communication. The three forms of communication (interpersonal, mass communication, and mass selfcommunication) coexist, interact, and complement each other rather than substituting for one another. Castells theorizes mass self-communication based on Eco’s semiotic model of communication as the emergence of “the creative audience” (pp. 127-135) that engages in the “interactive production of meaning” (p. 132) and is based on the emergence of the figure of the “sender/addressee” (p. 130). contemporary Internet = conflict bwn global multimedia business networks that try to commodify the Internet VS “creative audience” that tries to establish a degree of citizen control of the Internet and to assert their right of communicative freedom without corporate control.

Fuchs about autonomy of communicative subjects:
– autonomy in the sense of Kant, understood as the autonomy of the will as the supreme principle of morality (Kant, 2002, p. 58), the “quality of the will of being a law to itself” (Kant, 2002, p. 63)
– autonomy as “true individualism” that Hayek (1948) had in mind, in which capitalism is conceived as spontaneous order that should be left to itself and should not be shaped by political rules (Hayek, 1988)
– autonomy as freedom of speech, taste, and assembly – “the liberty of thought and discussion” – in line with the harm principle, as postulated by John Stuart Mill (2002)
– autonomy as the existence of functionally differentiated self-referential subsystems of society (Luhmann, 1998)
– autonomy in a less individualistic sense as the combination of individual autonomy, understood as subjectivity that is “reflective and deliberative” and “frees the radical imagination” from “the enslavement of repetition” (Castoriadis, 1991, p. 164), and social autonomy, “the equal participation of all in power” (Castoriadis, 1991, p. 136; see also Castoriadis, 1998)
– theoretically unreconciled relationship of private autonomy and public autonomy that Habermas (1996, p. 84) has critically examined
– dialectic of autonomy that Habermas has in mind when he speaks of a “cooriginality of private and public autonomy” (Habermas, 1996, p. 104) achieved in a “system of rights in which private and public autonomy are internally related” (Habermas, 1996, p. 280) and “reciprocally presuppose each other” (Habermas, 1996, p. 417)
– autonomy as the “status of an organized people in an enclosed territorial unit” (Schmitt, 1996, p. 19, for a critique of this approach see Habermas, 1989)
– autonomy as a postmodern project of plural democracy with a multiplicity of subject positions (Laclau & Mouffe, 1985)

For Castells, there are the following new aspects of media politics: the use of the Internet in political campaigns (p. 230), the multiplication of entry points of political reports, on which an interaction between mainstream media and the Internet is based (p. 234), an unprecedented prevalence and significance of scandal politics (p. 246), the easy and immediate diffusion of scandal politics over the Internet by everyone (pp. 247f), an increase of the publicity and perception of corruption and of the impact on public trust (p. 289). The result would be a worldwide crisis of political legitimacy, a decline in public trust, and a crisis of democracy. These crises could possibly, but not automatically result in depoliticization, and would in many cases also create a desire for insurgent politics, social movements, and new public spaces.

Stiegler interview (2009) – The Economy of Contribution conference, Goldsmiths University

, , , , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

user is not only consumer, but always-already also creates a value; financial crisis (2008) ~ collapse of system of consumerism; Stiegler’s “associated media” (web2) ~ new form of capitalism (not end of it); old school consumerism = dissassociated media (financial crisis is also effect of the end of this kind of world); CC – new form of intellectual property; “process of transindividuation”; co-individuation – we exchange music files and thus transform our musical taste / we produce metadata / produce links / produce attractor, which becomes meta-stabilisation (eg musical fashion); it’s both bottom-up (peer-to-peer) and top-down (owned by companies) = this is the CONFLICT ~ role of philosopher is to produce critique of top-down logic (not denialisation, because we need this logic); we need power developed through “critical apparatuses”; interests of bottom-up VS top-down are not the same (like workers VS capital), but they need each other (workers need get work from capital)

Digital Activism and use of Social Media in Iran: Beyond the Headlines

, , , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

National TV, radio, and newspapers under state control. Text messaging is blocked, web sites filtered | Decisions are made centrally by Mousavi and Karoubi and their campaigns, and are published on their websites, eg. Kalemeh and Ghalam news | Mousavi’s FB calls for demonstrations, every message reaches 65,000+ supporters in his FB group directly | Karbaschi, top adviser to Karoubi, tweets about his activity (@gkarbaschi, in Farsi). Only here Twitter is actually being used to organize protest inside Iran and again, this is centralized organization coming from the campaign of a reformist candidate. @gkarbaschi has 4,700+ followers but is not following feeds of any other users. He is using social media to broadcast to a domestic audience, not to interact | People in Iran are using Twitter as an important broadcast (rather than organizing) tool to report events, slogans, and protest movement + upload videos on YouTube and int’l mainstream media use these in their Iran coverage

Boyd (2009) – re: MySpace staff cuts

, , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

When it comes to social media sites (and particularly those that involve photo-sharing), you might want to also account for 1) the people who are forced to spend all day every day with politicians, attorneys general, and policy makers in every state and every country; 2) the hundreds of people who sit and sift through photographs/video looking for illegal content; 3) the round-the-clock staff who field calls from FBI and police; 4) the large teams who battle spam, phishing and hacking; 5) the legal team who has to deal with everyone and then some suing them over issues of safety, porn, etc.

Scholz (2007) – A History of the Social Web

, delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

Net as social platform shaped it in the interplay of military, scientific, entrepreneurial, activist, artistic, and altruistic agendas | art historian Claire Bishop: “[A]ctivation; authorship; community — are the most frequently cited motivations for almost all artistic attempts to encourage participation in art since the 1960s” | Baran demonstrated that sections of a distributed network could be destroyed while the message would still reach its destination | US government, for example, preferred another protocol but TCP/IP was non-proprietary | At a time when hippies dominated the campus, the first machine arrived at UCLA in a military, fridge-sized container, moveable by helicopter | 70 wireless network @Hawaii | 72 email @BBN co Boston | 77 mailing list @ARPANET | 78 BBS @Chicago | 78 USENET @North Carolina uni’s | 81 IBM PC+mouse | 81 BITNET flat fee | 85 community BBS: The Well @CA in order to experience communal living without actually having to move into a community | 84 Lyotard and Chaput @Les Immateriaux were mainly interested in the way, in which this collaborative writing changed the experience of the act of writing itself | 88 IRC | 89 Berners-Lee described WWW “as an altruistic, non-proprietary, vendor-neutral contribution to society” | 94 CERN convened 1st web conference in Geneva, so well attended that not even CERN employees could get in, later called Woodstock of the Web | 93 De Digitale Stad | 94 weblog Links from the Underground, about his most intimate experiences, incl. delicate details about his (girl)friends | 94 Nettime | 95 Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron describes Californian Ideology as it simultaneously reflects “the disciplines of market economics and the freedoms of hippie artisanship” | Silicon Valley weas responsible for 13% of the new American jobs created between 1996 and 2000 | years after the dotcom crash, the parking lots of Silicon Valley were empty | 00s rapid growth of niche communities and self-help groups

Boyd (2007) – Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship

, delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

Affiliations based on shared interests, political views, activities, identity, passions, location | SNS core features: profiles, Friends, comments, private messaging | Friendster gained traction among 3 groups of early adopters—bloggers, attendees of Burning Man, and gays—and grew to 300k users through word of mouth | MySpace was able to grow rapidly by capitalizing on Friendster’s alienation of its early adopters; then bands-and-fans dynamics helped to expand beyond them—into 3 populations: musicians/artists, teenagers, and post-college urban social crowd | Personalising “feature” emerged because MySpace did not restrict users from adding HTML into profile frame forms | Facebook was designed to support distinct college networks only, later expanded to include hi school students, professionals @corp networks, and, eventually, everyone | SNSs are primarily organized around people, not interests | Friends provide context by offering users an imagined audience to guide behavioral norms

Lovink (2009) – Reflection on the Activist Strategies in the Web 2.0 Era

, , , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

I am not saying that power as such disappears, but there is certainly a shift, away from the formal into the informal, from accountable structures towards a voluntary and temporal connection. We have to reconcile with the fact that these structures undermine the establishment, but not through recognizable forms of resistance. The ‘anti’ element often misses. This is what makes traditional, unreconstructed lefties so suspicious, as these networks just do their thing and do not fit into this or that ideology, be it neoliberal or autonomous Marxist. Their vagueness escapes any attempt to deconstruct their intention either as proto-capitalist or subversive.

Douglas (2006) – MySpace: The Business of Spam 2.0 (Exhaustive Edition)

, delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

In September 2006, a lengthy article written by web journalist Trent Lapinski, “MySpace: The Business of Spam 2.0,” was published by the Silicon Valley gossip blog, Valleywag. The article recounted a detailed corporate history of MySpace, alleging that MySpace was not organically grown from Tom Anderson’s garage, but rather was a product developed by eUniverse aimed at overtaking Friendster, and that had initially gained popularity through an intensive mass internet campaign and not by word of mouth. Amongst other claims was the assertion that Tom Anderson had originally been hired as a copyeditor and his “founder” and “first friend” status was a public relations invention. Lapinski suggested that News Corp. had attempted to suppress the publication of the history by threatening his original publisher. In addition, Tom’s age on the site was lowered to “appeal” to younger users.

Naughton (2006) – Blogging and the Emerging Media Ecosystem

, delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

Naughton shows that, even if you are not interested in media audiences / users / participants (or whatever you want to call them), the changing nature of engagement with media – where more and more people can and do make their own – forces the whole system to adapt. So some changes on the audience/user side of things (people making their own stuff as well as consuming material made by traditional media companies, and other individuals) leads to a change in the whole ‘ecosystem’.

Bella (2008) – Web 2.0: vďaka za finančnú krízu

, , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

„Nepotrebujeme už žiadne ďalšie sociálne siete,“ vyhlásil O’Reilly na margo desiatok klonov megaúspešných služieb ako Facebook či MySpace. „Potrebujeme sa znova vrátiť k budovaniu niečoho, čo je naozaj dôležité a čo má zmysel.“ O’Reilly pomenoval aj pár príkladov: Patientslikeme.com napríklad umožňuje kontakt ľuďom trpiacim rovnakou chorobou a 23andMe.com ľuďom s rovnakými génmi, EveryBlock.com zverejňuje hyperlokálne informácie stiahnuté z vládnych databáz. To sú však stále len drobné aplikácie – v skutočnosti by sa mali aj tvorcovia webov snažiť riešiť tie najväčšie problémy, len tak bude svet lepší, zaburácal O’Reilly.

Things you didn’t know about FACEBOOK

, delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

that FACEBOOK leaves a cookie in your browser which enables other Internet sites to identify your FACEBOOK identity; FACEBOOK is informed about your activities from over 50 big Internet sites that have partnered with Facebook; October 24, 2007, Facebook has agreed to sell a 1.6% stake of the company to Microsoft for $240 million. This means Microsoft, as an exclusive third-party will get access to every FACEBOOK information; If the FACEBOOK headquarter was located in the European Union the FACEBOOK Privacy Terms would definitely be illegal; Zuckerberg (owner) admitted that FACEBOOK receives personal information from other Internet sites without users permission (even after the user has deactivated his FACEBOOK account!)

Stalder (2008) – Analysis without analysis / Shirky’s Here Comes Everybody

, , , , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

Communication tools don’t get socially interesting until they get technologically boring. Jonathan Zittrain points out that the ‘ever-increasing usability [of Web 2.0]has been accompanied by the deliberalising of user rights’. To believe that competitive pressures will lead providers to offer more freedoms is like expecting the commercialisation of news to improve the quality of reporting. ‘Mass amateurisation’ ~ racing car driving is difficult, so we have professionals for whom driving is not a means but an end; driving a normal car is so easy that amateurs can do it while trying to achieve other things. Activist academics who like to think of themselves as progressives yet covet their positions as consultants to conservative business and government ~ Self-censorship at work. The total absence of controversial issues creates the narrow scope typical of books written by consultants.

criticism of Facebook

, , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

surveillance and data mining; censoring leftist group (moveon); terminated accounts stay @server; advertisers’ ads @BNP site; private data even to third parties

Lovink (2007) – INC

, , , , notepad 15 (5-10/08) – July 18, 2009 § 0

EGS lecture about INC

moje issues za posl.par mesiacov

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web trendy

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web2 fikcia

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[62-64, 86]
idea spravit projekt


, notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0

vlastnícke pozadie služby

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