what we have been doing (rather than ‘what is to be done?’)

, , only@not – August 3, 2009 § 0

vo forme newslettra / alebo webu / alebo tlaceneho casopisu? rozni autori, a la http://www.zcommunications.org/zparecon/reimaginingsociety.htm

– promote cultural&ecological commons + alt models for their mgmt (alter copyright; alt economies ~ pay-as-you-like/donations/crowdfunding; “noncommercial” @CC = wrong)
– update education (pillars: amateur culture=youtube; public domain=free pdfs; networking technologies=fb/blogs/forums; collaboration=open methods; globalised knowledge/interdisciplinarity)
– open tools
– new art (as creativity; rather than art as a discipline; thus also transform cult.policies–incl. home-made culture)
– internet of things (expanded connectivity and access)
– revolution of human nature (rather than smashing down the government, or building up communes @desert)
– pro understanding econ/polit/cult/aesth aspects of globalisation @integralist fashion (rather than sci-fi/futurism, or identity politics of marginalised minorities=stigmatism)
– subject to critique: multiculturalism, avantgardism, back-to-origin essentalist radicalism, progress, fundamentalism, neoliberalism, disciplinarism (stratification of knowledge)

commons – návrh pre publi

, , , email, only@not – July 25, 2009 § 0

problem property a problem hodnoty

(political theory)

1. Michael Hardt – Politics of the Common (2009)
michael hardt gives very good summary of current debates
about the commons. he explains the immaterial property
and the common got into centre of contemporary production
shifting away from industrial capitalist mobile/immobile
commodity properties. he says that today the capital
and economic development paradoxically relies on the common,
and that the central task for contemporary society is
to develop an alternative management of the common.
by the common he means the ecological (earth, ecosystems,
and all forms of life interacting with them) and social/cultural
(shared products of human labor–ideas, images, affects,
social relationships) domains. that is not much news,
but what is interesting – these two domains are often treated
separately, and here hardt mentions two major instances
of contradictions which link them:
contradiction between private property and the common;
and the fact that the value of common is immeasurable with
the traditional capitalist system of measures (and is rather
based on value of life, which we have not yet invented).
/ o ‘the common’ hovori ako o ekologickych (lesy, plaze,
vzduch, jazera) a nematerialnych socialnych/kulturnych
statkoch (videa, texty, fotky, idey, pocity, socialne vztahy,
zabava, nove formy zivota), ku ktorym maju (mat) vsetci
volny pristup. hovori o dvoch hlavnych rozporoch
s ohladom na klasicky system – konkretne nemoznost
urcit ich (ekonomicku) hodnotu, a problem vlastnickeho
vztahu k nim.

2. Slavoj Zizek – Ecology: A New Opium of the Masses
tu zizek vychadza z idei commons ako ju chapu hardt a negri,
a jemne ju rozsiruje: commons ako kultura, externa
priroda (ekologia), a interna priroda (biogenetika).
tvrdi, ze je do commons zasadne zapojit aj mensiny,
populaciu vylucenu z politickych procesov.
(je tam aj video prednaska)


3. Lawrence Lessig – Remix: Making Art and Commerce
Thrive in the Hybrid Economy (2008)
to je jeho nova kniha, hovori tam o tom, ako mozu
ist dokopy ekonomika ‘komercie’ (klasicky online biznis)
a ‘zdielania’ (v ktorej nefigujuru peniaze–napr. priatelstvo
alebo P2P filesharing). odtial by bolo dobre vytiahnut
nejaku cast, ale najst nejaky sumarizujuci text, pripadne
jeho kritiku.

4. Mikael Pawlo – What’s the meaning of “non-commercial”? (2004)
pawlo je sef svedskych iCommons a kritizuje tu fakt, ze drviva
vacsina materialov pod CC pouziva klauzulku ‘non-commercial’.
pyta sa co to znamena — a dava vela prikladov, kde sa to
co je commercial a co non-commercial neda urcit – napriklad:
verejna televizia, verejne skoly, reklamy na neziskovky,
rss-feedy embednute vo weboch na ktorych je reklama –
to su priklady, v ktorych nie je mozne urcit ci mozeme
pouzit CC videa ktore su sirene pod noncommercial licenciou.

x. Bauwens – crowdfunding


5. Richard Stallmann
Stallmann v Lessigovej knihe hovori, ze free software
nie je altruizmus, ze tie veci programatori nerobia
lebo maju dobre srdce, ale spravidla maju pragmaticke
dovody. musi k tomu byt nejaky dobry clanok.


6. Bernard Stiegler – transindividuation
to je francuzsky filozof, ktory sedel 7 rokov v base
za kradez v banke, a napisal tam niekolko zvazkov, ktore
prepisuju filozofiu z pohladu techniky/technologii.
bol nejaky cas sefom IRCAM, potom aj Centre Pompidou.
v poslednom case ho celkom hypuju. uz dlhsie kritizuje
web 2.0 sluzby a hovori o procese “transindividuacie”,
kedy svoj esteticky vkus menia uzivatelia medzi sebou
tym, ze zdielaju online material. nadvazuje na zabudnuteho
filozofa Simondona, ktory s tym terminom prisiel snad
este v 50-tych rokoch.
k tomu mam zatial len toto kratke video:

(commons in practise)

7. Creative Commons v cz/sk praxi
mozno interview s clovekom z cz/sk projektu, ktory dava veci
pod CC (je ich viac).

8. kauza a predaj Pirate Bay
zatial nemam tip na clanok

jeden zaujimavy projekt v anglicku:


10. Ines Doujak – Victory Gardens
instalacia (2007) viedenskej umelkyne kritizujucej politiku USA a EU,
ktora prehliada privatizovanie verejnych statkov (vody, potravin, pody)
korporaciami prostrednictvom patentov [biopiratstvo],
najma v krajinach “mega diverzity” (mexiku, indii, brazili, indonezii).
/ Hardt: I object to calling this piracy, by the way, because pirates
at least have the dignity to steal property. These corporations steal
the common and transform it into private property.

11. Yes Men – Bhopal

test Monoskop tézy

, , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


Monoskop image blog

, , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


3 tézy pre monoskop

, , , , , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


monoskop referencie – sumár

, , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


aké umenie dnes robiť?

, , , notepad 15 (5-10/08) – July 18, 2009 § 0


data visualisation art

, notepad 15 (5-10/08) – July 18, 2009 § 0


čo sme?

, notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0


web2 fikcia

, , , , notepad 14 (10/07-5/08) – July 17, 2009 § 0

[62-64, 86]
idea spravit projekt

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