Digital Activism and use of Social Media in Iran: Beyond the Headlines

, , , delicious – July 22, 2009 § 0

National TV, radio, and newspapers under state control. Text messaging is blocked, web sites filtered | Decisions are made centrally by Mousavi and Karoubi and their campaigns, and are published on their websites, eg. Kalemeh and Ghalam news | Mousavi’s FB calls for demonstrations, every message reaches 65,000+ supporters in his FB group directly | Karbaschi, top adviser to Karoubi, tweets about his activity (@gkarbaschi, in Farsi). Only here Twitter is actually being used to organize protest inside Iran and again, this is centralized organization coming from the campaign of a reformist candidate. @gkarbaschi has 4,700+ followers but is not following feeds of any other users. He is using social media to broadcast to a domestic audience, not to interact | People in Iran are using Twitter as an important broadcast (rather than organizing) tool to report events, slogans, and protest movement + upload videos on YouTube and int’l mainstream media use these in their Iran coverage

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