Rick Falkvinge (2007): swedish Pirate Party

, , , , , , , , , , carrythatweight, webonline – December 11, 2010 § 0

lepsie v: http://burundi.sk/dusan/carrythatweight/images/5/51/Pzi.esej.research.txt

rick falkvinge, oscon 2007 (o’reilly conf, portland OR), lecture, founder of swedish pirate party
main point v debate ci filesharing je dobry pre ekonomiku: copyright = commercial monopoly
copyright today has crapped into our private communications (it is illegal for me to send music in email to you guys)
if copyright is to be enforced in the digital age that means it [interferes] with our emails.
=> that means that every single piece of private communication has to be monitored by law enforcement and by corporate interest groups guarding copyright to watch for the copyright infringements.
it gets worse:
corporates lobby for ISP for being liable for what their users do.
=> that threatens the ‘common carrier principle’ that messenger is never responsible for the content of the message
= both are centuries old principles of how our democracy works
lady justice has a trouble:
on one end: income for luxury consumption; on another end: 2 principles of our democracy.
=> tiez ak je kazdy email kontrolovany, tak whistleblower protection is gone.
=> if you know you’re monitored you tend to put restraint on yourself.
a ked nemas moznost formulovat svoje myslienky privatne, you lose your identity (ktora je vytvarana v private exchange bwn you and your friends).
= you need privacy, you need a postal secret
corps nas chcu presvedcit o tom ze to je otazka profitu (a udrzania monopolov), no pritom je to otazka zakladnych ludskych prav.
summary of pirate party:
copyright has nothing to do @ my private communication; lifetime+70 yrs is ridiculous as a copyright term for commercial use;
DRM is evil; patents are even more evil (ranging from useless to immoral to diabolical);
privacy is good; dual process(?) is good; and transparent government is even better;
we also safeguard the right of attribution for the copyright very strongly
other parties when realised are loosing votes to PP came to them and ask to have things explained.
norska liberalna strana dokonca skopirovala cely ich stance on copyright
vo svedsku su dve silne strany,
we play ‘who wants to be the prime minister’, the price for that would be the IP rights reform

Chris Anderson: Free

, , , , book – December 11, 2010 § 0

30+ ‘free’ gen – each time you hear free, reach your pocket vs pre-30 google gen – yea free!

controversialist, ale snad ok: “Any topic that can divide critics equally into two opposite camps..totally wrong. and .so obvious..has got to be a good one.”

este precitaj dalej

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