Stalder (29 Nov 2010): Wikileaks

, , , , carrythatweight, webonline – December 11, 2010 § 0

born 68

wl contains 4 large-scale trends in society:
* change in the materiality of communication.
Communication becomes more extensive, more recorded, and the records become more mobile
* crisis of institutions, particularly in western democracies
* rise of new actors, “super-empowered” individuals, capable of intervening into historical developments at a systemic level
* structural transformation of the public sphere (through media consolidation at one pole, and the explosion of non-institutional publishers at the other),
rivals Habermas’ version

9/11: kritika ze aparat sa o tom nedozvedel lebo nebol dostatocne prepojeny
inability to connect data located in different bureaucratic domains was one of the main criticisms coming out the enquires into the 9/11 attacks.
wikileaks ukazuje ze teraz su prepojeni, ale k files maju pristup kvanta ludi
Within certain organisation such as banks and the military, virtually everything is classified and large number of people have access to this data
There is an inherent paradox. Vast streams of classified records need to flow freely in order to sustain complex,
distributed and time-sensitive operations. Yet, since the information is classified, it needs to flow within strict
boundaries which cannot be clearly defined on a general level (after all, you never know what needs to get connected
with what in advance), and it needs to flow through many, many hands. This creates the techno-organisational preconditions
for massive amounts of information to leak out.

zamestnanci corps a statneho aparatu leakuju lebo sa necitia identifikovani s org… ich miesta su nahraditelne [weber’s rational-legal org]
a corp od nich chce aby boli kreativni a samostatni, a oni vedia ze ich berie ako docasny naklad/zdroj
-> tato disonancia produkuje motivaciu leaknut

WL created a custom-made infrastructure to receive these torrents of records.
WL managed for the first time to create an effective infrastructure for anonymous communication.
/ mirrored DNSs, mirrored content, ssh, tor access/uploads, pgp v mailoch.. server v atomovom kryte.. networked org.. not paid..
/ takze ma doveru potencionalnych whistleblowerov, ktori navyse vidia ze leak infa bude mat dosah
!! na rozdiel od piratebay:
they built social intelligence (filtering, editorial control) into the system in order to encourage only one type of anonymous speech – whistle-blowing – while insulating themselves from the usual criticisms of anonymous communication (child-porn trafficking and the like).

; rhetorics
moralist – Blair’s “humanitarian wars” to advance human rights; Irak aj Afganistan – prinesieme demokraciu a prosperitu, vytiahneme ich z obc.vojny, oslobodime zeny. vojaci mozu byt na to hrdi
/ ? ale na druhej strane je Assange tiez moralista, resp etik – bojuje proti cenzure, za hodnoty slobody tlace a slobody prejavu, ciel ma odhalovat opresivne rezimy. chce vyriesit problem cenzury tlace a prejavu (press and whistleblowers)
/ ? su motivy WL moralisticke? alebo eticke? aky rozdel medzi moral and ethical? – asi nie, obe: good/evil, right/wrong, virtue/vice, justice..

super-empowered individuals
Military strategists have been talking about ‘super-empowered individuals’ by which they mean someone who
“is autonomously capable of creating a cascading event, […] a “system perturbation”; a disruption of system function and invalidation of existing rule sets to at least the national but more likely the global scale. The key requirements to become “superempowered” are comprehension of a complex system’s connectivty and operation; access to critical network hubs; possession of a force that can be leveraged against the structure of the system and a wilingness to use it”
..this concept has been exclusively applied to terrorism and it reduces structural dynamics to individual actions.
=> individuals, supported by small, networked organisations, can now intervene in social dynamics at a systemic level, for the better or worse.

shows strenghts & weaknesses of being centred around single charismatic individual
weak: authoritarianism, lack of internal procedure, dangers of burnout and internal and external attacks on the credibility of that single person (if not worse)
/ tu sa ale mina.. otazka je ci je assange naozaj taky centralny… aj ked mi tuto ideu zatial nenarusilo nic… asi fakt je.

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