Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC
  Culture Grant Info
  Media reActivity
  Film And Internet

16. April 2009 10 - 16h, DigiLab AVU, CZ_Prague
Marek Tichý (CZ), Petr Jansa (CZ), Vít Richter (CZ), Jan Pavelka (CZ), Adam Hazdra (CZ), Pavel Klusák (CZ), Patrik Zandl (CZ), Paul Keller (NL), Jan Kadlec (CZ), Martin Čechura (CZ)
DigiLab AVU, Iuridicum Remedium, National Library of the Czech Republic
presentation, discussion
16 April 2009 Czech licenses will be officially introduced on the server of the organization Creative Commons. Since then the Czech authors will have the possibility to expose their works under the Czech version of the license that was created in Czech language and in accordance with Czech copyright law. Press conference and discussion and the introduction of the Czech version of Creative Commons licenses form a part of the festival Multiplace.


10:00-10:45 Workshop application of Creative Commons licenses
Marek Tichý a Petr Jansa, Iuridicum Remedium

11:00-12:00 Press conference and ceremonial introduction of the Czech version of Creative Commons licenses
- presentation of licenses: Vít Richter (National Library of the Czech Republic) a Marek Tichý (Iuridicum Remedium)
- use of CC for independent artists, Jan Pavelka (Association of Independent Artists)
- presentation of translation Free Culture, Adam Hazdra (
- guests: Pavel Klusák (Respekt), Patrik Zandl ( a Paul Keller (CC Nizozemsko)

13:00-14:15 Journalistic panel
- Patrick Zandl – Significance of CC for information freedom
- Pavel Klusák - Creative Commons between mainstream and underground
- Adam Hazdra - Translation Free Culture

14:30-16:00 Creative Commons panel
- Paul Keller (Nl) - Between Creative Commons and Collective Rights management organisations
- Petr Kadlec – Transfer of Wikipedia on Creative Commons license
- Martin Čechura - Creative Commons on the Internet radio

Conference is organized by Czech National Gallery, Iuridikum Remedium and DigiLab AVU within the festival Multiplace.

13:00-14:15 Journalistic panel

Patrick Zandl –an Internet businessman, founder of the information server, and editor in chief of the portal
Significance of CC for information freedom

He will speak about the influence of the idea of open and shared sources on information freedom and about the importance of evident and synoptic licensing of works.
Pavel Klusák – a music journalist, screen writer and translator

Creative Commons between mainstream and underground
Representatives of mainstream culture often play with Creative Commons license – mainly as a feature of independent and trendy “fresh” young attitude that uses as a marketing and image instrument.
Adam Hazdra – he deals with innovation and product management. He is a contributor on the independent blog BuzzMag (

Translation Free Culture
Adam Hazdra introduces noncommercial open-source translation of book Free Culture that is under way on working wiki server He explains more main ideas of the book and shows why it is important to deal with this book.
14:30-16:00 Creative Commons panel
Paul Keller is a copyright specialist working for the Dutch independent think-tank knowledgeland. He is Public Project Lead for Creative Commons Netherlands and Chairman of the Board of iCommons and international organisation promoting and advocating the use of open content and free software.

Between Creative Commons and Collective Rights management organisations
In my presentation ‘Coming to terms with collective rights management - the example of Creative Commons NL’ i will outline the relationship between Creative Commons and Collective Rights management organisations. Traditionally Creative Commons and Collective rights management organizations hava had a difficult relationship that prevents members of some Collective Rights Management Organisation in the field of music to use Creative Commons licenses that has as a consequence limited the appeal of CC licenties for professional musicians. Creative Commons Netherlands has had to deal with this situation since its launch in june 2004 and over the years we have worked with the Dutch Collecting Society Buma/Stemra to allow their members to use Creative Commons Licenses. In August 2007 Creative Commons Netherlands and Buma/stemra launched a pilot project that is currently under evaluation. The presentation will focus on the structure of and the lessons learned from this collaboration
Petr Kadlec – works as an administrator of Czech Wikipedia. He is also a member of a civic association Wikimedia ČR.

Transformation of Wikipedia on Creative Commons license
Wikimedia pass over to the license of Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike (CC-BY-SA). The author explains why right this license has been chosen and summarizes the current state and expected further process of transformation.
Martin Čechura – a long-time member of soundsystem AKA.IO, one of the founding members of SNA, one of the administrators of the Internet radio

Creative Commons on the Internet radio
Since 2004 has broadcast mainly the music of the authors that are not represented by collective administrators of Copyright rights. Creative Commons license will be an appropriate instrument that will clear the copyright relationships. Radio administrators prepare for the composers and musicians an introduction of CC license within their own project of the Internet radio.

About Creative Commons licenses:
On one side, the access to the authors´ works is easier especially thanks to the Internet, but on the other, this brings a very complicated legislation in favor of the holders of copyright rights. A person often occurs in a situation when he approaches a work under legal uncertainty. Consequently, there is a need to declare clearly conditions under which the published authorial work could be treated.

Creative Commons Licenses (CC) are based on a simple idea: the author himself makes decision under which conditions he will publish his work. Through licenses he determines these conditions. Moreover, the use of CC license has impact in the area of sharing, reusing and remixing of works in accordance with valid legislation, which also reflects in the creation of better conditions for creative activities of everybody.

16. April 2009 10h, A4 - Zero Space, SK_Bratislava
Culture Contact Point Slovakia
Information seminar about European Union grant program Culture.
16. April 2009 13 - 21h, Trojka café in Kunštát, CZ_Brno
Keiko Sei (JP), Petr Vrána (CZ), Rafani (CZ), Maxigas (HU), Paolo Podrescu (US/DE), Jana Horáková (CZ), Jan Zálešák (CZ)
Jana Horáková, Barbora Šedivá
discussion, lecture, presentation, streaming
International session of theoreticians, artists, philosophers and others interested in contemporary tendencies in areas including media activism / new media in public space / robotics in a public space / post robotics / participatory art / new media in eastern Europe and south-eastern Asia.

Petr Vrána /CZ
Prezentace projektů od performance a kulturní policie na Documenta 8 v Kasselu r. 1987 , přes "Federal Happening " společný hudební manifest osmdesáti československých umělců, Praha-Bratislava 1992 ,"Demonstrating New Icons"- alegorický vůz na European Media Art Festival v r. 1994, "Návrat pomníku " Stalingrad-Vídeň 2004 Kuenstlerhaus, až po vizualizace sousoší R.U.R. na výstavě v Mánesu 2006 a Czech-Slowakian Memorial.

Jana Horáková/CZ

Robot jako médium společensky kritických postojů a subverzivních uměleckých strategií.
Rossum's Universal Robots jako sociálně-kritická metafora. Robotické umění jako underground mediálního umění (aneb software kontra hardware). Aktuální metamorfózy robota jako média společensky kritických postojů a strategií narušujících dominantní diskurz.

Jan Zálešák /CZ
Ukazovat spolupráci
Sémiotické a institucionální aspekty kolaborativního a participatorního umění

Proč je spolupráce v současném výtvarném umění tak silné téma? Co umožňuje, aby různé formy spolupráce mezi umělci, ale i mezi „obyčejnými lidmi“ byly vnímány jako součást světa umění? Kudy vede hranice mezi společným jednáním jako uměleckou formou, a holým životem (případně pedagogikou, sociální službou nebo politickým aktivismem)? Přednáška se pokusí představit základní rámec uvažování o kolaborativním a participačním umění podložený příklady konkrétních projektů české i zahraniční provenience.

Maxigas/HU + Pod / DE
Intermediální stage a zážitek s Podem z XL Terrestrials a Maxigasem z Transformers. Dozvíte se, po čem skutečně jdou a co hledají v realitě avataři a v druhém plánu budete nasyceni ukázkami a informacemi o organizovaném i spontánním aktivizmu a jeho intervencích do společenských pravidel a odchylek.

Volunteer to be a ghost in the shell!? Alienation, robotomies and virtualisation of our lives aren't just coming to a theater near you, they're all here in pre-dreamed guinea pig beta! As a culture passes the mechanical world and simulation threshold, we not only exist more inside the mediated landscape than outside it, we permit a severe mutation and reversal of body and function, such that the ubiquitous prosthetic technotopia does not quite enable communities, but shapes them for smoother corporate automation, control, expansion, atomization, extraction, and excessive waste. The domination of the machine we feared is not exactly a machine nor even a Big Brother, but our own lives pumped out as an efficient and metastasizing network reducing each of us to our utility, our parts, our data-yield, our consumer profiles. Bots, Wormholes, Kaleidescope Trojans, Virtual Bürgers and Radical Flesh Collide! Technology on the edge, junk food and junk technology on the periphery, new world disorder front and center. When the discontent gather in cyberspace, who sponsors the avatars? Whose code pulls the strings? Can you afford to be real?

Keiko Sei/JP
Mediální aktivismus ve vzdělávání

Mediální aktivizmus je zatím málo etablovaná oblast v domácím i zahraničním školství a oficiálním vzdělávání. Spisovatelka, kurátorka a teoretička Keiko Sei o mediálním aktivizmu vyučuje mnoho let v různých krajinách a v Brně představí své zkušenosti z Evropy i Jihovýchodní Asie. Keiko od roku 1998 do roku 2002 působila jako pedagožka na FaVU VUT, byla kurátorkou výstav jako např. The Media Are With Us (Budapesť, 1990), Ostranenie (Dessau, 1993), Ex Oriente Lux (Bukurešť, 1994), Orbis Fictus (Praha, 1995), a vyučovala také v Kazachstánu (1999).

Rafani / CZ
Jhlashadekjansoaihdpaez dhajsaskjhdafa ůfikahsůifahw)fásjkahluifh aůkfhasůuifhaklfhasfzuaepf haůksfhaůfihaůifhakhlshfa
ůufgzaůkfjaůasljkdhaleufh alfbauifaepifzhakjfbalfuajrgaleůiurf
hawůhieuhfnWEIRNQúinifhgqPW Gfpiu LJ FhpiwhIZŠÝČŘÉŠŽČÝÁNkhnŮK Fú28765297450KAJDH NAPIU/kashfpiufhq úof ůkfhqPFHÚQwzrf§LFK)QWP ORUQÚzoúíšýíěš ýšíýŽÍĚŘČÉ+Ě76254011/242p64%/1.
16. April 2009 20h, A4 - Zero Space, SK_Bratislava
Peter Konečný (SK)
A4 – Associations for contemporary culture,
presentation, screening
Exploration of possibility of connecting two media by Petr Konečný, collaboration with
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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Czech Republic License.