multiplace 5 festival — 21..30 april 2006 — sk*cz*at*uk*eg*us
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30   BA TT ZA KE BN PA AT AT UK EG US
Fri 28.04.06
xxh PA ADD sound system INST
xxh Videobus SCR
xxh BA Multiplace Ex Tempore
xxh BA Guy van Belle: untitled (cancelled) INST
xxh BA Ana Filip: Souvenir SNP No 1
xxh PA Konekšn EXH
xxh ZA Cédric Doutriaux (fr): Les Murmurs du Souvenir INST
xxh ZA Multimedia ping-pong (fr/sk) WS
xxh BA Ladislav Čarný: Ready Movies INST
xxh UK The Work of Media Art in The Age of Digital Reproduction SYM
xxh AT Lower Austria PRES
10h BA Meeting Point INST
17h BA Vášeň pre večnosť II. SCR
18h BA Gdansk – Mobile Webcast Studio + Radio TLIS show SCR
18h US Paralelný okruh PRES
20h BA Multiplay II. PERF
20h ZA VAF /ex/ Live Performance Video PERF
Sat 29.04.06
xxh PA ADD sound system INST
xxh Videobus SCR
xxh BA Multiplace Ex Tempore
xxh BA Guy van Belle: untitled (cancelled) INST
xxh BA Ana Filip: Souvenir SNP No 1
xxh PA Konekšn EXH
xxh ZA Cédric Doutriaux (fr): Les Murmurs du Souvenir INST
xxh ZA Multimedia ping-pong (fr/sk) WS
xxh BA Ladislav Čarný: Ready Movies INST
xxh UK The Work of Media Art in The Age of Digital Reproduction SYM
xxh AT Lower Austria PRES
10h BA Ján Triaška: Kat INST
14h BA Chronozone 4: Hranica Zeno SCR
15h BA Lemurie présent HAP
20h ZA Fast Forward Experimental PAR
20h KE Groove Train: Nu Jazz LIVE
20.30h BA Dance: Action! PERF
21h BA Multiend PAR
multiplace 5
miesta - places
účastníci - participants
podpora - support


28.04.06   Bratislava   program  

streamovací projekt     print
Fri 28.04.06 18h – Fri 28.04.06 22h
Talk/Editorial studio, Nám SNP, BA
ppl:   Peter Gonda
org:   13m3

Rádio TLIS + Peter Gonda

Peter Gonda je VJ, programátor, a moderátor študentského rádia Tlis. Jeho záujem o sociálne témy ho viedol k spoluzaloženiu bratislavskej verzie informačneho servera Indymedia a culture-jammingovej skupny UMW. Ako člen kolektivu Burundi spolupracoval na projekte Burundi Studio až do jeho zániku a následne sa stal spoluzakladateľom združenia Itchy Bit. Ako VJ pracuje s programom Pure Data a abstraktnými data-krajinami v reálnom čase.

Dočasné rádiové štúdio otvorené verejnosti zbiera a mixuje materiál nahraný priamo na mieste s hudbou pod značkou Creative Commons. Návštevníci majú možnosť nahliadnuť do zvyčajne neviditeľnej zvukovej kuchyne a naučiť sa napríklad základy zvukového strihu. Celé vysielanie bude zároveň streamované pre ďalšie voľné spracovanie.
V rámci Mobile Studios.

Peter Gonda is a VJ, programmer and moderator of the student radio TLIS. Interest in social topics grew until co-established a local mutation of the Indymedia in Bratislava, as well as a culture jammers group UMW. Got affiliated with Burundi, where worked on projects of Burundi Studio. Later co-created the initiative Itchy Bit promoting art & ideas in their intersections with science and computer technology. As a VJ he works with Pure Data and abstract realtime datascapes.

Temporary radio broadcasting studio open to public collects and mixes material recorded directly on the spot with music under the Creative Commons licence. Visitors have a unique opportunity to have a look into the musical lab which stays usually invisible and learn for example the basis of sound editing. The program will be streamed and thus made available for any further use.
Part of Mobile Studios.