New Normal exhib

, , , notepad 17 (5/09-) – July 23, 2009 § 0


Zimmer (2009) – With Latitude, Google Actually Got it (Mostly) Right

, delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

Here’s a quick rundown (based on my analysis of the help pages and this video) of what Google’s done to help give users control of their information flows in Latitude: * Only friends you have explicitly invited or accepted can see your location * You can hide your location to everyone so no friends can see where you are (and neither will Google) * You can hide your location to select friends * You can share only city-level data with select friends * You can manually select a location on the map that will be shared with friends (which means you can send the wrong location to obfuscate your location) * And, perhaps most importantly, Google is not logging your pings to servers; they only keep you latest location on file

Glanville (2008) – Internet censorship has been a lucrative enterprise for software manufacturers

, , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

One of the most popular filtering SW is SmartFilter, owned by Secure Computing in California, a company that’s just been bought by McAffee for $465m. SmartFilter has been used by some of the world’s most authoritarian regimes: Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Sudan, as well as in US and UK. The list of sites that are blocked by SW is so secret that not even the countries that use the technology know what is actually being censored. These lists are the IP of SW companies and are protected by copyright. / Last month, Yahoo, Google and Microsoft signed up to a code of conduct (the Global Network Initiative) that will require them to pay special regard to free expression and privacy as part of their business practice. It has taken 18 months and some very tough negotiation to hammer out the agreement, led by Leslie Harris at the Centre for Democracy and Technology and Dunstan Hope at Business for Social Responsibility. The plan now is to bring others into the fold, including European telecoms.

Británia: Nezašli sme v sledovaní priďaleko?

, , , , delicious – July 21, 2009 § 0

Ako sú Briti sledovaní: l Bezpečnostné kamery – jedna pripadá na každých 14 ľudí, typického obyvateľa mesta kamery zachytia v priemere 300x/deň. l Rozoznávanie ŠPZ – kamery schopné prečítať ŠPZ boli pôvodne určené na sledovanie teroristov, dnes už kontrolujú aj uhradenie poplatku za vstup do centra Londýna a automaticky udeľujú pokuty za rýchlu jazdu. l RFID čipy – miniatúrne zariadenia vkladané do tovaru môžu umožniť aj jeho sledovanie za bránami obchodu. l Sledovanie polohy mobilu – britská polícia už rutinne používa dáta od operátorov na zistenie, kde sa hľadaný človek nachádza. l Električenky – v Londýne umožnujú sledovať pohyb ľudí po staniciach metra. l Zdravotné záznamy – Británia práve buduje jedinú masívnu databázu, kde sa budú nachádzať údaje o zdravotnom stave všetkých občanov. l Monitorovanie telefonátov zamestnávateľmi – čoraz viac firiem zaznamenáva telefonické hovory zamestnancov.

Taking Liberties

, , , , , , , , notepad 15 (5-10/08) – July 18, 2009 § 0


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