[mtp-vykony] multiplace is over
zuzana at 34.sk
zuzana at 34.sk
Thu Apr 26 14:10:28 CEST 2007
pre mna ok :)
On Thu, April 26, 2007 2:02 pm, Viera Levitt wrote:
> ahojte, posielam navrh na zaverecnu spravicku v anglictine, ktoru by som
> este poslala na nejake mailinglisty. vyjadrite sa k tomu, najme ake
> kontakty tam mam uviest (alebo len adresu na admin a hotovo?). zdalo sa mi
> zbytocne pisat ake akcie sa udiali, je to a nete. su tam uz dufam aj
> archivy streamov. dusan, daj vediet, ci je ok ta veticka o pocte klikov.
> po vasich reakciach alebo odplnkoch to poslem este na korekturu native
> speakerovi a odoslem niekedy zajtra alebo pozajtra. zatial, viera
> Multiplace is over
> Multiplace - Network Culture Festival
> Brno, Prague (Czech Republic), Budapest (Hungary), Kielce (Poland), Cluj
> (Romania), Bratislava, Kosice, Trnava, Zilina (Slovak Republic),
> Providence
> (Rhode Island, USA) and Internet
> http://www.multiplace.sk
> The sixth annual festival Multiplace ended on April 22, 2007. The Network
> Culture Festival took place in 10 cities and 6 countries simultaneously,
> with 34 involved independent organizers, interested in the interaction
> between media, technology, the arts, culture and society. We also had
> internet visitors on our website, with the highest number of 33644 clicks
> on April 23, 2007 - thank you for your visit!
> The program of workshops, installations, discussions, concerts,
> performances, exhibitions, presentations, screenings or streaming now can
> be found archived on the website, together with some theoretical texts.
> You can
> also request a printed brochure. Multiplace continues to be active in
> between the festivals as is a network of people and organizations.
> Please keep checking the website for the information about the next
> year's festival or contact Multiplace if you want to "jump into the
> network" next year.
> MULTIPLACE 2007: people, machines, design, music, video, software,
> workshops, exhibitions, visits and more.
> Jump into the network of art and creativity!
> Peter Pankuch Zuzana Cernakova
> Maria Riskova Viera Levitt
> PR Manager Executive Director
> Program Coordinator Multiplace USA, International PR
> +421 907 151 565 +421 907 467 598
> m at 13m3.sk vieralevitt at gmail.com
> pagastan at post.sk zuzana at 34.sk 001 401 714 9698
> _______________________________________________
> mtp-vykony mailing list mtp-vykony at 13m3.sk
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