[mtp-vykony] multiplace is over

Viera Levitt vieralevitt at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 14:02:33 CEST 2007

posielam navrh na zaverecnu spravicku v anglictine, ktoru by som este
poslala na nejake mailinglisty. vyjadrite sa k tomu, najme ake kontakty tam
mam uviest (alebo len adresu na admin a hotovo?). zdalo sa mi zbytocne pisat
ake akcie sa udiali, je to a nete. su tam uz dufam aj archivy streamov.
dusan, daj vediet, ci je ok ta veticka o pocte klikov. po vasich reakciach
alebo odplnkoch to poslem este na korekturu native speakerovi a odoslem
niekedy zajtra alebo pozajtra.

Multiplace is over
Multiplace - Network Culture Festival
Brno, Prague (Czech Republic), Budapest (Hungary), Kielce (Poland), Cluj
(Romania), Bratislava, Kosice, Trnava, Zilina (Slovak Republic), Providence
(Rhode Island, USA) and Internet


The sixth annual festival Multiplace ended on April 22, 2007. The Network
Culture Festival took place in 10 cities and 6 countries simultaneously,
with 34 involved independent organizers, interested in the interaction
between media, technology, the arts, culture and society. We also had
internet visitors on our website, with the highest number of 33644 clicks on
April 23, 2007 - thank you for your visit!

The program of  workshops, installations, discussions, concerts,
performances, exhibitions, presentations, screenings or streaming now can be
found archived on the website, together with some theoretical texts. You can
also request a printed brochure. Multiplace continues to be active in
between the festivals as is a network of people and organizations.

Please keep checking the website for the information about the next year's
festival or contact Multiplace if you want to "jump into the network" next

MULTIPLACE 2007: people, machines, design, music, video, software,
workshops, exhibitions, visits and more.

Jump into the network of art and creativity!

Peter Pankuch                           Zuzana Cernakova
Maria Riskova                     Viera Levitt

PR Manager                               Executive Director
Program Coordinator        Multiplace USA, International PR

+421 907 151 565                    +421 907 467 598
m at 13m3.sk                       vieralevitt at gmail.com

pagastan at post.sk                   zuzana at 34.sk
001 401 714 9698
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