13 kubikov
Home Venue: 13m3 Gallery, 13 kubikov
Members participating at MTP: Katarína Gatialová (SK)
13 kubikov is a newly established civic association which develops and supports activities and research in the field of new media culture and technologies relating to the cultural and social context.13 kubikov is an ideological heritor of two projects: BURUNDI (2003-2005, www.burundi.sk), which existed as part of A4 - zero space, association for contemporary culture, and gallery, club and idea-rent BURYZONE (2001-2003, www.buryzone.sk). 13 kubikov supports periodical and sporadic publishing activities of innovative nature, organises exhibitions, lectures, workshops, conferences and other public events focused on new media culture and art and plans to create a specialised library and media library. From the constant interests of 13 kubikov which are the application of the newest technologies in the distribution of information and research of new approaches to information processing originated also the idea of setting up a specialised library and media library. One of the priorities is also the cooperation with Slovak and foreign cultural initiatives and organisations.

+421 918 648 099

Kontaktná osoba: Mariša, m/at/13m3.sk


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