Multiplace Opening
02. May 2011 20h, The Brno House of Arts, CZ_Brno
Derek Holzer (US/DE), Robin Fox (AU), Tomáš Hrůza (CZ), Michal Cab (CZ), Peter Gonda (gnd, SK)
The Brno House of Arts
The laser show by Robin Fox is a truly “synthetic experience for the 21st century”, based on the visualisation of sound: the audience is immersed in electronically produced sound waves, perfectly synchronised with the movement of laser beams. Derek Holzer’s project Tonewheels is inspired by pioneering pieces of electronic music from the 20th century (ANS Synthesizer, Variophone, the Oramic system), Peter Gonda (gnd) with Michal Cáb (Cabowitz) will present their own version of literary “cut-up” techniques and a reinterpretation of the cult work Dreamachine by Brion Gysin from the 1960’s. A local contribution will come in the form of Datapatch ver 1.11 by multimedia artist Tomáš Hrůza, inspired by principles in the work of the Japanese artist Ryoji Ikeda.

Robin Fox (AUS)

Derek Holzer (USA/DE)

Tomáš Hrůza (CZ)



Robin Fox is a Melbourne based sound and visual artist currently working with live digital media in improvised, composed and installation settings. He creates audio-visual works for the cathode ray oscilloscope, which have been released on the DVD ‘Backscatter’(synaesthesia records). The DVD has screened at the Rotterdam International Film Festival, the Mittwoschule in Berlin, the 8th International New Media Arts Festival in Riga and the TRANSIT festival Switzerland.

Live audiovisual performances have taken place across Europe including appearances at the Netmage festival, Bologna, the Wien Modern festival, Vienna, Noise and Glamour Festival, Moscow and the Transacoustic festival, Auckland. This work, in constant development, is currently being realised with a high-powered, audio controlled laser system with recent performances at the October Contemporary Festival (Hong Kong), Salamanca International Festival (Spain), Yokohama Triennial (Japan) and the Mona Fona Festival (Australia).
Tomas Hruza – since 1998 Hruza has been working with linear video, sound, interactive CD-ROMs, installations, programming. He started to discover „New media“ while studying at FaVU VUT in Brno at the atelier of Keiko Sei and Peter Ronai. He uses software such as Max/MSP and Pure Data, cooperates with theatre and improvising musicians and is the author of a number of audiovisual interactive installations and performances.

learn slovak you bitch

ja neviem urobit zazraky a kedze som dostal takuto kameru a takyto pocitac a nemal som nato sto rokov a pocas toho ze toto robim mam aj skolu a pracu ale hlavne musim riesit kazdu jednu picovinu co niekomu nefici (ze siet nastavit, ze debuggovat pdcko, ze hentam pdcko, ze hentam nejake scrrenshare, ze hentam kable a proste este zajtra k tomu pribudne aj tlis) no tak na dane podmienky je to to najlepsie co viem spravit a ak niekto bude picovat ze stream nejde tak nech sa pojebe ja sa nerozrthnem.. imho ak sa ma riesit streamovanie nabuduce tak to nielenze chce jedneho cloveka co to bude riesit ale mozno aj nejakych pomocnikov co tam budu a takych ze aspon kusok skilled a ze budu davat pozor na stream.. a dalej ze to je kokotina stale prenasat ten kokotsky velky pocitac hocikde kde sa prave nieco deje... a zapojit a nastartovat a potom carymary ci sa chyti kamera.. proste je to zriesene jak v kocurkove..

a najhorsie je vidiet ze to je akoze SIETOVY FESTIVAL o technologiach a jediny kto sa tam vyzna do veci len o kusok komplexnejsich ako je nastavit si ipcku (uz aj to je problem) som tam ja... ved to je sialenstvo.. to taky clovek co by toto vedel a mal cas ten tyzden tak by sa nezastavil od rana do vecera.. keby sa to fajn zaplatilo - proste dajaky problem solver.. ale taky tam nikto nieje.. a mna to unavuje..

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Czech Republic License.