Theories about the harmful effects of digital media are flooding the internet. In our free time we read on our tablets, iPads and other digital media that we have lost the capability of concentration, we’re becoming more and more stupid and we’ve come to be mere components of huge digital cyborgs. Information wars beyond our grasp are being fought online and none of us has any clue what it’s all about; for example in Ukraine. Although we spend long hours following latest news. Will we survive with our brains damaged by an unstoppable flood of data that we’ve stopped taking seriously? Or will we all flee to the mountains and neighborhood gardens amid the concrete blocks of flats, and only the spam bots and NSA will stay online? This festival is for those who have been through all this or maybe were already born into it.
4AM Fórum pro architekturu a média
A4 – priestor súčasnej kultúry
Atrakt Art
Bastl Instruments
Bumbum Satori
Fest Anča
Kabinet Múz
Pnutie Luxus
Mladý pes
Nástupište 1-12
Tabačka Kulturfabrik
Truc sphérique
Multiplace is a network of people and organizations dedicated to the interaction between media, technology and art, culture and society. Besides the annual festival taking place since 2002 at several locations, the main goal of the open platform Multiplace is to support creation of media art and critical reflection on life and culture in the new technological environment. The Multiplace NGO also runs the open cultural server Sanchez, which provides online support to the cultural and artistic activities of young authors since 2008. Today it hosts more than hundred websites of artists, online radios, galleries, festivals, cultural initiatives, blogs and human rights advocacy organizations from all over Central Europe.
Slávo Krekovič
Katarína Gatialová
Barbora Šedivá