[mtp-vykony] spravy z londyna

dusan dusan at idealnypartner.sk
Thu Oct 25 18:04:16 CEST 2007


intermezzo z UK:

node.london je na razcesti a uvazuje o viacerych variantach ako dalej:
1. zastresovat festival tak ako v 2006; 2. zvolit model bezrozpoctoveho
'polievkoveho klubu' s prezentaciami a la The Upgrade!; 3. reprezentovat
a lobovat za londynsky sektor medialneho umenia; 4. stat sa grantovou
instituciou s vlastnym kuratorovanym festivalom.


(a). The brand umbrella model By coordinating another 'festival' event,
NODE.London helps provide context and coordination particularly (but not
exclusively) for smaller/grass-roots based media arts groups. The festival
is an umbrella for a series of independent events providing a
snapshot/inventory of media arts work of all kinds and in all contexts,
rather than a platform which is curated or themed in any way. We use the
'Node London' "brand" actively, tactically and effectively to support this

(b). The unfunded 'supper club' model, linked with Upgrade! networkWe move
forward without seeking funding of any kind. We maintain the mailing list
and occasionally organised free meetings, which may have individual themes
as decided by the community. Everyone brings something to the table for
refreshments. In (very) broad terms NODE.London has a similar
manifestation as the [www.theupgrade.net Upgrade!] network (or at least,
what we understand it to be at this time); so we link with Upgrade! in
some way, and in doing gain leverage in terms of international
conversations/artist inputs.

(c). The agency modelNODE.London operates as an agency that supports the
development of the media arts scene in London, but it doesn't put on
events. It maintains a knowledge base, it offers fundraising advice, it
advocates for the sector, it brokers partnerships, offers professional
development opportunities etc.

(d). The commissioning group modelNODE.London becomes an organisation that
raises funds and then distributes those funds to artists for projects. It
produces events or Season(s) or Festival(s) and it may appoint guest
curators to curate these.


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