[mtp-vykony] Re: [mtp-program] question to the mtp politburo este

dusan dusan at idealnypartner.sk
Fri Mar 23 23:19:28 CET 2007

servus zo ziliny

guy nadhodil teda temu akcie ktoru by rad rozvil
a jej pripadnej podpory zo strany multiplace,
neslo ani tak o prachy ako o formu podpory,
teda otazka bola ze ked ludia z workshopu budu uz sami nieco chciet urobit
so streamingom pocas festivalu, kto im da tu moznost.
takze sa vlastne pytal na to co sme si nazvali 'skok do siete',
ja som s nim nasledky workshopu doteraz nijak vyhladovo neriesil,
o koncertoch pre organizatorov som sa dozvedel dnes,
tak to co poslal na mtp-program ma dost zaskocilo,
imho to vyznelo viac utocne ako konstruktivne,
vo vlaku sme si to teda vydiskutovali
a uz vie o voli prepajat lokacie a projekty v ramci festivalu.

je toho dost tieto dni teda :)
dalsi tyzden mam v plane nakodovat mtp web.


On Fri, March 23, 2007 5:14 pm, Maria Riskova said:
> presne to som sa pytala pred chvilou... z jeho
> mejlu mam ten pocit, ze ste sa dost nebavili o
> workshope - my sme tie koncerty pre organizatorov
> len zacali rozvijat -  ja som mu napisala, ze sa
> musi dohodnut s konkretnymi organizatormi kvoli
> financovaniu (este si treba prediskutovat tu
> akciu 13.4. - ci to moze propagovane ako
> multiplace party a spoluorganizatori mozu byt
> 13m3 a multiplace alebo to maju kubiky spravit
> same ako sprievodnu akciu k vernisazi nory
> ruzickovej... neviem, ci ste mali vas kuknut sa
> na program)
> ahojte
> At 5:00 PM +0100 3/23/07, dusan wrote:
>>inak guyovmu mailu moc dobre nerozumiem,
>>o chvilu sa s nim vidim,
>>tak to poriesime.
>>---------------------------- Original Message
>> ----------------------------
>>Subject: Re: [mtp-program] question to the mtp politburo
>>From:    "dusan" <dusan at idealnypartner.sk>
>>Date:    Fri, March 23, 2007 4:57 pm
>>To:      mtp-vykony at 13m3.sk
>>dve poznamky k zuzaninmu (inak pomerne zasadnemu, kedze
>>medzi organizatormi sa otazky financovania este takto
>>skupinovo neriesili) mailu:
>>- "committee" posobi dost odstrasujuco, "group" resp skupina je imho
>>   priznacnejsie
>>- ked sa pise takyto vseobecny mail, malo by byt z neho jasne
>>   ze mtp moze financovat iba aktivity prepajajuce organizatorov mtp, nie
>>individualne projekty, to je dolezite dost.
>>On Fri, March 23, 2007 1:13 pm, zuzana at 34.sk said:
>>>  dear all,
>>>  yes, question of financial support of multiplace activities is very
>>>  at the beginning, everything was produced by single local
>>> organizations
>>and volunteers. Since 2 years, we have an "umbrella" organisation called
>>multiplace, which is able to receive funds.
>>>  last 2 years were spent on posters and flyers, webdesign and fees for
>>coordinators (who serve with their time and effort to make this network
>>>  this year, we will receive (it's just a promisse at the momet, so we
>>have to borrow the money first, it's tricky)
>>>  17 000 EUR total, which is enough to cover posters, programs, web,
>>server hosting and purchase, people, some small donations to infocenter
>>in brno, infocenter in bratislava + we cover all the travel expenses and
>>hostel for streaming workshop in zilina this year
>>>  it's a complicated question where to give money and where not, when it
>>comes to program and single needs... We generally don't want to say: we
>>support nothing, find your own money! and we also can't really say:
>>hello, we will give you anything you need (no socialism anymore:)
>>>  so whoever has a financial need (but please note the budget of 17000
>>> EUR
>>and all the things that has to be paid) it must be discussed within
>>executive multiplace committee
>>>  there is a strong will to support more than just printing of posters.
>>>  by the way, hope you all have received them, or receive them soon -
>>> they
>>are quite minimalistic, as you see, should represent the idea of
>>connected cities - and provide space for your personalisation. That
>>means, you are strongly recomended to draw on them, make them more
>>colorfull, make whatever is close to visual communication of your
>>>  best,
>>>  zuzana
>>>  On Fri, March 23, 2007 10:31 am, gívan belá wrote:
>>>>  so, this weekend we are setting up the connected workshop 'how to
>>>> make
>>network art for multiplace' and will spend more than 2 long days with
>>>>  than 20 people there and try to get them to participate into a
>>>>  worldspanning slovakia/moravia covering initiative for the
>>>> illustrious
>>festival that is coming up
>>>>  now, we will try to set up the possibility to participate into a
>>distributed translocational orchestra, which can be brought in for any
>>opening or celebration with a mix of onsite and online performers, name
>>could be again phase II of the DNSf (the "dunaj, a noisy stream,
>>>>  and will set up a booking bureau for the duration of the mtp festival
>>>>  but how do we deal with costs of support, organisation and
>>>> realization:
>>have to buy tickets, food, heat, and internet packages to survive a
>>>>  world is it all part of the individual organizers or what tunes into
>>overall initiative - the repercussion of bringing people from
>>everywhere into a common initiative is of course you have to support
>>them along the creativity axis as well - and what not?
>>>>  please clarify now, because I am not going to drag people into a
>>>> story
>>that is not supported by multiplace organisation requests are now by
>>bastart and 13m3 to play a gala concert (in virtual and real tuxedos)
>>>>  sooooooooooooo?
>>>>  _______________________________________________
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