[mtp-vykony] multiplace poster corrections

Maria Riskova maria at nada.sk
Sun Mar 11 12:37:06 CET 2007

dear multiplace events organisers,
until now zuzana and slavo were in contact with you, from now you 
will here more also from me and from other organisers

we would like to ask you now for help with correcting of the poster, 
please, check it in attachment

we would like to ask you to check name of your organisation and also 
add your partners, sponsors, media partners...

we can publish there logos of your partners and sponsors, we don't 
publish logos of organisers in the poster

now we are closing the list of organisers and then when we sent out 
poster to printers we will come back to you with programming of the 
festival - we are collecting info from all organisers and we will 
spread the information to all as you could go into interaction with 
all other organisers.
looking forward to it...

see you soon
maria riskova
multiplace programme coordinator
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