[mtp-vykony] SKOK DO SIETE: Fwd: call for participants - Synchroni-cities: a trail can lead to many places...

dusan dusan at idealnypartner.sk
Mon Apr 9 21:42:34 CEST 2007

vyzvy kludne hadz priamo na web

pod sem
login ako na mtp backstage
a mas tam tlacitko 'new' - tak vytvoris novu vyzvu.
pri kazdej takto vytvorenej vyzve je tlacitko 'edit'.
do datumu asi hod datum zverejnenia vyzvy (napr 2007-04-09),
cez "add related node" a nasledne "pridat" pridas organizatora vyzvy.
pripadne ako "ucastnika" mozes pridat kontaktnu osobu pre vyzvu -
do pola "note" napises ze "kontaktna osoba" alebo nieco podobne.
tagy nemusis ziadne davat,
vyzvu samotnu pejstnes do OBSAH.
snad jasne,
ak nie mozem vytvorit tuto jednu a ostatne prihodis podla tejto.
potom mi daj tiez vediet podla coho ich mam nechat zoradovat.


On Mon, April 9, 2007 4:50 pm, Maria Riskova said:
> ahojte
> takze mozeme ist na to
> prva vyzva o zapojenie sa...
> treba sa rozhodnut ako dalej s tymito calls...
> ako ich distribuovat - dalo by sa ist na to aj
> tak, ze to bude kazdy jednoducho preposielat
> dalej, podla typu vyzvy, ludom, ktorym chce...
> posielanie cez mailing listy treba trochu zvazit...
> ja robim balik s tym, co uz mam - budem
> potrebovat od kazdeho upravu a definitivnu verziu
> ich vyzvy pre ostatnych, pisem kazdemu osobitne
> ako s webom? mam to tam davat ja, ci napiseme
> este raz organizatorom, ze si mozu web upravovat
> sami???? a davat tam aj svoje vyzvy? to by bolo
> celkom fajn...
> ale neviem ako to urobit s vyzvami celkovo na
> webe - mohla by tam byt samostatna linka CALLS,
> tam kde su typy akcii?  a ja by som to tam uz
> hadzala postupne...
> medzinarodne vyzvy - netove projekty, anglictina
> atd. by mohla viera posuvat dalej... ako JUMP TO
> THE NET(WORK) - ci ako sme to prelozili?
> napr. tuto vyzvu by zuzana mohla dat na kyberku
> do fora, kde riesili mestske hry... ak viete o
> nejakych mailingoch, kde sa ludia zaujimaju o
> taketo hry, tak forwardnite...
>>From: Laura Codreanu <laura at altart.org>
>>*/Synchroni-cities: /*/A trail can lead to many places.../
>>*/subscribe starting April 7^th on
>>play April 14^th -- 22^nd /*
>>/Synchroni-cities/ is a simultaneous urban
>>exploration quest playing with the idea of
>>creating /multiplaces/ - sets of synonymous
>>places that have the same definition: the same
>>trail leads to them. The game takes place in the
>>real world in cities across Europe and the
>>internet. /Synchroni-cities/ is developed by
>>AltArt (www.altart.org <http://www.altart.org/>)
>>and is part of the /Multiplace Festival/
>>(www.multiplace.sk <http://www.multiplace.sk/>).
>>To enter the project as explorer you need to
>>register, download the trails and follow the
>>route in your city. Document your journey and
>>"stick to the real". Flag the end point as final
>>destination of the trail you have completed.
>>Upload your images and texts to the project
>>website and let the online community rate your
>>/multiplace/. You could win a piece of reality,
>>other than yours...
>>*/Synchroni-cities/**. /The concept/*/
>>A trail can lead to many places. Places a given
>>trail leads to define a multiplace/
>>We generally assume maps guide us from where
>>ever we are to where we want to go. When using a
>>map we repeatedly match the map's clues
>>(corners, street names, etc) against reality and
>>the road to our destination is a trail of clues
>>we successfully matched against points of
>>reality. If we don't know our destination, the
>>map (the clue set) and the process of using the
>>map (the matching process) validate the place at
>>the end of our journey and make us recognize it
>>as the point we wanted to get to. We define such
>>a place as "the place our trail leads us to."
>>This definition is as valid as our judgement,
>>our clues and our reality. If any of these
>>conditions are offset we wind up in different
>>places every time we use the same map. Then we
>>have a set of places that are synonymous,
>>because they have the same definition: the same
>>trail leads us to them. We call such a set of
>>places a multiplace. Our aim is to document the
>>trails and places defining a multiplace.
>>Different places that make up a multiplace speak
>>about us - the ones who declared these places
>>synonymous in the first place.
>>*/Trace your space!/**/
>> <http://www.altart.org/synchroni-cities>
>>/ <http://www.altart.org/synchroni-cities>/
>>AltArt Foundation
>>Binar Centre: Str. Universitatii 2, Cluj, Romania
>>**tel/fax +40 264 598534
>>mob +40 723 263072
>>office at altart.org <mailto:office at altart.org>
>>Synchroni-cities: A trail can lead to many places...
>>subscribe starting April 7th on
>>play April 14th - 22nd
>>Synchroni-cities is a simultaneous urban
>>exploration quest playing with the idea of
>>creating multiplaces - sets of synonymous places
>>that have the same definition: the same trail
>>leads to them. The game takes place in the real
>>world in cities across Europe and the internet.
>>Synchroni-cities is developed by AltArt
>>(<http://www.altart.org/>www.altart.org) and is
>>part of the Multiplace Festival
>>To enter the project as explorer you need to
>>register, download the trails and follow the
>>route in your city. Document your journey and
>>"stick to the real". Flag the end point as final
>>destination of the trail you have completed.
>>Upload your images and texts to the project
>>website and let the online community rate your
>>multiplace. You could win a piece of reality,
>>other than yoursŠ
>>Synchroni-cities. The concept
>>A trail can lead to many places. Places a given
>>trail leads to define a multiplace
>>We generally assume maps guide us from where
>>ever we are to where we want to go. When using a
>>map we repeatedly match the map's clues
>>(corners, street names, etc) against reality and
>>the road to our destination is a trail of clues
>>we successfully matched against points of
>>reality. If we don't know our destination, the
>>map (the clue set) and the process of using the
>>map (the matching process) validate the place at
>>the end of our journey and make us recognize it
>>as the point we wanted to get to. We define such
>>a place as "the place our trail leads us to."
>>This definition is as valid as our judgement,
>>our clues and our reality. If any of these
>>conditions are offset we wind up in different
>>places every time we use the same map. Then we
>>have a set of places that are synonymous,
>>because they have the same definition: the same
>>trail leads us to them. We call such a set of
>>places a multiplace. Our aim is to document the
>>trails and places defining a multiplace.
>>Different places that make up a multiplace speak
>>about us - the ones who declared these places
>>synonymous in the first place.
>>Trace your space!
>>AltArt Foundation
>>Binar Centre: Str. Universitatii 2, Cluj, Romania
>>tel/fax +40 264 598534
>>mob +40 723 263072
>><mailto:office at altart.org>office at altart.org
> _______________________________________________
> mtp-vykony mailing list
> mtp-vykony at 13m3.sk
> http://13m3.sk/mailman/listinfo/mtp-vykony

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