[mtp-vykony] Re: urgent question
babuta at 34.sk
babuta at 34.sk
Tue Apr 3 11:26:49 CEST 2007
toto co tu je za separe mailing list :)
akoze nejaky viac responsible nez program a vykony :)
no ja len ze teda este neviem kde by to mohlo byt.
guy si dal ten datum, ale vtedy je akcia v deserte, tak neviem ci to pojde
na favu - ci tam bude technika alebo nie. este mozno v tom deserte by to
slo, ale kazdopadne teraz vam to nepoviem
lebo ved prave mi to napisal tiez,
no tak tak
nieco vybavime
inde On Tue, April 3, 2007 10:57 am, givan bela wrote:
> marisa and others...
>> please, could you send us the text needed for finishing the programme -
>> about two perfos - 1. friday 13th in kubiky - starting party of
>> multiplace, 2. in bastart the next friday... i have no info what's
>> happening...
> see underneath.. sorry to be late it was so hectic here up to now... but
> check babuta for the right name of the place in brno...!!!
>> thanks a lot and how are you there?
> Ah I am not an organizer anymore ... everything is going crazy because
> tomorrow okno public #3 opens but look; sitting here writing a litlte text
> etc ... so we survive hihi
> technically we need electricity, each of us 2 speakers for the sound (and
> amplification, 4 speakers in total), 2 rgb projectors, 2 small tables and
> 2 comfortable chairs - guess we can set up in the morning
> and work till it is finished? michal is coming to bratislava and I am going
> to brno, now I am in brussels and for the last one we can all do it from
> home, nice no?
> *
> gívan belá
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------
> A Network Tour
> by Michal Kindernay and Givan Bela
> 07 april at okno.be brussels for public #3
> 13 april at 13m3.sk bratislava for multiplace.sk
> 18 april at ?babuta? brno for multiplace.sk
> 20 april at bastart.sk bratislava for multiplace.sk
> 27 april at internet only for you
> michal kindernay and givan bela explore their network audiovisual lab live
> in 5 different locations . techniques of micromontage, granularity,
> trancoding, distributed networked processing and many others will be
> tested in realtime . one day the real piece can emerge . maybe not at all
> if the idea of a real piece will be gone by then . is there a future for
> art when old retards persist in asking useless questions like Ist die
> Moderne unsere Antike? meantime come and visit
> the labs at the designated locations . or connect to the websites . no
> beauty included .
> !DSPAM:2,46121722912611532215027!
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