Movement Freedom Sound

01. máj 2008 19h, verejný priestor, IS_Reykjavík
Chaotic Confluence Commitee
The Lost Horse Gallery
streaming date :1st of May 2008 time : from 19.00
The Performance will be held above the horizon of the atlantic ocean by the Trio : "Movement, Freedom, Sound"on the third peak of Blafjoll mountain on the reykjanes peninsula of Iceland.
artists: The C C C consist mainly of Monika Frycova, Eva Isleifsdottir and Alexander Zaklynsky.
The Indoor performance will take place the following weekend and will be taped and streamed to the international summit of Multiplace. We will also have various guests that will remain unmentioned untill the actual
performance in The LOST HORSE Gallery on May 3rd and 4th between 6
and 9 Pm. |