[mtp-program] multiplace zacal

zuzana at 34.sk zuzana at 34.sk
Sat Apr 14 17:44:05 CEST 2007

Mili organizatori,
v Bratislave sa prave dnes rozbalilo Open Design Studio a privita, ked nam
este pocas tyzdna (ideal hned po akcii) poslete nejake fotografie,
recenzie - rovno ich vyuzijeme pre navstevnikov workshopu o tvorbe
skolskych casopisov. Planom je vytvorit na mieste multiplace casopis,
vytlacit ho a poslat vsetkym.


zbiera: zuzana at 34.sk

Dear organisers,
here in Bratislava Open Design Sudio just started to operate. We would
appreciate if you send us photos and reviews immediately after your event,
so we can use this material at the worskhop for students and create a
multiplace magazine. We will print it and send it to you afterwards.

So send everything to me: zuzana at 34.sk

thank you!


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