Community media
Marcel Hečko (SK/UK)
Itchy bit, Multiplace 2008, A4 – Associations for contemporary culture
Is it true that the more discussion there is about communities, the less is left of them (like it is the case of icebergs) ? What are then the ambitions of media that give the members of community a chance to speak up without intermediaries, more freely and by their own means? Does the notion of community media make sense? It is not only the case of Slovakia where the media are seen as untouchable ivory towers - in better case defending their professionality and objectivity, in the worse case the good image of their founders (f.e. regional media in Slovakia)

Since there is few experience with this kind of communication in Slovakia, we'll invite Marcel Hečko who is working for Station house media productions (Aberdeen, UK). SHMU is a community unit that supports residents in radio and video production, traditional and on-line publications. His exprience will be complemented by other (physically or telematically present) guests, who have been involved in similar intiatives.

After the discussion there will be party in the informal environment of festival Multibar.

Marcel Hečko - President and co-founder of (non-profit organisation maintaining a open wi-fi network in Bratislava), IT services manager and WiFi insfrastructure project leader at Station House Media Unit, Aberdeen, UK.

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