MULTIPLACE 2007 / festival sieťovej kultúry / network culture festival / 13 - 22 04 2007
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Sampling: From Regression To Transgression In Listening
Lucia Udvardyova (SK/CZ)
CIANT - International Centre for Art and New Technologies
Recontextualisation, remanipulation, remix. The modus operandi of a great part of 20th century art was characterized by recontextualisation of the “old“ into the “new“ by an increasingly active consumer. Following in the footsteps of the recontextualisation discourse of futurism, dadaism or musique concrete is music sampling as seen in contemporary music, be it hip hop, electronic music or pop. The grounds for the theoretical framework is the polemics of Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin on production and reception of media messages. Adorno´s assertion about the implicit passivity of recipients contrasts with the later theoretical paradigms of French neomarxism, semiotics and cultural studies (Michel de Certeau, Roland Barthes, Julia Kristeva, Umberto Eco, Stuart Hall; Chris Cutler and plundrophonics, Nicolas Bourriaud and postproduction), which emphasize the activity of the consumer of symbolic messages. Sampling, as an example of active “consumption“ has blurred the boundaries between consumption and production, paving the way for a so called “prosumer“.
Lucia Udvardyova graduated from Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University in 2006. She interested in elektronic music, street art, DIY media and subcultures.


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