infocenter & multiflat


A4, Nám SNP 12, Bratislava
18-24.4. 2005
opening hours: 12.00-20.00

INFO – news about current program, events promo-materials, press releases
TRASH CAFE – resurrected comps will serve to festival guests and visitors
As a result of the project RECYCLE IT that BURUNDI STUDIO started this spring,
we are able now to offer several recycled computers (running open-source systems)
for the use of public (be it browsing or simply trying to figure out the operating
systems); we also intend to configure some of them as GATEWAYS to access the other
organisers involved in the festival by means of streams, chat channels or remore
control technologies / time and place: A4 klub / BURUNDI DISPLEJ during the opening
hours of the festival's infocenter
SINGLE SCREEN – screening of artistic videos, documentaries, films, Multiplace
Please find the programme of the infocentre sreenings in at
In the programme you can find, for instance, videos by Eléonore de Montesquiou,
Kevin Hamilton, Aneta Mona Chisa and Lucia Tkáčová, students from the Studio of
New Media I at AVU, Mária Čorejová and Michaela Nociarová, ambient TV, films from
the Video as Urban Condition project, activist videos, selection from Select Media
festival in Chicago, films from the Memorystyque project and works by other festival
participants. Single screen will also presentalso video stremaing from other cities
and places, records from events, documentation from previous festivals and various
kinds of information concerning the festial and its programme.
MEETING POINT – place for visitors, artists, organizers to find themselves
PROGRAMME – some of the events organized in A4 – zero space will be held in the
infocentre space

informal network of festival flat parties

The informal nature of Multiplace produces many intense contacts between
artists, organizers and visitors. The parties, concerts and presentations
taking place during the festival very often spontaneously continue in
artists' flats and these experiences over the past years inspired the idea
of developing these places of creativity, inspiration and fun. Anybody can
become a host of a festival flat party - the only conditions are: to prepare
a programme connected with the festival and to organize a party. Festival
guests are sure to eagerly provide the programme while the style and
organization of the party depend on the owner of the flat or the party's
location. The flat owner decides how many people are welcome, allowing
entry to anybody registered first to the party guestlist. Registered
parties with their programmes and guestlists will be on the page